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1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

Hello! As you can probably tell from the title, this topic is about some scratch addons that i am making. The addons are very simple and this list will get updated often. Most of the addons can be added to a scratch mod without any consequences and have been tested with Scratch 1.4. Feel free to post your own addons and report any bugs.

In order to use the addons, you must first install the installer. It is quite simple. Instructions (borrowed from nXiii's Scratch Patches):
Step 1: Open Scratch
Step 2: Press and hold the “shift” key while clicking the loop of the “R” in the Scratch logo
Step 3: Select “turn fill-screen off” from the popup menu which shows up
Not showing up? Make sure you're clicking inside the loop of the “R”; the “logo” referred to is the one in the top-left corner.
Step 4: Click anywhere in the “white space” which shows up at the bottom and right sides of the window
Step 5: Select “open…” from the popup menu
Step 6: Select “workspace” from the subsequent popup menu
Step 7: Copy the following text and paste it into the textbox-like window by clicking the “-” button above the scrollbar (appears when the mouse is over the “workspace” window) and selecting “paste (v)”
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 18 June 2010 at 5:06:17 pm'!

!ScratchFileChooserDialog methodsFor: 'initialization'!
scratchFrame _ nil.
readingScratchFile _ true.
list _ ScratchFilePicker new extensions: #(#patch #cs #st #txt).
self removeAllMorphs.
bottomSpacer delete.
bottomSpacer _ nil.
mainColumn addMorphBack: list.
self title: 'Install Addon/Patch'.
list scratchInfoClient: nil.
mainColumn addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 9;
color: Color transparent);
addMorphBack: newTitleBin.
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: buttonRow.
self addMorphBack: shortcutColumn;
addMorphBack: mainColumn;
addMorphBack: fileInfoColumn! !

!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'!
| t1 t2 t3 t4 |
t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog new createAddonFileChooser;
type: #addon.
t2 _ t1 getUserResponse.
t2 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self].
t3 _ (FileDirectory forFileName: t2)
oldFileNamed: t2.
t4 _ t3 contentsOfEntireFile.
on: t4
from: 1
to: t4 size) fileIn! !

!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'!
editMenu: t1
| t2 |
t2 _ CustomMenu new.
t2 add: 'Undelete' action: #undoTool.
t2 addLine.
ScratchProcess blockHighlightMSecs <= 1
ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Start Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping]
ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Stop Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping].
t2 add: 'Set Single Stepping' action: #setSingleStepping.
t2 addLine.
t2 add: 'Compress Sounds' action: #compressSounds.
t2 add: 'Compress Images' action: #compressImages.
t2 addLine.
workPane showMotorBlocks
ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Hide Motor Blocks' action: #hideMotorBlocks]
ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Show Motor Blocks' action: #showMotorBlocks].
t2 addLine.
t2 add: 'Add addon/Patch...' action: #addonChooser.
t2 localize.
#(3 4 5 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3)
copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1)
, ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix].
t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !

Step 8: Select all the text by click-and-drag or by pressing (Windows) Alt+A or (Mac) Command+A
Step 9: File in the selection by right-clicking (Mac option+click) the selection and clicking “more…” then “file it in”
Step 10: Shift-click the loop of the “R” in the Scratch logo again and select “save image for end-user” then select “yes” when prompted. Scratch should close, and when restarted you will see a new option in the edit menu for adding an addon.
Step 11: After installing a patch, make sure that your scratch project is saved, and Shift-click the loop of the “R” in the Scratch logo. Click “save image for end-user” and select “yes” when prompted. Scratch should close, and when restarted your addon will be a permanent addition to Scratch.

BYOB Elements by Jens Mönig
This addon will give you an “edit elements” option when right-clicking on certain blocks. If you don't know about elements yet, you can read about them Here

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?8u9yiq4rvqmb665
Block>XML by Jens Mönig, updated by EMPedemonte20
This addon will give you an option to export a script to xml, such as for editing a long script with an XML parser.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qln588ekpty3e1y/XML_Block.1.cs
Block Exchanger by Dreammod , compatability added by EMPedemonte20
This addon will allow you to turn any block into another block with a simple right click. Therefore, you don't have to tear apart long scripts just to change a simple block.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?x35l281dj758fcj
Block Importer v1.1 by EMPedemonte20
This addon will give you the ability to import any block you want and load projects with imported blocks. It also removes the share function from Scratch due to the Scratch source code License. When making your own blocks, make sure that you have the block specs on the first line. Start the fileIn code from the fifth line.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/498w3s3nfm3z5j8/blockimporter.1.cs
Sample Block File: https://www.mediafire.com/?tm2b5bbdma2utpq

Last edited by NoMod-Programming (July 14, 2015 18:04:33)

Long-since moved on from Scratch, if you need to find all my posts, search this in google: 3499447a51c01fc4dc1e8c3b8182b41cb0e88c67
1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

Block Importerby EMPedemonte20
This addon will give you the ability to import any block you want and load projects with imported blocks. It also removes the share function from Scratch due to the Scratch source code License.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?c3vxmcd7hj82mk8
Sample Block File: https://www.mediafire.com/?tm2b5bbdma2utpq
NEW UPDATE: Block Importer Have fun making your own blocks

Last edited by NoMod-Programming (July 13, 2015 15:27:36)

Long-since moved on from Scratch, if you need to find all my posts, search this in google: 3499447a51c01fc4dc1e8c3b8182b41cb0e88c67
1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

NoMod-Programming wrote:

Hello! As you can probably tell from the title, this topic is about some scratch addons that i am making. The addons are very simple and this list will get updated often. Most of the addons can be added to a scratch mod without any consequences and have been tested with Scratch 1.4. Feel free to post your own addons and report any bugs.

