Discuss Scratch

27 posts

Sidescrollers: difficulty of actually making a sidescrolling level in scratch, How to do it? :/

Okay, I was here way before scratch 1.3 came out, so I know it was quite easy to do in the old version of scratch.
However, I can't quite seem to do it now.
If I actually get it to work, I prefer using a tile system so I have a 64x64 tile for the ground, but the edges are really rough but mathematically they should fit perfectly.
I have tried 480x64 stages of a sidescrolling level, but, because most of my levels are alpha, this is hard to work around as scratch will adjust the resolution to fit around the alpha.
I have also tried putting in a huge level, bigger than the window itself…
it re-sizes itself.
Oh why ;__;
I have managed to get it to work before perfectly.
Now it does not.
Is there any simple way to actually get it to work?
To see how difficult my tiles are to work with, go to my most recent project, Globa.
It's not playable.
77 posts

Sidescrollers: difficulty of actually making a sidescrolling level in scratch, How to do it? :/

Yeah I find that with microsprites like that, the movement is staggered because it simply doesn't load for each one fast enough. If you go into the editor, it works fine, so it's not a code problem. I think the easiest way is to just create 480/360 screens to scroll, that contain only the blocks that are to be walked on (which you are already doing ). However, I would create a separate sprite for each part of the level and use local tilex/tiley variables, as this is a lot easier than manipulating clones. To save space, have each 480/360 area have 1 costume per level, and have them all switch on level switch. This way, you don't ever have to change the tilex/tiley variables after they are set.
1000+ posts

Sidescrollers: difficulty of actually making a sidescrolling level in scratch, How to do it? :/

0bitasy0 wrote:

Yeah I find that with microsprites like that, the movement is staggered because it simply doesn't load for each one fast enough. If you go into the editor, it works fine, so it's not a code problem. I think the easiest way…
Actually, this is a code problem. It staggers because each sprite is receiving a different Scroll value. Why? Because the scroll script will run before some tiles move, so they get one scroll value, while other tiles move after the scroll scripts run, so they get a second value. Still, other then that, nice advice!

With regards,


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