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- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Nice! Thanks for the review! BTW I changed the signs so they can be opened with the mouse pointer.
- ScratchGuy5
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
I decided to call it S-Coins. Cool huh? You could call it “SKY CASH”
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Nice! I like it!I decided to call it S-Coins. Cool huh? You could call it “SKY CASH”
- Raindrop57
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Come on, nobody wants reviews?
-Free bump by someone else.
-Free bump by someone else.
- Critic2100
1000+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Rate and review game (OS) , please.
Last edited by Critic2100 (April 15, 2015 00:14:29)
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Come on, nobody wants reviews?
-Free bump by someone else.
- meowmoo
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Please review and rate https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/19353533/. Thanks!
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
OS) , please.Rate and review game (
You chose the package: Rate and review game
Ok, Its a great OS with a ton of music! Rate: 7 That's above average, congrats! Music is where it's at!!! I think you need to seriously shorten your loading screen time, it was WAY to long. The games where great and I loved the ice cream creator! You might want the orange backdrop to look more professional. I suggest a black rim on the top and bottom of the screen and then have a windows 8 style app look! I love your adds and they appear quite smooth which is good. If you could maybe somehow add a in game password creator (instead of in the comments manually) that would be cool. (Hint: Use cloud variables and/or lists). Another App you might want to add is a painting app using the paint features on scratch! Another item might be a notepad. Example of these apps can be found here, at the scratch OS Keep up the good work AND ITS A GREAT OS!
- Critic2100
1000+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
OS) , please.Rate and review game (
You chose the package: Rate and review game
Ok, Its a great OS with a ton of music! Rate: 7 That's above average, congrats! Music is where it's at!!! I think you need to seriously shorten your loading screen time, it was WAY to long. The games where great and I loved the ice cream creator! You might want the orange backdrop to look more professional. I suggest a black rim on the top and bottom of the screen and then have a windows 8 style app look! I love your adds and they appear quite smooth which is good. If you could maybe somehow add a in game password creator (instead of in the comments manually) that would be cool. (Hint: Use cloud variables and/or lists). Another App you might want to add is a painting app using the paint features on scratch! Another item might be a notepad. Example of these apps can be found here, at the scratch OS Keep up the good work AND ITS A GREAT OS!
Thanks! I'll shorten the load a bit. I'll also change the backdrop. In the next version, I'll add a settings app so you can can change the color and a few other things. I might make a in game password creator in the version after the next version. I'll also add a notifications app in the next version, and maybe a paint app in the version after that.
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
OS) , please.Rate and review game (
You chose the package: Rate and review game
Ok, Its a great OS with a ton of music! Rate: 7 That's above average, congrats! Music is where it's at!!! I think you need to seriously shorten your loading screen time, it was WAY to long. The games where great and I loved the ice cream creator! You might want the orange backdrop to look more professional. I suggest a black rim on the top and bottom of the screen and then have a windows 8 style app look! I love your adds and they appear quite smooth which is good. If you could maybe somehow add a in game password creator (instead of in the comments manually) that would be cool. (Hint: Use cloud variables and/or lists). Another App you might want to add is a painting app using the paint features on scratch! Another item might be a notepad. Example of these apps can be found here, at the scratch OS Keep up the good work AND ITS A GREAT OS!
Thanks! I'll shorten the load a bit. I'll also change the backdrop. In the next version, I'll add a settings app so you can can change the color and a few other things. I might make a in game password creator in the version after the next version. I'll also add a notifications app in the next version, and maybe a paint app in the version after that.
Yay! Ok, tell me when it comes out!
- Critic2100
1000+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Okay!OS) , please.Rate and review game (
You chose the package: Rate and review game
Ok, Its a great OS with a ton of music! Rate: 7 That's above average, congrats! Music is where it's at!!! I think you need to seriously shorten your loading screen time, it was WAY to long. The games where great and I loved the ice cream creator! You might want the orange backdrop to look more professional. I suggest a black rim on the top and bottom of the screen and then have a windows 8 style app look! I love your adds and they appear quite smooth which is good. If you could maybe somehow add a in game password creator (instead of in the comments manually) that would be cool. (Hint: Use cloud variables and/or lists). Another App you might want to add is a painting app using the paint features on scratch! Another item might be a notepad. Example of these apps can be found here, at the scratch OS Keep up the good work AND ITS A GREAT OS!
Thanks! I'll shorten the load a bit. I'll also change the backdrop. In the next version, I'll add a settings app so you can can change the color and a few other things. I might make a in game password creator in the version after the next version. I'll also add a notifications app in the next version, and maybe a paint app in the version after that.
Yay! Ok, tell me when it comes out!
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/19353533/. Thanks!Please review and rate You chose the package: Rate and review game
Rate: 6, Ok, I just came back from your game and I loved the script and how you die in sparkles! Theres a few glitches , you can wall jump until you reach the top and then you can jump over the rail. Maybe add a ceiling so you can't fall forever. Its also quiet annoying when you go in the checker box area when you bounce everywhere randomly. You might want to hide the variables, Just an idea! This could also be a great game! Just add that you have to collect the coins and your set! Keep up the good work!
- ScratchinJoJo
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Nice idea!
Would you mind rating and reviewing this spaceshooter?
Would you mind rating and reviewing this spaceshooter?

- meowmoo
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Thanks, I'll consider changing the way the checker box is organized, add an option to hide the variables (I kept it there just because I felt seeing how a platform engine works is really important.), and add a roof.https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/19353533/. Thanks!Please review and rate You chose the package: Rate and review game
Rate: 6, Ok, I just came back from your game and I loved the script and how you die in sparkles! Theres a few glitches , you can wall jump until you reach the top and then you can jump over the rail. Maybe add a ceiling so you can't fall forever. Its also quiet annoying when you go in the checker box area when you bounce everywhere randomly. You might want to hide the variables, Just an idea! This could also be a great game! Just add that you have to collect the coins and your set! Keep up the good work!
- coderdojobray
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Could you please review this game? (I'm not great at Scratch, but I'm improving!).
- s-swrichter
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
You chose the package: Rate and review Can you rate and review these games, please?
Bouncy Balls game
Muffin Sorter
Crab Smasher remix
Ok, I only had 10 minnutes to review all three of your games so it's kind of a short list but this is what I got.
Bouncy Ball Game
Rate: 3.5
It had alot of glitches, For example the score went into negatives (Maybe add a game over slide when the score=0?) Plus the time goes up, shouldn't the time be going down from 30 or something like that so you have limited time to score points with the apple while avoiding the balls. The graphics also need some improvements but the coding was great! Instead of using an apple to gain extra points maybe make it a circle with a heart in the middle to simbalize extra points. You could also add power ups! An example can be found in my game arrow. The balls could be replasied by missles which would look more dangourous. After all that is domne, you might also want to add a title screen. Keep up the good work!
Muffin sorter
Rate: 4.5
Many of the same things apply, Graphics could be approved and the gameplay is pretty sound. You might want to make the muffins glide using the glide blook (Look below) Another thing would be to make themuffins diffrent sizes making it harder. (Use the set size to block with a pick random block) Also the lives don't always work, I think the problem is that the orange circle is not in the front!
Crab Smasher Remix
Rate: UnRated
I can't rate this because it's a remix and remix's aren't all made by you! Some ideas to add: A title screen, A start button, A pause button and more! There's no glitch that I can see but like the other two games the graphics could be better.
- Raindrop57
500+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
I have another game of mine that I'd like you to rate and review!

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