In order to use the addons, you must first install the installer. It is quite simple. Instructions (borrowed from nXiii's Scratch Patches):
Step 1: Open Scratch
Step 2: Press and hold the “shift” key while clicking the loop of the “R” in the Scratch logo
Step 3: Select “turn fill-screen off” from the popup menu which shows up
Not showing up? Make sure you're clicking inside the loop of the “R”; the “logo” referred to is the one in the top-left corner.
Step 4: Click anywhere in the “white space” which shows up at the bottom and right sides of the window
Step 5: Select “open…” from the popup menu
Step 6: Select “workspace” from the subsequent popup menu
Step 7: Copy the following text and paste it into the textbox-like window by clicking the “-” button above the scrollbar (appears when the mouse is over the “workspace” window) and selecting “paste (v)”
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 18 June 2010 at 5:06:17 pm'!

!ScratchFileChooserDialog methodsFor: 'initialization'!
scratchFrame _ nil.
readingScratchFile _ true.
list _ ScratchFilePicker new extensions: #(#patch #cs #st #txt).
self removeAllMorphs.
bottomSpacer delete.
bottomSpacer _ nil.
mainColumn addMorphBack: list.
self title: 'Install Addon/Patch'.
list scratchInfoClient: nil.
mainColumn addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 9;
color: Color transparent);
addMorphBack: newTitleBin.
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: buttonRow.
self addMorphBack: shortcutColumn;
addMorphBack: mainColumn;
addMorphBack: fileInfoColumn! !

!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'!
| t1 t2 t3 t4 |
t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog new createAddonFileChooser;
type: #addon.
t2 _ t1 getUserResponse.
t2 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self].
t3 _ (FileDirectory forFileName: t2)
oldFileNamed: t2.
t4 _ t3 contentsOfEntireFile.
on: t4
from: 1
to: t4 size) fileIn! !

!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'!
editMenu: t1
| t2 |
t2 _ CustomMenu new.
t2 add: 'Undelete' action: #undoTool.
t2 addLine.
ScratchProcess blockHighlightMSecs <= 1
ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Start Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping]
ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Stop Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping].
t2 add: 'Set Single Stepping' action: #setSingleStepping.
t2 addLine.
t2 add: 'Compress Sounds' action: #compressSounds.
t2 add: 'Compress Images' action: #compressImages.
t2 addLine.
workPane showMotorBlocks
ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Hide Motor Blocks' action: #hideMotorBlocks]
ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Show Motor Blocks' action: #showMotorBlocks].

t2 localize.
t2 addLine.
t2 add: 'Add addon/Patch...' action: #addonChooser
#(3 4 5 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3)
copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1)
, ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix].
t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !

Step 8: Select all the text by click-and-drag or by pressing (Windows) Alt+A or (Mac) Command+A
Step 9: File in the selection by right-clicking (Mac option+click) the selection and clicking “more…” then “file it in”
Step 10: Shift-click the loop of the “R” in the Scratch logo again and select “save image for end-user” then select “yes” when prompted. Scratch should close, and when restarted you will see a new option in the edit menu for adding an addon.

BYOB Elements by Jens Mönig
This addon will give you an “edit elements” option when right-clicking on certain blocks. If you don't know about elements yet, you can read about them Here

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?8u9yiq4rvqmb665
Block>XML by Jens Mönig, updated by EMPedemonte20
This addon will give you an option to export a script to xml, such as for editing a long script with an XML parser.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qln588ekpty3e1y/XML_Block.1.cs
Block Exchanger by Dreammod , compatability added by EMPedemonte20
This addon will allow you to turn any block into another block with a simple right click. Therefore, you don't have to tear apart long scripts just to change a simple block.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?x35l281dj758fcj
Block Importerby EMPedemonte20
This addon will give you the ability to import any block you want and load projects with imported blocks. It also removes the share function from Scratch due to the Scratch source code License.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?c3vxmcd7hj82mk8
Sample Block File: https://www.mediafire.com/?tm2b5bbdma2utpq
It gives me a syntax error when i try to instal it

who needs signatures
1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

BookOwl wrote:

It gives me a syntax error when i try to instal it
Copy it again. It should be fixed now.

Last edited by NoMod-Programming (July 13, 2015 15:39:47)

Long-since moved on from Scratch, if you need to find all my posts, search this in google: 3499447a51c01fc4dc1e8c3b8182b41cb0e88c67
1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

UPDATE: Block Importer updated to 1.1. Enyoy making your own blocks! The current sample .block file includes the current year and current month blocks

Long-since moved on from Scratch, if you need to find all my posts, search this in google: 3499447a51c01fc4dc1e8c3b8182b41cb0e88c67
1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

That's pretty cool!

202e-202e-202e-202e-202e UNI-CODE~~~~~
1000+ posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

liam48D wrote:

That's pretty cool!

Long-since moved on from Scratch, if you need to find all my posts, search this in google: 3499447a51c01fc4dc1e8c3b8182b41cb0e88c67
15 posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

I am going to install it. Also, it sounds really cool.
15 posts

Scratch 1.4 Addons!!!

What do you do after you have downloaded it?

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