Discuss Scratch

38 posts

How to edit this code?

when green flag clicked
set [i v] to [1]
repeat ((length of [p v] :: list) / (3))
change [i v] by (3)
go to x: (item (i) of [p v] :: p) y: (item ((i) + (1)) of [p v] :: list)
stop [this script v]
100+ posts

How to edit this code?

What exactly do you want?

Scripts in forum helper and math and logic enjoyer
@greenFlag @delInput @addInput @turnLeft @turnRight @loopArrow :: #fdcfdc hat
About me

I have scratched for 7 years straight. No urge to do something to get popular. Friendly, I know Spanish (my native language) and English (and a bit of French). I like to program things I really like, not trends or things for contests.
EDIT: Yeah, I know it says I joined 4 years ago, but I scratched before going online.
38 posts

How to edit this code?

BladiPetrov wrote:

What exactly do you want?
I figured it out already

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