Discuss Scratch

44 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

jbthepig wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

Is Cavex good compared to other mineclones??
Never tried it. Let us know if it's good.
l just tried it and it works well at 60 fps except that: doors and chests don't work and mobs don't exist not to mention that you can't pick up water or lava
so no water mlgs or nether

I am your mother
My signature is short because of evil kumquat
1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

jbthepig wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

Is Cavex good compared to other mineclones??
Never tried it. Let us know if it's good.
l just tried it and it works well at 60 fps except that: doors and chests don't work and mobs don't exist not to mention that you can't pick up water or lava
so no water mlgs or nether
camman18: lucky for me I'm a PARKOUR PROOOOOO-oh.

3DS and Wii U live once more! Pretendo

Pretendo Network (Wii U): PizzaPizza72
500+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

BreadcatGames wrote:

do the majority of you guys have OG RVL-001 Wiis, or did you guys just use whatever you had? Wondering about getting a Wii to mod.
I have an rvl-001 wii. I'm either thinking of buying a Wii U or another Wii but an rvl-101 one
Do you have a Switch?

No sense in buying another Wii if you already have one, especially since you have an RVL-001. A Wii U would be cool but of course a Switch would be a better buy if you don't already have one.

Speaking of the Wii U, today is its final day before it and the 3DS lose internet connectivity at 7PM EST
I've only ever used a Wii U once, but it's still sad to see old devices lose support.

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow, 27:09:07)

To scroll through a signature, highlight some text in the signature, then use:
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To add a signature, go to the bottom of Discussion Home and click “Change your signature.”

I had a bigger signature, but it was eaten by an Evil Kumquat.

<´・ω・` :: sensing> //This is Sam. He will protect my signature from future attacks.
59 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

jbthepig wrote:

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

BreadcatGames wrote:

do the majority of you guys have OG RVL-001 Wiis, or did you guys just use whatever you had? Wondering about getting a Wii to mod.
I have an rvl-001 wii. I'm either thinking of buying a Wii U or another Wii but an rvl-101 one
Do you have a Switch?

No sense in buying another Wii if you already have one, especially since you have an RVL-001. A Wii U would be cool but of course a Switch would be a better buy if you don't already have one.

Speaking of the Wii U, today is its final day before it and the 3DS lose internet connectivity at 7PM EST
I've only ever used a Wii U once, but it's still sad to see old devices lose support.
I have a switch. I might buy a gamecube or a wii u to mod it.

44 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

jbthepig wrote:

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

BreadcatGames wrote:

do the majority of you guys have OG RVL-001 Wiis, or did you guys just use whatever you had? Wondering about getting a Wii to mod.
I have an rvl-001 wii. I'm either thinking of buying a Wii U or another Wii but an rvl-101 one
Do you have a Switch?

No sense in buying another Wii if you already have one, especially since you have an RVL-001. A Wii U would be cool but of course a Switch would be a better buy if you don't already have one.

Speaking of the Wii U, today is its final day before it and the 3DS lose internet connectivity at 7PM EST
I've only ever used a Wii U once, but it's still sad to see old devices lose support.
I have a switch. I might buy a gamecube or a wii u to mod it.
did you try Mario 3d all stars

I am your mother
My signature is short because of evil kumquat
59 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

jbthepig wrote:

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

BreadcatGames wrote:

do the majority of you guys have OG RVL-001 Wiis, or did you guys just use whatever you had? Wondering about getting a Wii to mod.
I have an rvl-001 wii. I'm either thinking of buying a Wii U or another Wii but an rvl-101 one
Do you have a Switch?

No sense in buying another Wii if you already have one, especially since you have an RVL-001. A Wii U would be cool but of course a Switch would be a better buy if you don't already have one.

Speaking of the Wii U, today is its final day before it and the 3DS lose internet connectivity at 7PM EST
I've only ever used a Wii U once, but it's still sad to see old devices lose support.
I have a switch. I might buy a gamecube or a wii u to mod it.
did you try Mario 3d all stars
No, I like to play games on their native consoles.

100+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried it and it works well at 60 fps except that: doors and chests don't work and mobs don't exist not to mention that you can't pick up water or lava
so no water mlgs or nether
CavEX is based on beta 1.7.3 (I think) so even if you could pick up water, a water mlg wouldn't work

Thank Goodness I Don't Type Like This Anymore

please don't look at my 2021 forum posts


da rules wrote:

don't be mean
1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.

social experiment: comment here to not get curator

simpsons and futurama fan

RickRoIler (the first l is a capital i) on PSN, NotXboxGamer765 on xbox (and by that i mean xbox 360), EngineerRunner on Minecraft (find me on hypixel)
also im on the orange cat social media as EngineerRunner

join the worst guild on hypixel with this command!!1/!/!?1/!/
/guild join los gamers

if any of my suggestions ever get accepted, i will have my profile picture set to Just Stamp The Ticket Man for 3 months

give internets pls

an australian cumquat ate my snag and onions

“maintainer” of Pyratch, a very simple text-focused frontend for Scratch
oh god am I becoming an ATer

when I am deleted ::hat control
ask (join (join [what the hell does ] (when I am deleted ::hat control)) [ do?]) and wait
create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
casually taking over the forums:

this is what happens when school goes back in the US, scratch has like no activity

when I am deleted ::hat control

create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
100+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

I just found an old Wii that use to belong to my cousins sitting in the back of my grandparents garage. I don't have the ac adapter for it so I cant test it but should I order one? I don't think theres any free game inside and I already have a WiiU which is better than a Wii and almost everyway and also theres no sd card so I don't really see that much of a reason to besides it may be easier to convince my parents to let me mod it lol.

