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Layer reporter.

The total layers reporter! Because

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

I would assume clones could increase the amount of layers, so perhaps a “total layers” reporter would be helpful as well.
so it would be nice to have that, it would look like this:

(total layers ::looks)

It would be used to find how many layers are in a project.

Note: This topic has been edited due to the first part being a dupe, and it had 2 parts. So it may look weird.

Last edited by DangerPuppy10 (April 2, 2024 00:03:24)

I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

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1000+ posts

Layer reporter.

I would assume clones could increase the amount of layers, so perhaps a “total layers” reporter would be helpful as well.

Do note that your example can also be acheived currently by using
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500+ posts

Layer reporter.

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

I would assume clones could increase the amount of layers, so perhaps a “total layers” reporter would be helpful as well.

Do note that your example can also be acheived currently by using
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Editing the OP…

I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

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New Scratcher
100+ posts

Layer reporter.

Sire, there appears to be a duplicate! We must traverse there at once!
(You know the drill, someone suggested this before, please go there to discuss this addition to prevent clutter and keep the conversation in one place.)

Last edited by -stxllxr (April 1, 2024 23:59:02)

New Scratcher
1000+ posts

Layer reporter.

Mrow meow mrow.
(I can see the potential. There are workarounds, but everything has a workaround. It could certainly help with dynamically generating content, that is an RPG tile like system would greatly benefit by this.)
Mrow meow.
(It also wouldn't take much time to implement, as there's already likely an internal count of it. So they could just read from this.)

Imagine a good signature
Hobbyist engineer, physicist, and programmer.
Proficient in quantum mechanics, classical/Newtonian mechanics, and special/general relativity
New Scratcher
100+ posts

Layer reporter.

GlitchedThrough wrote:

Mrow meow mrow.
(I can see the potential. There are workarounds, but everything has a workaround. It could certainly help with dynamically generating content, that is an RPG tile like system would greatly benefit by this.)
Mrow meow.
(It also wouldn't take much time to implement, as there's already likely an internal count of it. So they could just read from this.)
Jester, there is no simple workaround.
(There isn't really a viable and accurate workaround, without using far too many blocks for something that, as you stated, should have an internal state regardless. Since sprites and clone's code are run in layer-order, i am left to believe that this must be true, and shouldn't bet too difficult to add. The workaround required for this would be quite complex, and i could make a project showing the code for it, but it would be required in every clone sprite and etc, to accurately store the layers.)

Last edited by -stxllxr (April 1, 2024 23:58:48)

500+ posts

Layer reporter.

-stxllxr wrote:

GlitchedThrough wrote:

Mrow meow mrow.
(I can see the potential. There are workarounds, but everything has a workaround. It could certainly help with dynamically generating content, that is an RPG tile like system would greatly benefit by this.)
Mrow meow.
(It also wouldn't take much time to implement, as there's already likely an internal count of it. So they could just read from this.)
Jester, there is no simple workaround.
(There isn't really a viable and accurate workaround, without using far too many blocks for something that, as you stated, should have an internal state regardless. Since sprites and clone's code are run in layer-order, i am left to believe that this must be true, and shouldn't bet too difficult to add. The workaround required for this would be quite complex, and i could make a project showing the code for it, but it would be required in every clone sprite and etc, to accurately store the layers.)
I am the king, and I declare this topic of genius NOT A DUPE! Due to only half of this oh so GENIUS topic being a dupe of topics!

I am deleting the first half D:

Last edited by DangerPuppy10 (April 2, 2024 00:05:04)

I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

Workaround chart:

500+ posts

Layer reporter.


I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

Workaround chart:

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Layer reporter.

-stxllxr wrote:

Sire, there appears to be a duplicate! We must traverse there at once!
(You know the drill, someone suggested this before, please go there to discuss this addition to prevent clutter and keep the conversation in one place.)
Thanks for the link! It does look like this is a duplicate topic so I'll close it to keep the conversation all in one place. Please use the existing topic in the link above.

Scratch Team Member
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