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34 posts

Zero gravity toggle whenever a sprite touches a different sprite

Hello fellow scratchers!
I'm considering making a platformer but as soon as the character touches a piece of ground, it loses gravity and starts drifting with the force from the player applied to it to make it drift in a direction. Basically, I need a code that will make a sprite have zero gravity and drift in the direction that the player sprite landed. Any ideas?
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57 posts

Zero gravity toggle whenever a sprite touches a different sprite

You could have a variable which controls gravity which is inverted when the player touches the ground (from 5 to -5 or something), in addition to making the current gravity, which is something you should already track using platformer scripts, multiplied by -1 to invert it. If you don't know how to do platformer scripts, there are many tutorials out there, griffpatch and otherwise, and I would recommend looking at some of those to get something which works for you.

Potatoes are good. Game dev is good. Potatoes in game dev is remarkable.
100+ posts

Zero gravity toggle whenever a sprite touches a different sprite

if <not <touching [ no gravity sprit v] ?>> then

set [gravity v] to [0]
set [gravity v] to [5]

This is dave
:D :: hat :: motion
He protects my from evil kumquats.
Please follow me if you find my response helpful and give me any ideas for my game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992371983/
34 posts

Zero gravity toggle whenever a sprite touches a different sprite

27xz wrote:

You could have a variable which controls gravity which is inverted when the player touches the ground (from 5 to -5 or something), in addition to making the current gravity, which is something you should already track using platformer scripts, multiplied by -1 to invert it. If you don't know how to do platformer scripts, there are many tutorials out there, griffpatch and otherwise, and I would recommend looking at some of those to get something which works for you.
sorry I should define that the platform the player touches loses gravity


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