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Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

iiucandyfloss wrote:

Hi! This has been suggested before, and someone has found a workaround, though it has some disadvantages, as listed in this post.

ItchyCatIII wrote:

great24 wrote:

Exponent blocks
(() ^ ())
I'm going to support this.

There is an easy workaround, which would be:

set [answer] to [0]set
repeat (power)

change [answer] by ((base) * (base))
And then the variable “answer” would be your answer. However, subtraction can also be worked around. As can division. But that would get quite complicated. Exponents are a real mathematical function, and therefore, I see no reason why we have to workaround them, but we don't have to add a negative instead of subtract, or multiply be a reciprocal instead of divide (although technically, you'd have to convert the reciprocal into a decimal, otherwise it will be a division problem in another form… and to do that, you need to divide, so that workaround would definitely complicate Scratch, and possibly add limitations ).

Credit to @ItchyCatIII for their post

NOTE: I am not following this post, so you will likely not see me on this post after this.

Thank you. Have a good day.
Where's the original post then? Or is this the original and you're stating that somebody else also suggested this idea after, as a dupe?
king o' page :D

Last edited by DangerPuppy10 (March 16, 2024 12:41:11)

I shall

Workaround chart:

16 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

mumu245 wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:


undeterminstic wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

undeterminstic wrote:

why i see squared being a block but never in my 4 years of scratch have i ever needed ()^() i understand the workaround is hard but why use exponents?

any sort of project which requires the calculation of distance would severely benefit from this block, and also any project which requires exponential growth of some value.
i mean a use case broader then its intended case. it's like i requested a inverse hyperbolic cotangent block and people wondered what it was for and i said you can use it for inverse hyperbolic cotangent. i know it can be used for distance but can cube a number be used for anything. also often exponetiation is slow so we do other algorithms then the block. for example instead of doing exponetiation for Fast Modular Exponetiation we use a different algorithm that is faster.
who says the block has to be implemented in a slow way?

Say I want the cost of a item in my clicker game to grow at a rate of x^x, how should else should I implement this?

What if I wanted to cheat in math class and make a cubic calculator?

Oh hey I want to measure and calculate stuff in the pH or any other logrithmic scales
It's a basic math function. In Romania 11-year old kids learn it in school.
If it makes you feel any better, I learnt it in year 4. Btw, I have been reading of this discussion for a while now and I have seen numerous workarounds. The easiest is just a repeat function but you could use this project which I created a while back.
tph, it would be useful if they added a ()^() block. I just wonder why they haven't done it yet.
Until then you could always use the solution of this approach which I saw a while ago (I think it still works and I put it in the project that I mentioned before):
(([10^ v] of (([log v] of ([abs v] of (num1))) * (num2))) * (([abs v] of (num1)) / (num2)))

Last edited by 210311m (March 17, 2024 11:06:46)

50 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Guys, I have discovered a workaround.
([10^ v] of (((numerator) / (denominator)) * ([log v] of (base))))
([e^ v] of (((numerator) / (denominator)) * ([ln v] of (base))))

(I do still support an exponent block)

Last edited by HelloJelloPeople (March 29, 2024 11:21:57)

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Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

HelloJelloPeople wrote:

Guys, I have discovered a workaround.
([10^ v] of (((numerator) / (denominator)) * ([log v] of (base))))
([e^ v] of (((numerator) / (denominator)) * ([ln v] of (base))))

(I do still support an exponent block)

There are countless workarounds but not only are they extremely bulk and way over the heads of 95% of Scratchers, it's also slow. All those operations happening in Scratch and not in JS or C makes it slow. Faster exponents would be helpful for a lot of projects.
3 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

HelloJelloPeople wrote:

Guys, I have discovered a workaround.
([10^ v] of (((numerator) / (denominator)) * ([log v] of (base))))
([e^ v] of (((numerator) / (denominator)) * ([ln v] of (base))))

(I do still support an exponent block)

Yeah but it only works for positive numbers because of log and has a rounding error.

IndexErrorException wrote:

There are countless workarounds but not only are they extremely bulk and way over the heads of 95% of Scratchers, it's also slow. All those operations happening in Scratch and not in JS or C makes it slow. Faster exponents would be helpful for a lot of projects.

Yes, but they are still functional and easy to use by backpacking. A very good one was shown earlier in the post. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/16871883/
100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

+1, but maybe just add this?
((3) [^ v] (3)::operators)
with all the operator menus?

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Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

jmdzti_0-0 wrote:

+1, but maybe just add this?
((3) [^ v] (3)::operators)
with all the operator menus?
That wouldn't fit any existing block shape. An entirely new block would be necessary for this.

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100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

+1. would be easior so we hadn't use the
[10 ^ v] of ([log v] of ((2) * (10)) 
Block I't so messy ;-;

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.
NOW THEY EAT YOUR «MY STUFF» AND OTHER 2.0 UI PAGES! triple click for more info. /j I just wanted to make fun of the bug. ngl would be funny to see people put this on their signatures. please fix this
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Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Everybody is saying the same reason. I would like to put a new one to the table; it helps with transition to other coding languages, such as Python. Not the symbol perse, but the operations. If people get into the habit of using operations when learning using Scratch, it will stick with them during the rest of their coding experience.

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Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Bringing this topic up.

qloakonscratch wrote:

Everybody is saying the same reason. I would like to put a new one to the table; it helps with transition to other coding languages, such as Python. Not the symbol perse, but the operations. If people get into the habit of using operations when learning using Scratch, it will stick with them during the rest of their coding experience.
I feel like there's no way that this hasn't been mentioned though, and there's not much to say honestly.

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Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
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user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

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