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Pixel Studio

SHARKEE_7 wrote:

Made a little coin. This pixel engines crazy good! I have seen other pixel makers, but this one has something that makes it seem better and more addicting. Keep up the good work!


Glad you are enjoying the project!! The coin looks great!

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

New Beta!
After the release of Pixel Studio+ v1.0, I'm already working on v1.1 to patch some of the bugs, starting with beta v1.1.1 (which means v1.1 beta 1)!
Beta v1.1.1 Changelog

-Windows can now only be dragged by their titlebars
-Windows can no longer be dragged out of the canvas area

Bugs Fixed:
-If your selected color is the backdrop color, and you click on the same color on the canvas with the fill tool, the project will freeze

Try out the beta HERE!

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

Beta 1.1.2 released!
Another small beta to fix some initial bugs with Pixel Studio+!

-The grid color now changes based on pixel color

Bugs Fixed:
-You can open multiple text input prompts at once
-If you open a width/height prompt, close the new/settings window, and enter some text, the resolution readings will show again
-You can enable the grid by pressing G, even before you have created a canvas, which causes a black square to get rendered
-Lazy pixels are rendered above the canvas outline
Try the beta HERE!

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

New Beta!
A new beta version of Pixel Studio+ has arrived!
Changelog for beta v1.1.3

-Polished up some UI animations!
-The window close button no longer flickers before
-The file menu buttons now have a nice blinking animation when pressed
-Buttons which are toggleable, such as the grid & file buttons, will now animate when clicked

Bugs Fixed:
-Undo/redo gets messed confused after loading from a save code
-You can drag the canvas so far outside the screen it basically gets lost

The full release of Pixel Studio+ v1.1 is coming soon!

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

A new version of Pixel Studio+ is now available, with a bunch of extra polish & fixes which were missed in the initial release
Pixel Studio+ v1.1 Changelog

-The window close button no longer flickers before
-The file menu buttons now have a nice blinking animation when pressed
-Buttons which are toggleable, such as the grid & file buttons, will now animate when clicked
-Windows can now only be dragged by their titlebars
-Windows can no longer be dragged out of the canvas area
-The grid color now changes based on pixel color

Bugs Fixed:
-If your selected color is the backdrop color, and you click on the same color on the canvas with the fill tool, the project will freeze
-Tooltips show even for buttons which are hidden
-Undo/redo gets messed confused after loading from a save code
-You can drag the canvas so far outside the screen it basically gets lost
-You can open multiple text input prompts at once
-If you open a width/height prompt, close the new/settings window, and enter some text, the resolution readings will show again
-You can enable the grid by pressing G, even before you have created a canvas, which causes a black square to get rendered
-Lazy pixels are rendered above the canvas outline

Changes compared to previous beta (v1.1.3)
-Bug Fixed: Tooltips show even for buttons which are hidden

Enjoy the new, more stable version!

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
42 posts

Pixel Studio


-AAAGms (This is our signature below)
Our profile page
when green flag clicked
repeat until <end of the world>
say [Imagine, program, share!] for (2) secs
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

AAAGms wrote:


Please make sure to triple-click the save code when copying it, otherwise you won't select the entire thing. The code you sent unfortunately isn't complete due to this

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

New release!
This one fixes a bug, and adds some clarification to the save code menu!

Pixel Studio+ v1.2 Changelog

-The save menu now reminds you to triple-click the code in order to select all of it

Bugs Fixed:
-The toggle grid tooltip behaves strangely and will sometimes show even if the button isn't being hovered

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
100+ posts

Pixel Studio

Beta v1.3.1 released!
That's right, I am already working on the next release of Pixel Studio+, on the same day that 1.2 released! This beta includes some changes to the UI for saving your work.

Pixel Studio+ v1.3.1 Changelog

New Features:
-Added a proper window for the save menu
-This new window includes instructions for how to properly grab the save code, and a button which will present you with the save code like before

-Internal refactors to the way windows work

Try out the beta HERE!

I made a fully-fledged pixel-art editor in Scratch! Click here to check it out!!
42 posts

Pixel Studio



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