Discuss Scratch

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The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

I don't think changing the name should go on the list. Just because many people suggested it doesn't mean anyone took it seriously.
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

warriorcatsfreakalt wrote:

Stop posting about Scratch names here. They're joke posts and don't need to be in this topic.
I was mimicking what all the other jokers said
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Two full pages from just today?
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

MythosLore wrote:

Two full pages from just today?
What can you say? A little joke goes a long way…
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions


It's by time we put “Rename Scratch” on this list.
Agreed. It's taking up too much space in this discussion and has been suggested multiple times. Even if they're all joke suggestions, adding it to the list would make it easier to just get the joke topics closed.
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

what even happened here
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

BionicBoy554 wrote:

what even happened here
All Renaming Scratch Suggestions (that are rejected)

Stop With The Renaming Scratch To Suggestions

Last edited by 2016s4m29 (Sept. 9, 2024 06:31:17)

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

BionicBoy554 wrote:

what even happened here
Basically, some guy decided that completely revitalising the concept of renaming Scratch was a good idea.
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

BionicBoy554 wrote:

what even happened here
NOTHING, heh heh…
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

DifferentDance8 wrote:

Basically, some guy decided that completely revitalising the concept of renaming Scratch was a good idea.
“Some guy” did apologize to Za-Chary about it, so it’s okay. Please don’t throw shade, even if you don’t name the Scratcher.

Last edited by starlightsparker (Sept. 9, 2024 12:25:54)

42 posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

starlightsparker wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

Basically, some guy decided that completely revitalising the concept of renaming Scratch was a good idea.
“Some guy” did apologize to Za-Chary about it, so it’s okay. Please don’t throw shade, even if you don’t name the Scratcher.
wms2024_181 did not apoligise to nobody as he didn't need to - it was a good suggestion
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

wms2024_163 wrote:

wms2024_181 did not apoligise to nobody as he didn't need to - it was a good suggestion
It was a rejected suggestion, and after being rejected the discussion about it should've ended there unless a solution was provided.

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions (TOLORS) wrote:

This topic contains suggestions that have previously been rejected by the Scratch Team. As a result, these suggestions will not be added to Scratch, so please do not make any posts in the “Suggestions” forum asking for one of these. Otherwise, you may be directed to this topic.

Moreover, please do not make any posts in the “Suggestions” forum asking that the Scratch Team “rethink” a rejected suggestion unless you are giving a solution to the problem that caused the feature to be rejected.
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

wms2024_163 wrote:

wms2024_163 did not apoligise to nobody as he didn't need to - it was a good suggestion
I was not talking about you; I was referring to someone else. However, upon further thought, I assume DifferentDance8 was not thinking of the same Scratcher I was.
It seems that I am the monarch of page 443.

Last edited by starlightsparker (Sept. 9, 2024 20:51:42)

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Wait, I noticed the suggestion about adding certain words to the filter because they have unoffensive context sometimes was removed… Does that mean that the Scratch Team is considering it now? Should we stop saying those words in any context?
I'm sorry if somebody already mentioned this but I'm not sure how recent this was since I have no concept of time don't come to suggestions too often and am not reading through 443 pages rn-
500+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Ollie-Young wrote:

Please do not chat here.
500+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

AliMASTER430258 wrote:

Ollie-Young wrote:

Please do not chat here.
Oh wrong topic sorry about that XDDD
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Wait, I noticed the suggestion about adding certain words to the filter because they have unoffensive context sometimes was removed… Does that mean that the Scratch Team is considering it now? Should we stop saying those words in any context?
I'm sorry if somebody already mentioned this but I'm not sure how recent this was since I have no concept of time don't come to suggestions too often and am not reading through 443 pages rn-
iirc it was removed to prevent too many people from knowing these words are allowed (or at least something along those lines) but I could be wrong
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Xzillox wrote:

iirc it was removed to prevent too many people from knowing these words are allowed (or at least something along those lines) but I could be wrong
I don't get that though… Why would Scratch want users to not know what the rules were (thus sending unneeded reports in, causing controversy, etc.)…
I mean, maybe a couple people interpreted that line as “you can say these words always” in which case it may be better to reword it to mention how the words are ONLY allowed in a respectful context…

Oh, well. I guess if they decide they're unacceptable they won't actually ban anyone for saying them while they were allowed, right? IIRC that's what they did for the extension policy…
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

I don't get that though… Why would Scratch want users to not know what the rules were (thus sending unneeded reports in, causing controversy, etc.)…
I mean, maybe a couple people interpreted that line as “you can say these words always” in which case it may be better to reword it to mention how the words are ONLY allowed in a respectful context…

Oh, well. I guess if they decide they're unacceptable they won't actually ban anyone for saying them while they were allowed, right? IIRC that's what they did for the extension policy…
It is because those words are not recommended, and may certainly be removed in some contexts, and perhaps, depending on the moderator, in all contexts.
I’d say it’s a grey area, if you will.

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