Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15, Firefox 126.0, No Flash versions detected
Like the title says, the Video Sensing extension doesn't work.
I've tried the block

turn video [on v]
but doesn't work.
Also, I've tried these blocks

(video [motion v] on [sprite v])
set video transparency to (10) %
when video motion > (10)::video sensing hat
but still doesn't work. Can anyone find an answer to that quesiton?

Last edited by Foldy_TPOT (May 22, 2024 12:06:03)

My most viewed project here
My topic is here
when <>::hat events//from Snap!
Snap! ishere
highlight this text then shift+down to see the rest of my signature
catblock here

(:3::events)//This is Jack, he protects me from evil kumquats. (ง'̀-'́)ง
pls stop
(quoting me::sensing)
eat(pen color::pen)::grey
//scroll down to see the rest of my siggy
when [loves v] > (10)::events
broadcast [stop sign v]
say (Welcome to my signature)
forever if <on this siggy?::#02bab8>{
pay (100) [$ v]::cat operators
}::control cap
when you are [stupid v] or [smart v]@delInput @addInput::hat events
drink bread and eat water::#133a18
here is nyan cat

Everything beyond this point is a signature.
π = 3.141592653589793
Are you dumb? Here is a test.
LibreKitten is better than TurboWarp
(this scratchblocks thing is good but scratch banned the rest of my siggy::#02bab8)
100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15, Firefox 126.0, No Flash versions detected
Like the title says, the Video Sensing extension doesn't work.
I've tried the block

turn video [on v]
but doesn't work.
Also, I've tried these blocks

(video [motion v] on [sprite v])
set video transparency to (10) %
when video motion > (10)::video sensing hat
but still doesn't work. Can anyone find an answer to that quesiton?
Does your browser have camera allowed for scratch?

100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

happyha8 wrote:

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15, Firefox 126.0, No Flash versions detected
Like the title says, the Video Sensing extension doesn't work.
I've tried the block

turn video [on v]
but doesn't work.
Also, I've tried these blocks

(video [motion v] on [sprite v])
set video transparency to (10) %
when video motion > (10)::video sensing hat
but still doesn't work. Can anyone find an answer to that quesiton?
Does your browser have camera allowed for scratch?

My most viewed project here
My topic is here
when <>::hat events//from Snap!
Snap! ishere
highlight this text then shift+down to see the rest of my signature
catblock here

(:3::events)//This is Jack, he protects me from evil kumquats. (ง'̀-'́)ง
pls stop
(quoting me::sensing)
eat(pen color::pen)::grey
//scroll down to see the rest of my siggy
when [loves v] > (10)::events
broadcast [stop sign v]
say (Welcome to my signature)
forever if <on this siggy?::#02bab8>{
pay (100) [$ v]::cat operators
}::control cap
when you are [stupid v] or [smart v]@delInput @addInput::hat events
drink bread and eat water::#133a18
here is nyan cat

Everything beyond this point is a signature.
π = 3.141592653589793
Are you dumb? Here is a test.
LibreKitten is better than TurboWarp
(this scratchblocks thing is good but scratch banned the rest of my siggy::#02bab8)
100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

happyha8 wrote:

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15, Firefox 126.0, No Flash versions detected
Like the title says, the Video Sensing extension doesn't work.
I've tried the block

turn video [on v]
but doesn't work.
Also, I've tried these blocks

(video [motion v] on [sprite v])
set video transparency to (10) %
when video motion > (10)::video sensing hat
but still doesn't work. Can anyone find an answer to that quesiton?
Does your browser have camera allowed for scratch?
Hmmm. I don't know, unless it's a problem with your camera. Could you link the project you're having trouble with?

Last edited by happyha8 (May 24, 2024 16:13:52)

100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

happyha8 wrote:

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

happyha8 wrote:

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15, Firefox 126.0, No Flash versions detected
Like the title says, the Video Sensing extension doesn't work.
I've tried the block

turn video [on v]
but doesn't work.
Also, I've tried these blocks

(video [motion v] on [sprite v])
set video transparency to (10) %
when video motion > (10)::video sensing hat
but still doesn't work. Can anyone find an answer to that quesiton?
Does your browser have camera allowed for scratch?
Hmmm. I don't know, unless it's a problem with your camera. Could you link the project you're having trouble with?

