Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

moigam wrote:

The thing is, that I don't want to be the main leader of the project. I want the ideas to flow free and everyone able to be suggest changes equally. The decision is, what you guys want?
I genuinely don't mind lol. Now the others might want somethings…

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

gokugamer999666 wrote:

moigam wrote:

The thing is, that I don't want to be the main leader of the project. I want the ideas to flow free and everyone able to be suggest changes equally. The decision is, what you guys want?

if it's a rpg type game then maybe we can add achievements and SECRET achievements that you get one at a time for completing a certain amount of dungeons or doing something else. Also just an idea maybe we can add pets you get for certain achievements (not SECRET acievements)
Achievements will definitely be in the game. I don't think achievements will be as much about count, though.

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

gokugamer999666 wrote:

I don't think achievements will be as much about count, though.
Can u rephrase that I seriously have no idea what u meant like at all
I'm guessing he meant that achievements will probably only purely exist just because it can, and will serve no other purpose.

gokugamer999666 wrote:

if it's a rpg type game then maybe we can add achievements and SECRET achievements that you get one at a time for completing a certain amount of dungeons or doing something else. Also just an idea maybe we can add pets you get for certain achievements (not SECRET acievements)
That seems pretty ambitious. I wonder if all of this will fit and run smoothly on a Scratch project…

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

gokugamer999666 wrote:

I think adding some lore won't really take to long plus I watched plenty game theory videos to know how to make the lore match up with the game
I honestly don't think the plot would pose much of a threat on the actual project. After all, it can just be all there in the manual.

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Sohta_kun wrote:

gokugamer999666 wrote:

I think adding some lore won't really take to long plus I watched plenty game theory videos to know how to make the lore match up with the game
I honestly don't think the plot would pose much of a threat on the actual project. After all, it can just be all there in the manual.
well i am making an arg but it's the //error_arg

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

I think we've gotten off on minor details a bit– this is a general thing I use for all my games in brainstorming phase.

1. Gameplay Style
(We've discussed either a side-scrolling RPG, or a metroidvania. This step includes all the technical stuff like tile-basedness, dimensionality, character abilities, etc.)

2. Target Audience
(What group of people are we trying to get the attention of with this game?)

3. Gimmick
(What is the main gimmick of the game that makes it different from others? It could be a change in gameplay, like a portal gun. It could be mixing two genres of games. Etc.)

4. Mood/Aesthetic and Setting
(This step is actually way more important than you may think– it's basically what makes the biggest difference between Super Mario and Castlevania. Basically, Mood/Aesthetic is how the game makes you feel. Like, is it dark and rainy? Sunny with happy, smiling hills in the background? Setting is where/when the game is set. Is it medieval? Is it a network of floating islands?)

This is just a bit of stuff to brainstorm, I guess. I may have missed something important but if i did I'll just edit it in later.

Last edited by CRAZYTVSTU (April 7, 2024 23:48:16)

-CrazyTVStu, Also Known As ReBitKe, Chiptune Musician

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Currently working on an rpg engine (before this idea came up) so that would be easy to implement in, also working on using math-based collisions because its 100x faster than the touching block, as usual :P but i would prefer making an metroidvania over a rpg as metroidvania's usually have more engaging gameplay and are also really fun to play.

no i'm not inactive i'm just stalking because i had nothing to add until now, also tests ;-;

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Malicondi wrote:

Currently working on an rpg engine (before this idea came up) so that would be easy to implement in, also working on using math-based collisions because its 100x faster than the touching block, as usual :P but i would prefer making an metroidvania over a rpg as metroidvania's usually have more engaging gameplay and are also really fun to play.

no i'm not inactive i'm just stalking because i had nothing to add until now, also tests ;-;
How do the physics work? Are they designed for realistic hills and slopes, or the more “gamey” tile-based blocks? I personally think the former would make it more unique and stand out from the vast sea of games on this site.

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Sohta_kun wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

Currently working on an rpg engine (before this idea came up) so that would be easy to implement in, also working on using math-based collisions because its 100x faster than the touching block, as usual :P but i would prefer making an metroidvania over a rpg as metroidvania's usually have more engaging gameplay and are also really fun to play.

no i'm not inactive i'm just stalking because i had nothing to add until now, also tests ;-;
How do the physics work? Are they designed for realistic hills and slopes, or the more “gamey” tile-based blocks? I personally think the former would make it more unique and stand out from the vast sea of games on this site.

There's also a combination of both, as @griffpatch does in his tile platformer engine, so you can totally put slopes in tiles. Personally I'd tend to opt for tiles because they're much easier to work with and make levels out of.

-CrazyTVStu, Also Known As ReBitKe, Chiptune Musician

65 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

We should try to come up with a unique game idea/mechanics to stay different from majority of 2d games.

Last edited by CorgThePorg (April 8, 2024 01:25:38)

I make synth music using FL Studio!
Also known as @13UNIT on youtube and UNIT_13 on spotify and other services.
wait (5) [minutes v] for (chicken nuggets) to [finish v] cooking
Online around 10 AM - 12 PM EST
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)


There's also a combination of both, as @griffpatch does in his tile platformer engine, so you can totally put slopes in tiles. Personally I'd tend to opt for tiles because they're much easier to work with and make levels out of.
My rpg engine is top down, as most are which don't allow for slopes because you can't have slopes top down lol, but it allows for more precise collision detection like griffpatches engine uses pins, mine uses something different and faster.

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

A side scrolling engine probably wouldn't be too difficult to create but I don't have the most experience in scrolling engines other than tile based and pen, although I will spend some time on non tile based scrolling. (I also have quite a bit of experience in 3d, working on a 3d project on the side currently :) )

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

ok ok guys, ik how to explain now, so like that tiny map on the top right corner there four color as on the project, red is lowest, green is highest, so if the player on the map is inbetween red and green and the player (on the map) is pointing toward green then it should be low in the left side of the screen and high on the right side of the screen


50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

ok guys, i get it to work now


50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

it work properly like i intended it to work now


50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

sieugach wrote:

it work properly like i intended it to work now
accept for… a few missing ray.
so we will have 2 players, one on the map, rotate with mouse scroll wheel, one platforming or whatever it is (i should pay more attention in english classes)


50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

moigam wrote:

sieugach wrote:

moigram i volunteer for the main menu making, i shall do it in just two weeks
You shouldn't make it yet since we haven't even started development
then when it start, can i volunteer for the main menu?


50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

CorgThePorg wrote:

We should try to come up with a unique game idea/mechanics to stay different from majority of 2d games.


100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

So, will the RPG be a side-view or top-down? It seems like there are multiple engines and concepts, but we haven't gotten it down to a single type. Technically we could do both, but that would take up too much space and will be annoyingly inconsistent.

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

The RPG will be a side view, that is for sure. It will also likely include scrolling.

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!

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