Discuss Scratch

2 posts

3d Rasterization + Coding 3d engine

I want to learn how to create a 3d engine, usable for stuff like animated pen intros, mostly for games tho, such as recreating TABS (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) in scratch. I have some experience, and have created several slow, weak and unstable wireframe engines, but nothing with tri fill. I would also need BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) and .obj importing for maps. Before you say “Just use someones 3d engine” I would like to make my own, as nothing gives a deeper level of understanding of a project than coding it yourself from scratch. If anyone has experience in the subject a collab/tutorial/just friendly advice would be appreciated. I know basically nothing, reading through wikipedia now.

Last edited by uysgivskgve (March 30, 2024 21:01:36)

pen down
draw something cool
pen up
add [drawing] to [random cool stuff that doesnt exist]
play sound [llama noise]
100+ posts

3d Rasterization + Coding 3d engine

I'm pretty sure you could find a tutorial by just searching on scratch, but in case you don't want to I found one in the forums right here. Also, help with scripts is more for getting help with a specific problem than making a whole project.

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

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100th post!
1000+ posts

3d Rasterization + Coding 3d engine

MrKingofScratch wrote:

I'm pretty sure you could find a tutorial by just searching on scratch, but in case you don't want to I found one in the forums right here. Also, help with scripts is more for getting help with a specific problem than making a whole project.
That forum post is massively outdated as there are a multitude of better and up to date methods within scratch 3.0, although this forum is indeed for asking for help with a single specific scripting problem rather than an entire project. If you're looking to create an entire project with others, you should go to the collaboration forum.

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

2 posts

3d Rasterization + Coding 3d engine

Thanks, will remove post. First time!

pen down
draw something cool
pen up
add [drawing] to [random cool stuff that doesnt exist]
play sound [llama noise]

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