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28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

I've been working on an RPG that has some really random references, but I'm running out of ideas… and so:

What random thing should I add!
Any ideas other than restaurant orders are welcome!!!

play the game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/990075776/

Last edited by flip_4_E (April 26, 2024 16:55:22)

100+ posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

Me hanging out with _S7ormbreak57_
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

Wimpydog44 wrote:

Me hanging out with _S7ormbreak57_
I probably should've added a few more guidelines but… hm… in what way? I have a lot of power but what specific way could it be implemented?
100+ posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

Just me and him chilling near the background, I guess.
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

Wimpydog44 wrote:

Just me and him chilling near the background, I guess.
your wish has been granted! you and the Sick Stickman himself are now in the game!!! You're welcome
100+ posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

Thanks so much!
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

had to move the changelog for the entire 1.1 and 1.0 states of the game here because the description has a max length
(you could also just join my Scratch Ðiscord server, I'll give an invite if you ask)

1.0 updates
- the first two biomes
- grassland
- urban
- stamina mechanic a couple updates before 1.1
- backdashing
- enemy info screen
- slime
- gave a dash attack, and a slam attack later
- skelly
- donkus
- green lizor
- the first enemy that dealt damage
- stick
- started with a very rough animation
- only one attack
- slime sword
- started out at 2 damage
- a cool and bouncy animation where the damage hitbox turns into flung slime
- bonemerang
- the first ranged weapon
- made me later make it so weapons don't rotate while attacking
- had multiple damage frames
- joke rifle
- began at 1 damage, changed to 5 damage
- first weapon to use looping animation
- ban hammer
- a debug tool that dealt 9999 damage and had only a damage frame and idle frame
- later a 2% drop from the skelly
- dual knives
- 3 damage, became 2 later
- first weapon with two separate attack animations
- spell card knife
- a hard to aim ranged weapon with 4 damage
- first weapon with an ability, an invincible dodge that was added before backdashing
- jelly charm
- 6 max hp, 1 max stamina, was slower than no armour, later became slightly faster
- first ever armour
- a reference to the old King Slime lore item effect from early Terraria Calamity
- skull
- 4 max hp, 12 max stamina, had 50 speed
- Matt Rose???
- knight armour
- had 15 max hp, extremely slow, 6 max stamina
- NOT Havel's Armour
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

(sorry this one's late, my cat escaped when I grabbed a package and was hiding in the snow)
1.1 updates
- I-frames
- healing
- got buffed from healing 1 hp to 5 hp
- thumbnail!!!
- mobile compatibility!!!
- fixed the dumb floating player bug
- changed how player speed is applied
- stick
- got a better animation as well as some new attacks
- dual knives
- got a healing potion charge ability
- bonemerang
- was nerfed to cost stamina
- ban hammer
- nerfed by high stamina cost
- chaos buster
- 2 damage, crazy dps, no cost!
- yes it's another Undertale reference
- spell card knife
- deals 5 damage now, has a wider range and a narrow critical strike hitbox
- costs 1 stamina
- first weapon to use “hold frames”, where they follow the player's movements despite being a stationary weapon
- joke rifle
- faster attack speed, costs 1 stamina
- cow prod
- short range, 2 damage, faster than the Chaos Buster (I think?)
- zweihander
- 50 damage
- I love this sword
- Dancer's Twin Blades
- 70 damage, two attacks
- attack by throwing a sword in the air, then swinging the other, holding down the attack button causes you to raise the orange sword up to the
spinning blue sword, causing it to get hooked and flung at the enemy with such force it comes flying right back to you
- they're so much cooler than the actual weapon in Dark Souls 3…
- buffed the slime, nerfed the green lizard
- added the Dancer of the Boreal Valley
- do you like how she walk?
- 1000 hp
- robot
- 400 hp, no attacks, he just chills
- reference to ChibiRobo! for the Gamecube
- nerfed the skull's speed, it made the game unplayable
- didn't add debug armor that has a 1% droprate from the enemy
- totally doesn't have max player speed as well as 1000 stamina and hp
- scooter
- almost max player speed, 7 hp, 9 stamina
1000+ posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

Fingergun, which does 1 damage but puts enemies in a crumpling animation, which stuns them for a long time
Available by talking to a specific sorcerer, probably by the start

Last edited by BionicBoy554 (May 10, 2024 16:18:06)

I specialize in animating fight collabs. I've entered the ‘decent’ stage.

