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1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

Welcome, cast and crew, to the forum for the Deadpool movie we're going to make.

-No Leaking anything
-No arguing
-I get final say in ideas
-This is a pretty collaborative movie, so I need to trust you all to take this seriously
-Don't procrastinate. If I need a scene done in a weekish, please get it done, unless school or your life is getting in the way
-No judging
-If you want to share an animation, or give me a voice line or something, hide it in an existing project, and tell me. Make sure to put when the green flag is clicked, hide.

I really want this movie to go well, but I can't do it by myself, so if you can all do your portion of help, this project will be easier.

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie


- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:


I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

So how would you describe the film?

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

So how would you describe the film?
goofy. you know that interview when ryan reynolds explains his original idea for deadpool 2, and it was to have deadpool to steal the red chair from the voice?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USxWbkUc468. its like that. but maybe dumber

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

Ok, so there's not an actual villain? Just a few that stand in the way?

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
43 posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

Ok, so there's not an actual villain? Just a few that stand in the way?
honestly, yeah. in deadpool one and 2 his main issues are within himself. the villains in this are going to be sentinels, and that smiley face mask dude, just trying to get in the way of his actual mission. I'm going to reveal that mission in the forum when we have more people.

MandoFan - Marvel fan - Nerd - Comic maker - I make comics on this account - Scarlet Spider coming soon-
500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

Has anybody else been casted?

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

Has anybody else been casted?
nope. Its pretty early for that

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

I mean you estimated it's release for June so…

Do you have a base script that I might be able to help you finish writing?

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

I mean you estimated it's release for June so…

Do you have a base script that I might be able to help you finish writing?
not yet.

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

I could write you one in my free time. I know your desired release date is June so I think production needs to start ASAP. I do school from home so I can write a script whenever. I'd just need to know a few things:

Your desired movie length

Basic plot synopsis

How many characters you want

You mentioned jokes earlier, if I were you I'd add the funnier ones to the movie as I think it'll be seen more than the comic.

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

I could write you one in my free time. I know your desired release date is June so I think production needs to start ASAP. I do school from home so I can write a script whenever. I'd just need to know a few things:

Your desired movie length

Basic plot synopsis

How many characters you want

You mentioned jokes earlier, if I were you I'd add the funnier ones to the movie as I think it'll be seen more than the comic.

I plan on writing the script myself. I just have to do somethings first (also on forums to answer people you press quote). june is just a random date, but I said in the trailer I might change it. I'll share the script sometime, but I have comics to write, and people to cast before then.

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

I mean usually when you're making a production, you have the script written before castings.

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

plz don't report me I'm not insomniac msm.

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie


plz don't report me I'm not insomniac msm.
If you need help with the script just let me know.

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

Why you leak forum?

“Life too short, go spoil yourself”
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

JACKBOYS12 wrote:

Why you leak forum?
bc I'm making a better one anyway. also, this forum doesn't have anything to see. just some vague info

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

500+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie


JACKBOYS12 wrote:

Why you leak forum?
bc I'm making a better one anyway. also, this forum doesn't have anything to see. just some vague info
ALRIGHT! Manthing, let me deal with this.

- PresidentLoki00
Loki Studios - CEO
1000+ posts

The merc with the mouth movie

PresidentLoki00 wrote:


JACKBOYS12 wrote:

Why you leak forum?
bc I'm making a better one anyway. also, this forum doesn't have anything to see. just some vague info
ALRIGHT! Manthing, let me deal with this.
huh?? I'ma make a better forum (Actually, It already exists XP)

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

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