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7 posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

I have no idea why this is blocked its not dangerous and does not break the community guidelines, so why? Is the scratch team worried about small children using it and doing collabs? Becuase thats not a problem! My older sister figured out about fxgma on scratch when she was like 7! And then she became a awesome artist! I dont think this should be blocked. And if its the mod tools, then those need to be fixed.
100+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

It is dangerous, and has a simple answer:

drawing offsite links to unmoderated places.

Last edited by Coughfe (Jan. 5, 2025 16:45:46)

1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

Reference to any unmoderated chat site is not allowed. While I don't use it myself, I believe it can be considered one.
1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

Scratch doesn't allow linking to sites with collaboration features because they can be used for private communication.
7 posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

whatever your not a designer you dont get it lots of my freinds are designers and they hate this feature.
1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

t_cat_test wrote:

whatever your not a designer you dont get it lots of my freinds are designers and they hate this feature.
And I'm willing to bet that a lot of people are mad about not being able to mention browser extensions (yes, really, source). That doesn't change the fact that some browser extensions can steal your Scratch account.

My point is, if it's a rule to keep people safe on Scratch, it's not likely to change, no matter how unpopular it is. If you have a real issue with that, you're not obligated to use Scratch.
1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

Whats a fxgma?
1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

t_cat_test wrote:

whatever your not a designer you dont get it lots of my freinds are designers and they hate this feature.
I am a designer who has used it. It's not allowed, even if you hate the feature. Because it still exists
500+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

TheEpikGamer211 wrote:

Whats a fxgma?
they're talking about the collaborative drawing site (replace “fx” with “ma”)
1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

Peter-Dunbar wrote:

(replace “fx” with “ma”)
Oh. that site.
Yeah it should stay banned.
1000+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

Peter-Dunbar wrote:

they're talking about the collaborative drawing site (replace “fx” with “ma”)
i'm pretty sure they're talking about (replace the x with i), which is a graphic design site.
100+ posts

why is "fxgma" blocked on scratch?

t_cat_test wrote:

whatever your not a designer you dont get it lots of my freinds are designers and they hate this feature.

Dude if some random ban evader or troll can freely send links to unmoderated sites that use art they could use it to show younger children bad things that they should not be seeing.
That is why that saying that is Not allowed ,

It doesn’t matter if you and you friends dislike it, it is a feature to keep younger children safe

Last edited by Amazingfish8 (Jan. 7, 2025 10:14:16)

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