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If you choose this I'll only review your sound and offer any suggestions
  • Might take longer due to I can't run sound at school! (:

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If you choose this I will rate (scale: 1-10) and review your whole game including
  • script
    title screen

Feedback included

Same as “Rate and Review game” but without rating, this is suggested for newer scratchers

Feedback included

If you choose this I will rate (scale: 1-10) and review your graphics giving feedback when nesscerary.

Feedback included

Same as “Review and Rate graphics” But without the rating, this is suggested for newer scratchers

Feedback included


This is an example of what your review would look like! (FROM @spockter 's REVIEW)
You chose the package: Rate and review game
Ok, I just came back from checking out your game and I would rate it a 6.5 which is above average, congrats! I loved the gameplay itself ( It was amazing the game play) but wasn't a big fan of the Game over graphics and the Store graphics which defently needs to be improved, The building on the background really didn't fit in. The title screen looked professional with the hills which I liked. Just a small thing that bothered me was that there was no pause button so no way to pause the game in case you had to go somewhere. Another thing that you might want to change is the costume the missile takes when getting hit, instead of a circle, maybe add a explosion? That would make it really good! Again, I loved the game! The music was really good too, and if you could get some explosion sound track that would be a great thing to add when you get hit. Keep up the good work!


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Last edited by s-swrichter (Jan. 31, 2016 23:16:37)

16 posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Please review and rate this game. @https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/30579866/
I would really appreciate it.
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

spockter wrote:

Please review and rate this game. @https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/30579866/
I would really appreciate it.

You chose the package: Rate and review game
Ok, I just came back from checking out your game and I would rate it a 6.5 which is above average, congrats! I loved the gameplay itself ( It was amazing the game play) but wasn't a big fan of the Game over graphics and the Store graphics which defently needs to be improved, The building on the background really didn't fit in. The title screen looked professional with the hills which I liked. Just a small thing that bothered me was that there was no pause button so no way to pause the game in case you had to go somewhere. Another thing that you might want to change is the costume the missile takes when getting hit, instead of a circle, maybe add a explosion? That would make it really good! Again, I loved the game! The music was really good too, and if you could get some explosion sound track that would be a great thing to add when you get hit. Keep up the good work!
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

XProgrammerX wrote:

Review + Rate - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/56513408/

You chose the package: Rate and review game

Ok, As I lose on the 5th level, I find a really plain you lose sign. Maybe make that better? At least display the character on that slide. This game is no different than the other million platformers on scratch. I rate this 5, which is the average. I really love the character himself! The title screen was ok but maybe add a instructions button. I'm not a big fan of the white backdrop, maybe add something there? Money would be a great feature to add to set it apart from the other platformers, another thing you could add is a trampiline style boost. This would be simply done by increasing the Yy variable (Or whatever you are using as your variable for the y axis) by about 6-12.

Here is a example of the trampoline style idea script:

if <touching color [#ff0088] ?>
change [ v] by (6)


Last edited by s-swrichter (April 13, 2015 20:59:37)

500+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

I choose the package: Rate and review. I pay nothing. I would really appriciate it since I've already tried twice to get games rated and they never were.

For this game. It is remixed, but only for the ball and platform script, because I CANNOT make platform scripts. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22637050/

Unfortunately, I haven't completed the animations, and I won't for a while because it's too stressing.

Last edited by Raindrop57 (April 13, 2015 21:11:05)

100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Raindrop57 wrote:

I choose the package: Rate and review. I pay nothing. I would really appriciate it since I've already tried twice to get games rated and they never were.

For this game. It is remixed, but only for the ball and platform script, because I CANNOT make platform scripts. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22637050/

You chose the package: Rate and review game

Ok, I'm addicted to this game, I'll rate it a 8! Congrats! I love the achievments! One thing that was annoying was the sighns. It took me a while to notice that you had to hover by it with the ball not your mouse. I tried to click the sighn a million times. Also can you add a message to tell you to use the arrow keys for the people that don't know. You could also add money and a store which would make it one of the best platformers on scratch. The graphics where great except for the intro which was confusing. For the first 30 seconds I had no idea what was happening and I also didn't know that the red ball was the main character! The graphics where great thought. Keep up the good work!
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Rate and review: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47622972/
(Remember, this is a very early prototype. If you have any ideas on what I should add, let me know.)
P.S. I can't fix graphics, I'm not an artist.
500+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Whoa, thanks! I guess I'll change the signs so you can use your mouse pointer to read them also, that's an easy change.
500+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

@s-swrichter I changed it so you can now read the sign by touching it with your mouse pointer. Also, the instructions, including arrow keys, are in the instructions of the first sign, but I just realized that you needed to use the arrow keys to read the sign. xD

Last edited by Raindrop57 (April 13, 2015 21:29:48)

100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Rate and review: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47622972/
I'm not sure if you got it or not, I just wanted to check. I don't want to be a spammer.
25 posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Hi, would you please rate and review https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47095168/

I worked hard on this game and I think that the problem is that not enough people have looked at it. It should be featured if you ask me. Any Ideas to make it better would be appreciated.
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Please rate and review my SIMON game : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53222410/
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

ScratchGuy5 wrote:

Rate and review: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47622972/
I'm not sure if you got it or not, I just wanted to check. I don't want to be a spammer.

Yeah, I got it! It's a great game with great physichs! Rate: 6! Congrats! There's not much except sometimes there are small glitches where you sink through the platforms.

I realize you can't change the graphics because you're not an artist but I've got 2 suggestions to change that!

1. Ask a good scratcher artist to make you good graphics/artwork for your game. I would personally suggest @raven666 , just tell her I sent you!

2. Another thing would be to just use a simple block as the main character with maybe glasses or something

You could add a title screen, which would also help your graphics! Another suggestion could include a store and money where you could upgrade your hoverboard.
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Advisor wrote:

Hi, would you please rate and review https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47095168/

I worked hard on this game and I think that the problem is that not enough people have looked at it. It should be featured if you ask me. Any Ideas to make it better would be appreciated.
You chose the package: Rate and review game
OK, Its really good and the graphics are almost perfect! Rate: 7. If you want it front-paged I suggest trying to get it front-page curated! @HeavenBand is the current front-page curator and if he likes it he'll put it on the front-page for 1-2 day(s)! Instead of having a press space to start game use a play button. Maybe you could use a store and money which would make it really cool! Another idea is to put in a pause button. Keep up the good work and remember, try to get front-page curated!
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Thank you for your review. I appreciate it.

s-swrichter wrote:

Another suggestion could include a store and money where you could upgrade your hoverboard.
…Wow. That's what I was planning to add in, actually. I asked for suggestions for the name of the money.
I'm also thinking about adding enemies.
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

mrvankil wrote:

Please rate and review my SIMON game : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53222410/
You chose the package: Rate and review game

OK, great sound! I love that you have all those different versions! It was a really good feature! Rate: 6, above average! Congrats! Something you might want to add is a play button on the Simon title screen. Apart from that I don't know what to say really… It was a normal, simple, SIMON game. I would sugest a pause button but then people could use that to cheat so that wouldn't work actually…Maybe add in levels? But that would ruin the idea of a simple simon game. The choice is yours!
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

ScratchGuy5 wrote:

Thank you for your review. I appreciate it.

s-swrichter wrote:

Another suggestion could include a store and money where you could upgrade your hoverboard.
…Wow. That's what I was planning to add in, actually. I asked for suggestions for the name of the money.
I'm also thinking about adding enemies.

You could call it “SKY CASH”
100+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Feel free to comment people!
500+ posts

Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)

Thanks for the review! BTW I changed the signs so they can be opened with the mouse pointer.

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