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100+ posts

Would be nice to have versioning of projects

Not for this release.

But at some point it would be nice to have some sort of versioning. For now I can make copies, but it would be nice each time I leave “see inside” I create a new version. So that when I really screw up my project I can rollback.


“If you give a child an answer, you solve a problem for a day,
If you teach a child to find the answers, you prepare her for life.”
- Mr. Steve's Science
1000+ posts

Would be nice to have versioning of projects

Agree! We're moving in that direction - I hope it will be something we can add maybe even before the next release, 2.1.

1000+ posts

Would be nice to have versioning of projects

Cool. Maybe like how Google Docs has ‘Version History’? This would also help for historical purposes.

i would like to sincerely apologize for the above post.

i am stupid, weird, worthless, and in general a bad person but at least i am decent at platformers.
1000+ posts

Would be nice to have versioning of projects

Support! I'm actually using an alt account for this purpose. It would be nice to have it all in one place instead.
1000+ posts

Would be nice to have versioning of projects

realItchCat wrote:

Please be constructive, you need to give a reason behind a support or no support.wait a minute…
That was April Fools Day, not “Bump Really Old Topics For The Fun Of It Day”

This would be nice to have… this is really, really old… and we thought that a newer topic was the original…
Anyways, this is still relevent.

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
500+ posts

Would be nice to have versioning of projects

To much storage space - no support


platfomer coming soon

funny by my m8

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