A couple of studios I’m in:

A kumquat ate my productivity.
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

so an actual NPC? Not an enemy drop… and an actual debuff…

BionicBoy554 wrote:

Fingergun, which does 1 damage but puts enemies in a crumpling animation, which stuns them for a long time
Available by talking to a specific sorcerer, probably by the start

An actual NPC? I have done enemy drops, but gave up on a shop… I'll see if I can make them spawn from an enemy for you to talk to and get that weapon from. But first, what would you like the sorcerer to look like? Just a basic wizard or some Ophim angel looking dude?
56 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

A magic golden potato that will grant any wish and is a secret (It also is just a Yukon Gold Potato )

1000+ posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

flip_4_E wrote:

so an actual NPC? Not an enemy drop… and an actual debuff…

BionicBoy554 wrote:

Fingergun, which does 1 damage but puts enemies in a crumpling animation, which stuns them for a long time
Available by talking to a specific sorcerer, probably by the start

An actual NPC? I have done enemy drops, but gave up on a shop… I'll see if I can make them spawn from an enemy for you to talk to and get that weapon from. But first, what would you like the sorcerer to look like? Just a basic wizard or some Ophim angel looking dude?
basic wizard, and when you get higher level you can get a new variant of fingergun which does more damage and flings the enemy away

I specialize in animating fight collabs. I've entered the ‘decent’ stage.

A couple of studios I’m in:

A kumquat ate my productivity.
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

BionicBoy554 wrote:

flip_4_E wrote:

so an actual NPC? Not an enemy drop… and an actual debuff…

BionicBoy554 wrote:

Fingergun, which does 1 damage but puts enemies in a crumpling animation, which stuns them for a long time
Available by talking to a specific sorcerer, probably by the start

An actual NPC? I have done enemy drops, but gave up on a shop… I'll see if I can make them spawn from an enemy for you to talk to and get that weapon from. But first, what would you like the sorcerer to look like? Just a basic wizard or some Ophim angel looking dude?
basic wizard, and when you get higher level you can get a new variant of fingergun which does more damage and flings the enemy away
shoot, I guess I really am coding the levelling system and apparently an evolving weapon. I'm trying to finish my online shooter first, then if I don't hyper focus on making another game, I'll have that done very quickly ( ~ ω ~ )b

Last edited by flip_4_E (May 10, 2024 21:41:37)

28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

skyboat198 wrote:

A magic golden potato that will grant any wish and is a secret (It also is just a Yukon Gold Potato )
I can see if that can be like a lootbox that gives non-enemy loot, thank you Idaho man
12 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

yoshi from mario

Hi! I'm hyprp2, but you can call me hypr. I do scratch as a side hobby, and I'm more into the speed running aspect
pronouns: she/her or they/them (it doesn't matter, just pick what you prefer )
500+ posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

random really obsure reference: exolite from the rng based mining game REx: R.

thats all.

uhh ueah
im a furry.
uhh they/them
and i like Exolite and Lunar Halycon Emission :3

(:>::#bb88f6) //jerry says hi

28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

hyprp2 wrote:

yoshi from mario
as an enemy, armor, weapon, or background decor?
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

mcsquaggle wrote:

random really obsure reference: exolite from the rng based mining game REx: R.

thats all.
a crazy rare material from a roblox game… sure!(?)
23 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

add me as a training dummy you can infuriate and fight, but make it so I don't die so I can just annoy you everytime

seems my work here is done! not a single generic project on explore page!
for now, check out this ongoing thing… here!
my pixilart account: https://www.pixilart.com/unwantedcat
my among us: DadGotMilk or Whereisdad
if you wanna play rounds just ask B)
my imposter battle royale account name is… *deep breath* PLAYER925863.
I play cubes2048 and a lot of other .io games, my name is usually 69niceboi69
but on sploop.io and agar.io I go by the name: THEGREATPAPYRUS
28 posts

YOUR ideas in an RPG!!! ( `¤ ω ¤´ )σ

UnwantedCat wrote:

add me as a training dummy you can infuriate and fight, but make it so I don't die so I can just annoy you everytime
Sure??? (I'm super late because I haven't touched my laptop in 4 months)

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