Last edited by Foldy_TPOT (May 24, 2024 16:17:23)

My most viewed project here
My topic is here
when <>::hat events//from Snap!
Snap! ishere
highlight this text then shift+down to see the rest of my signature
catblock here

(:3::events)//This is Jack, he protects me from evil kumquats. (ง'̀-'́)ง
pls stop
(quoting me::sensing)
eat(pen color::pen)::grey
//scroll down to see the rest of my siggy
when [loves v] > (10)::events
broadcast [stop sign v]
say (Welcome to my signature)
forever if <on this siggy?::#02bab8>{
pay (100) [$ v]::cat operators
}::control cap
when you are [stupid v] or [smart v]@delInput @addInput::hat events
drink bread and eat water::#133a18
here is nyan cat

Everything beyond this point is a signature.
π = 3.141592653589793
Are you dumb? Here is a test.
LibreKitten is better than TurboWarp
(this scratchblocks thing is good but scratch banned the rest of my siggy::#02bab8)
100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

happyha8 wrote:

Hmmm. I don't know, unless it's a problem with your camera. Could you link the project you're having trouble with?
It works fine to me? It must just be a problem with your device.

100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

happyha8 wrote:

Foldy_TPOT wrote:

happyha8 wrote:

Hmmm. I don't know, unless it's a problem with your camera. Could you link the project you're having trouble with?
It works fine to me? It must just be a problem with your device.
I've looked online, and it seems to me like there are video issues with your device

1000+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

By the way, the video sensing blocks used to be in the sensing category (also, there were no separate icons for extensions), and video motion was an option in this block instead of its own block:
when [ v] > (10)
So you would have to do this for extensions:
2.0 pen color ::pen //pen was a category

2.0 extension color ::extension

Last edited by medians (May 24, 2024 16:45:58)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

21 posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

On some systems it will not work.

we forever win.
100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

My most viewed project here
My topic is here
when <>::hat events//from Snap!
Snap! ishere
highlight this text then shift+down to see the rest of my signature
catblock here

(:3::events)//This is Jack, he protects me from evil kumquats. (ง'̀-'́)ง
pls stop
(quoting me::sensing)
eat(pen color::pen)::grey
//scroll down to see the rest of my siggy
when [loves v] > (10)::events
broadcast [stop sign v]
say (Welcome to my signature)
forever if <on this siggy?::#02bab8>{
pay (100) [$ v]::cat operators
}::control cap
when you are [stupid v] or [smart v]@delInput @addInput::hat events
drink bread and eat water::#133a18
here is nyan cat

Everything beyond this point is a signature.
π = 3.141592653589793
Are you dumb? Here is a test.
LibreKitten is better than TurboWarp
(this scratchblocks thing is good but scratch banned the rest of my siggy::#02bab8)
100+ posts

Video Sensing doesn't work

I prepared everything

My most viewed project here
My topic is here
when <>::hat events//from Snap!
Snap! ishere
highlight this text then shift+down to see the rest of my signature
catblock here

(:3::events)//This is Jack, he protects me from evil kumquats. (ง'̀-'́)ง
pls stop
(quoting me::sensing)
eat(pen color::pen)::grey
//scroll down to see the rest of my siggy
when [loves v] > (10)::events
broadcast [stop sign v]
say (Welcome to my signature)
forever if <on this siggy?::#02bab8>{
pay (100) [$ v]::cat operators
}::control cap
when you are [stupid v] or [smart v]@delInput @addInput::hat events
drink bread and eat water::#133a18
here is nyan cat

Everything beyond this point is a signature.
π = 3.141592653589793
Are you dumb? Here is a test.
LibreKitten is better than TurboWarp
(this scratchblocks thing is good but scratch banned the rest of my siggy::#02bab8)

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