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40 posts

Mysterious Input Problems

My browser / operating system: IPad iOS 17.2, ChromeiOS 123.0.6312.52, No Flash version detected

So I’ve been working on this scrolling tile map project. (Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/991697687/) Basically, the collisions were jerky, b/c you could see the system compensating for the wall. So, naturally, I turned it to Run Without Screen Refresh… and it went BONKERS. It’s actually ridiculous. This is the only change I have made, and now the system a) freezes up for a second, b) teleports my character about 40 tiles away, and c) THINKS THE RIGHT ARROW KEY IS BEING PRESSED WHEN IT’S NOT BEING PRESSED! It’s like Scratch is possessed or something lol.

Last edited by Connor-Hayes (March 30, 2024 12:44:29)

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40 posts

Mysterious Input Problems

Plz help

Hello, I’m Connor-Hayes.
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1000+ posts

Mysterious Input Problems

Run without screen refresh doesn't just make the block run faster – it prevents any other code from running until that block finished. In your project, this has the following consequences:
  • Keyboard input (releasing the right arrow key) can't be detected.
  • Tiles aren't redrawn when changing Character X, so “touching color black” will always return false.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

Mysterious Input Problems

The following code should work:

when [right arrow v] key pressed
repeat until <not <key [right arrow v] pressed?>>
change [Character X v] by (10)
Move [R]

define Move [input]
if <(input) = [R]> then
repeat until <not <touching color [#000]?>>
change x by (-1)
change [Character X v] by (x position)
set x to (0)

To avoid the first problem mentioned above, I moved the loop that waits for the arrow key to be released out of the custom block. To fix the second problem, I used “change x” instead of “change Character X” to move the character and not the tiles. After finding the distance needed to move the character out of the wall, the “Character X” variable is updated and the x position is reset.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
40 posts

Mysterious Input Problems

Wow, that was…amazingly comprehensive and helpful. Thanks!!
(*me being astonished that I spelled comprehensive correctly*)
(*me realizing it was autocorrect*)
(*me crying in the bathroom*)

Hello, I’m Connor-Hayes.
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