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24 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

chirp has permission to make this into a project


Anything to do with expanding further into the city = Stepping into the dandelions
Union cats = Rats
The Union's park = Tangled vines
The Union's lake = Rain puddle

cat one: “I'm thinking about stepping into the dandelions today. Wanna come with?”
cat two: “Sure! As long as we stop by the tangled vines.”


Code-phrase to ask if a cat is trustworthy: any variation of “Lot of new blossoms out today?”
The codeword to affirm a cat is trustworthy = Any medicinal plant
Codeword to say that a cat present doesn't seem trustworthy = Any dangerous plant

cat one: “Hey, are there any new flowers out today?”
cat two: “Just a bit of chervil.”


codeword meaning “we need to leave” = “The birds seem to be scattering.”
codeword meaning “attack” = any dangerous part of a coyote

Last edited by --constellations (April 2, 2024 01:02:59)

44 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

- Current Union Structuring -

Core values:
- community
- stability/structure

- oligarchy
- small group with strict rules

- The Council
+ 2-5
- Guards
+ enforce rules
- Healers
+ treat injury and sickness
- Caretakers (may combine with Healers. Not sure yet)
+ care for the young and elderly
- Hunters
+ specialize in hunting
- Mentors
+ oversee basic training
+ specialize in teaching young cats
- Trainees
+ young cats in training
- Kits
+ kits
- Retired
+ typically elderly cats
+ sometimes also disabled cats who choose to retire due to the limitations of their disability (not all disabled cats)

- in progress -
+ The Council's word is law and any command given by the Council is to be followed
+ Direct/intentional harm done against the Union (especially against the Council) is a serious offense
+ It is illegal to criticize, joke about, or otherwise judge the Union or the Council
+ One must not take more than they provide (varies by role || Essentially, Union cats look down upon laziness)
+ If a cat leaves the Union (through banishment or by choice though this is very discouraged) they are to apologize for their crimes before the Council. If they show remorse, they will be given a single piece of prey and a long drink of water before being told to leave and never return. A cat who shows no remorse for their crimes against the Union will not be granted food nor drink.

Consequences for breaking laws:
- community service (cleaning, kit care, elder care, extra hunting responsibilities)
- fines (maybe || restricted prey and/or nesting material)
- imprisonment (for more severe crimes || still figuring this one out)
- banishment (for very severe crimes || will be run off if found on Union land)

- The Union is a very self-centered when it comes to religion (and most things, honestly) The Council consider themselves to be superior and any sort of higher power to be an afterthought

Extra stuff:
- cats go through basic training (basic defense, hunting, healing, communication, education on laws, etc)
+ trainees
- after completing basic training, cats can then go through specialized training
+ to become a guard, healer, caretaker, etc.
- I think their current goals are to expand their territory
+ they're stubborn on their way of life being superior and they force this onto surrounding cats (part of the reason that the Coyote's Fangs became a rebel group)
+ they want to ensure that their members have the best opportunities

Last edited by -Chirpsong- (April 3, 2024 03:05:06)

- Chirp -
24 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

basic rules. all subject to change, these are just ideas

not sure about something? just ask @-Chirpsong- or @–constellations !!

1. Please follow Scratch’s commuting guidelines as you roleplay, and use common sense.
2. Before roleplaying a character, please wait to be accepted by an admin or manager.
3. It’s highly encouraged to keep your cats realistic, to an extent. Of course, albino cats with pink eyes are acceptable.
4. Powerplaying is forbidden.
5. Detailed gore, mating or birth scenes are not allowed.
6. There is a limit of 2 characters, and only 1 can be a high rank.
7. Cats can begin to develop crushes at 8 moons, and obtain mates at 15 moons. You are not allowed kits until 18 moons.
8. Always ask for permission to attack, injure, or kill someone’s character.
9. Please type with proper grammar! (cxdeword is passionfruit <3)
10. Up to four kits in a biological or adopted litter.
11. Self hxrm and sxicide is not allowed.
12. LGBTQ+ cats are fine.
13. You must research any disabilities or disorders you chose to give your character.

Last edited by --constellations (April 2, 2024 03:49:32)

44 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

These look good! I think I'm unfamiliar with the term “IDK character” though. What is that?

