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25 posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

Hello, so recently I was browsing Scratch and found a project I liked. I visited the Scratcher's profile and there was a banner on the profile. My question is, “HOW?????” thx

Join Silent Rain- an RP!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” - Proverbs 3:5-6
1000+ posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

They first make a project but didn't share it, then they featured the chosen project.

6'2 - they/them - canadian - teen
25 posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

hmm ok

Join Silent Rain- an RP!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” - Proverbs 3:5-6
1000+ posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

You need to make it in a new project and then use this tutorial to feature it.

1000+ posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

Make a project, then share it, open another tab with your profile, click the “Change featured project” button, then select the project you just shared, before you set it as your featured project, unshare the project, then set it. You should now have a banner

15 year old Scot, sometimes on the forums
3 posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

Every time I unshare, it just switches the banner
100+ posts

How to make a banner for your profile?

SoggyWaffleStudios wrote:

Every time I unshare, it just switches the banner
Please don't necropost. It's when you post on a really old topic.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Fan Studio | The Forumers Hideout!

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4-11-2024 - Joined Scratch Highlight+Shift+Down to see the rest on my siggy!
when my project gets clicked :: #3495eb hat
You hopefully say [This is a good project!] for (2) secs :: looks
Then you heart and favorite it :: operators
And leave a comment saying something nice about it :: #fc00ec
define [Scratch] 100x (1000) 6^78*9 [Cat] celsius 
set sky color to [#47af6e] + [119] [th v] element of the periodic table:: #fc00ec
if <[something v] contains [something] + DjangoBB ?> then
Do activity [Dance v] :: #574027
Create [1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th] project :: #134567
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