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Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

I think most of us know what the Swastika symbol is. Its the ww2 germany symbol. No, thats the first thing witch comes to mind in 99% of us. Anways, the Swastika symbol is not allowed on scratch, even when your not using it for the ww2 german symbol. I was making a countryball animation, (countryballs are spheres represented as a country, with the flag on it) And it had the Swastika symbol (since americans used it during ww1) And guess what? It got banned! It had no relation to the ww2 symbol whatsoever. But its banned! Sure, it should be banned on ww2 german perspective, But doing that is daft! Why is it banned?

Last edited by Chrome-Dog (April 1, 2024 13:50:31)

Hello! Im from poland, and live in britian.

Im currently on vacation in poland, so i cant make a good signature : /
when green flag clicked
watch countryball stuff.
1000+ posts

Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

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Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
100+ posts

Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

mybearworld wrote:

What's your question?
Why is it banned?

Hello! Im from poland, and live in britian.

Im currently on vacation in poland, so i cant make a good signature : /
when green flag clicked
watch countryball stuff.
1000+ posts

Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

Chrome-Dog wrote:


mybearworld wrote:

What's your question?
Why is it banned?
Because it almost always refers to that German party. It's very rare that it's meant as something different.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
100+ posts

Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

mybearworld wrote:

Chrome-Dog wrote:


mybearworld wrote:

What's your question?
Why is it banned?
Because it almost always refers to that German party. It's very rare that it's meant as something different.
But well, in my animation, it referred nothing about it? But it got banned anways. Scratch cant even understand what the ancient meaning of Swastika was? Just because Gremany gave it the bad look doesnt mean it was always bad.

Hello! Im from poland, and live in britian.

Im currently on vacation in poland, so i cant make a good signature : /
when green flag clicked
watch countryball stuff.
1000+ posts

Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

It should be clear that the Swastika you are trying to represent actually refers to the ancient meanings. Remember that the symbol with ancient meaning is not tilted 45 degrees
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Swastika symbol being banned for daft reason when it has more ancient meanings. why?

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Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

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