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How do you fix line warping when 3D objects move off the screen.

Basically I was following a tutorial on how to make a 3D engine because I was bored. Anyways I'm done with it but the problem is that I can't figure out how to fix the lines warping and going crazy when attempting to move them off screen. If someone could provide a detailed explanation and fix I'd appreciate it <3

linkie: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/989332716/

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100+ posts

How do you fix line warping when 3D objects move off the screen.

This would be XY clipping, and this tutorial explains it quite well. An easier alternative would be to make an empty 0x0 sprite in the vector mode, and use this block:
when green flag clicked
set size to ((1) / (0)) %
500+ posts

How do you fix line warping when 3D objects move off the screen.

malicondii wrote:

This would be XY clipping, and this tutorial explains it quite well. An easier alternative would be to make an empty 0x0 sprite in the vector mode, and use this block:
when green flag clicked
set size to ((1) / (0)) %

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

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This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

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