- Chirp -
24 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

oh it just means i didn’t know what number to put XD
44 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

Oh gotcha! My bad XD

- Chirp -
24 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

alright, here's the little idea for the group i was thinking about. (( WIP ))

❝ We're just trying to survive out here. ❞


・❥・ foreword

.・゜゜・Amidst a sandy expanse, silhouettes dance underneath the nights' stars as the breath of the cool wind stirs the dunes. Tall, blackened trees stand and watch high above boulders and cacti as jackrabbits run beneath them. Fallen logs decay in the blazing sunlight, with mice sheltering in their shade. Sandy pawprints lead up to the entrance to a large hollow, just below a cliff overhang. These silent felines, who once lurked in the shadows with no place to go, now have a place to call home. Yet they still maintain mystery…

≫ The Wasteland Wanders are a group of cats who where founded from Outsiders who fled the Union territory. They live in a desert just off the Coyote's Fangs territory. Metalsnake's path slips through their territory, which is their primary source of navigation. These cats are a bit mysterious, yet they have good intentions. ≪

・❥・ history + culture

.・゜゜・ As previously mentioned, the Wasteland Wanderers were formed from an Outsider group. The lead cat, Ambrož, was sick of the emptiness that clawed at his everyday life, so he left in search of new beginnings, taking a few cats with him. They wandered Metalsnake's path until they came across a large desert scattered with large boulders. Soon, they took shelter in a hollow overshadowed by an overhang from a nearby cliff. Ambrož built himself a new life, and served as a leader of the group for moons until he passed on. The Wanderers have Czechoslovakian origins!

≫ These cats do not force religion upon any cat who does not believe. They don't have specific religious beliefs, but they do feel as if the moon is a key part of their concepts. When a cat dies, they become a “sheep to the moon's shepherd” as they say. Cats can become ghosts and appear in dreams of any cats they choose.

≫ As for their hierarchy, it is as follows.

Captain - the leader of the group. They are appointed through votes, or become captain after the previous captain dies.

Auxiliary - the second-in-command of the group. Basically the deputy in Warrior Cats.

Scouts - nimble and swift cats who provide for everyone hunting-wise. They also collect herbs and such.

Mediators - basically the therapists of the group XD They also boost morale and settle disputes.

Rooks - cats who travel to other groups (ex. the Union) in an attempt to maintain good relations. They also defend against dangers, and build nests and dens for the group.

Trainees - cats in training.

Mothers/fathers - cats excused from their duties for a temporary time due to having or caring for kits.

Retired - cats permantely excused from their duties due to disability or old age. Retiring is a personal choice.

All cats are trained in the practice of herbs, so they have no designated healer.

・❥・territory + animals

.・゜゜・ A vast desert spans the land, boulders scattered across the area. The Wasteland. There isn’t much to be said about this sorching desert, other than a few key points…

≫ camp description

A tall, overhanging cliff dangles above a large hollow, casting a long shadow over the surrounding area. Around the hollow, thick walls made of thorns and brambles protect from any danger, as well as a broken down fence with mysterious origins… The camp has very steep walls, aside from the wooden-boarded ramp used to enter and exit.

Inside the hollow, there are small dens dug into the walls. Discarded wooden boards serve as roofs for the insides of the dens. Inside the delicate areas, nests made of feathers, bramble and bits of moss scatter the floor. In the main clearing, a smaller den-like cave is placed in the back, where it is used to store prey and such. It also contains healing herbs which are used by anyone who needs them.

In the middle of the clearing stands a large, weathered down stone pillar known to the cats as the Hailstone. Draped in vines, it serves as a place for all important matters of the group. Ambrož's spirit is rumored to perch upon the pillar and look after the group.

≫ the oasis

A large pool of water is located near the left of the desert, with flowering plants and life all around itself. Prey thrives here, making it a great spot to hunt and to train.

≫ the ruined lands

Past the main territory, and far away from the hollow, lies an ancient place of mysteries and wonder…

╰┈➤ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/993218694/

≫ prey

The main prey the Wanderer's catch are as follows.

> jackrabbits. (main source of prey, moderately easy to catch)
> mice. (another main source of prey. very easy to catch)
> cactus wrens. (harder to catch)
> snakes. (very dangerous to catch, not uncommon)

≫ dangers

There are many dangers in the desert, watch your step…

> snakes (mostly non-venomous, still dangerous)
> adders (highly venomous, uncommon)
> coyotes (not as common, often run away when they see groups of cats)
> cacti (not very harmful, very common)

・❥・ credits <3

≫ written and created by @–constellations
≫ image in project by @.user.

Last edited by --constellations (April 6, 2024 01:42:52)

44 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

This is so, so cool XD I'm very excited to put this into its intro project

- Chirp -
24 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

WW are done!
44 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

Awesome! I'll put their intro project together when I get a chance X]

- Chirp -
44 posts

silent horizon ideas !!

I made a small edit to the current Union stuff since I was working on Union Law and noting down religion details ^^ I need to do a bit more brainstorming for Union Law, but I think that it's good enough for now

- Chirp -

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