Last edited by -_-Onscratch (April 11, 2024 23:38:25)

44 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

get is the

-_-Onscratch wrote:

I just found an old Wii that use to belong to my cousins sitting in the back of my grandparents garage. I don't have the ac adapter for it so I cant test it but should I order one? I don't think theres any free game inside and I already have a WiiU which is better than a Wii and almost everyway and also theres no sd card so I don't really see that much of a reason to besides it may be easier to convince my parents to let me mod it lol.
you should get it, it is far easier to break your Wii U modding than a Wii

I am your mother
My signature is short because of evil kumquat
44 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
I didn't know it counted as piracy if it was the only way to get Wii ware

I am your mother
My signature is short because of evil kumquat
1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
WiiWare games are paid for in Wii points. How is that piracy?

3DS and Wii U live once more! Pretendo

Pretendo Network (Wii U): PizzaPizza72
100+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
WiiWare games are paid for in Wii points. How is that piracy?
the only way to get Wii points is to pay for them or use a gift card which is still paying.
Even if it's abandonware it's still piracy.

Thank Goodness I Don't Type Like This Anymore

please don't look at my 2021 forum posts


da rules wrote:

don't be mean
44 posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

-OctoSquid- wrote:

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
WiiWare games are paid for in Wii points. How is that piracy?
the only way to get Wii points is to pay for them or use a gift card which is still paying.
Even if it's abandonware it's still piracy.
this is a homebrew discussion

I am your mother
My signature is short because of evil kumquat
1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

PizzaPizza72 wrote:


EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
WiiWare games are paid for in Wii points. How is that piracy?
You bought Wii points with actual real money, and then those points bought games (alternatively, you bought download codes for games), it's effectively still paying with real money, just with a middleman currency
100+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

random question but i want to get into homebrew development and i don't know where to start (if there is any good guides please tell me, and yes i already have a hacked wii)

Last edited by Mr_rudy (April 13, 2024 01:59:50)

Fourm Post

i make games and other cool stuff

when @greenFlag [clicked v]:: events hat
when (when @greenFlag clicked:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked {
when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack
}:: events
when <@greenFlag:: events> clicked:: events
when ({when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack}@addInput:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked:: events cap
evil kumquats ate this sentenc-
1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

Mr_rudy wrote:

random question but i want to get into homebrew development and i don't know where to start (if there is any good guides please tell me, and yes i already have a hacked wii)
wii.hacks.guide. Don't use anything else.

3DS and Wii U live once more! Pretendo

Pretendo Network (Wii U): PizzaPizza72
100+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

Mr_rudy wrote:

random question but i want to get into homebrew development and i don't know where to start (if there is any good guides please tell me, and yes i already have a hacked wii)
wii.hacks.guide. Don't use anything else.

Im pretty sure we wants to actually make homebrew also he said he already modded his wii

Also WiiPotion seems like a good place to start since it uses lua which is pretty easy to learn.

Last edited by -_-Onscratch (April 13, 2024 03:45:32)

1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
Ah yes, let me just quickly purchase games from the Wii Shop that has been gone since January 30 of 2019.

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

Wii Modding/Homebrew Topic!

DifferentDance8 wrote:

EngineerRunner wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

l just tried {redacted} and it works well. What Wii ware titles do you recommend?
hey, please don't mention piracy sites. they aren't allowed on Scratch.
Ah yes, let me just quickly purchase games from the Wii Shop that has been gone since January 30 of 2019.
ik we all pirate stuff, but we can't mention the sites

social experiment: comment here to not get curator

simpsons and futurama fan

RickRoIler (the first l is a capital i) on PSN, NotXboxGamer765 on xbox (and by that i mean xbox 360), EngineerRunner on Minecraft (find me on hypixel)
also im on the orange cat social media as EngineerRunner

join the worst guild on hypixel with this command!!1/!/!?1/!/
/guild join los gamers

if any of my suggestions ever get accepted, i will have my profile picture set to Just Stamp The Ticket Man for 3 months

give internets pls

an australian cumquat ate my snag and onions

“maintainer” of Pyratch, a very simple text-focused frontend for Scratch
oh god am I becoming an ATer

when I am deleted ::hat control
ask (join (join [what the hell does ] (when I am deleted ::hat control)) [ do?]) and wait
create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
casually taking over the forums:

this is what happens when school goes back in the US, scratch has like no activity

when I am deleted ::hat control

create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound

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