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- HashBrown_Studios
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Please Rate and Review my work in progress game Pixel World :) :D :|
Last edited by HashBrown_Studios (April 17, 2015 00:35:05)
- rocksteady666
8 posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
This isn't really a game but rate it please, I worked hard on the intro and the backrounds
Its a music player
This isn't really a game but rate it please, I worked hard on the intro and the backrounds
Its a music player
- rollercoasterfan
1000+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
How many games can you get reviewed?
If one, then a rate and review on this game please: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53662926/ It's simple, I know.
If more than one, then I'll add two more on later.
If one, then a rate and review on this game please: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53662926/ It's simple, I know.
If more than one, then I'll add two more on later.
- JereTheJuggler
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
How Metal Are You?Eh, why not? It's debatable whether or not it actually counts as a game, but seeing as how it's my first project in months…
You choose the package: Review game
Rate: 6.5
Ok, I don't have much to say because I'm not a medal fan but here are some things you might want to change, I think you should change the numbers on part 1 to love it, undescided, hate it, don't know them (I kept forgeting) or at least post those things in the notes to the side. The fire backdrop was really cool! I like how you gave you're score at the end! Of cource I get in the negatives. Another thing is to put something that tells you to press space (cause I had a hard time fiquring that out). That's about it!
It does tell you that you have to press space, but only after the song is done playing, because I'm evil like that! >:]
I also did consider your first suggestion while I was making it, but I (obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be suggesting it) decided against it in the end.
Anyways, like I said, that was my first project in months, which is the only reason I went with that one for you to review. If you want to see my best work, this is where you'll find it.
Last edited by JereTheJuggler (April 17, 2015 05:33:54)
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
How Metal Are You?Eh, why not? It's debatable whether or not it actually counts as a game, but seeing as how it's my first project in months…
You choose the package: Review game
Rate: 6.5
Ok, I don't have much to say because I'm not a medal fan but here are some things you might want to change, I think you should change the numbers on part 1 to love it, undescided, hate it, don't know them (I kept forgeting) or at least post those things in the notes to the side. The fire backdrop was really cool! I like how you gave you're score at the end! Of cource I get in the negatives. Another thing is to put something that tells you to press space (cause I had a hard time fiquring that out). That's about it!
It does tell you that you have to press space, but only after the song is done playing, because I'm evil like that! >:]
I also did consider your first suggestion while I was making it, but I (obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be suggesting it) decided against it in the end.
Anyways, like I said, that was my first project in months, which is the only reason I went with that one for you to review. If you want to see my best work, this is where you'll find it.
ok, I'll check it out! and thanks for checking this out!
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
How many games can you get reviewed?
If one, then a rate and review on this game please: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53662926/ It's simple, I know.
If more than one, then I'll add two more on later.
You can do as many as you want ( Please be reasonable thought) but the review might take longer (:
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Can you review this for me?
Thanks ^~^
You choose the package: Review
This game is addicting, Its the truth! My Personal high score is 410 which brings me to my next idea, you could add a personal high score. The graphics are great and I see no real glitchs (except for when you just fall for 0-3 seconds you can go through blocks).The instructions should be posted in the game because some people don't spend time to read the instructions. Another thing would be to add golden coins, silver coins, and brons coins and each coin gives you different amounts of points! (:
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
gameI'd like the rate and review package for this game:
You choose the package: rate and review
Rate: 6
I like it but there is defently room for improvement! Lets start with the glitches.
1. The cloud sometimes teleported of the screen making you die
2. sometimes you get stuck on the top of the screen where that one cloud is up there
But I have a ton of great ideas for your game
1.add multiple clouds
2. add a score keeper/timer (Then you can also add a highscore list/variable)
3. coins that add onto your time
4.I just like making lists (:
to improve your GRAPHICS you should make some art on the game. Make the game over text real Big so that it looks professional.
- rollercoasterfan
1000+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
How many games can you get reviewed?
If one, then a rate and review on this game please: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53662926/ It's simple, I know.
If more than one, then I'll add two more on later.
You can do as many as you want ( Please be reasonable thought) but the review might take longer (:
Oh, okay. I'll add one more after the first one has gotten rated and reviewed.
- djwaynoproductions
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Please try this amazing game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/37953004/
- meowmoo
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Can you please review another one of my games? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/24266979/
- djwaynoproductions
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
oh yea and here are some cheats iforgot2reload, ipickthat1, and didyoufeelthat
Last edited by djwaynoproductions (April 18, 2015 00:07:06)
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Pixel World :) :D :|Please Rate and Review my work in progress game You choose the package: Rate and review
Rate: 7
It was really laggy (probally my computer) yet really good. There's not much here to review really, I think you've got it all under control! The only thing is you might want to do is hide the press space to load code variable in the beginning. The graphics and coding look great so keep up the good work!
- ScratchGuy5
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Review Game (It's a remix)
(There's a secret ending… look for something on the bottom-left corner after you get a game over.)
(There's a secret ending… look for something on the bottom-left corner after you get a game over.)
- Birdlegs
1000+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Oh, that “glitch” is a feature. Note the flashing character indicating invulnerability :3Can you review this for me?
Thanks ^~^
You choose the package: Review
This game is addicting, Its the truth! My Personal high score is 410 which brings me to my next idea, you could add a personal high score. The graphics are great and I see no real glitchs (except for when you just fall for 0-3 seconds you can go through blocks).The instructions should be posted in the game because some people don't spend time to read the instructions. Another thing would be to add golden coins, silver coins, and brons coins and each coin gives you different amounts of points! (:
- LovelyLadybird100
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Rate and review this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/55009812/
- kuba772kubakuba
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Please review, and rate my “The Button” game and graphics: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/57314866/. Write what's your favourite minigame if you can.
- WarpSpeed
22 posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Please Rate and Review graphics for the project Planet Nevil v1.1
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