Discuss Scratch

15 posts


date 3/22/2024 - 10/31/2024 this contest will not last long plz join
Hosting contest you can do anything like a pfp, animation, a game or something I like no coping and be cool and chill and creative and crazy
1st place gets 50 followers
2ed place gets 35 followers
3rd place gets 30 followers
4th place gets 27 followers
5th place gets 25 followers
6th place gets 25 followers
7th place gets 25 followers
8th place gets 20 followers
9th place get 20 followers
10th place get 15 followers
and the others sorry 1 follower from @i_follow_peaple
we need 50 pgs plz ask me in comments
remix to enter no fees or follow people to enter free for all

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