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2 posts

Why is the “turn degrees” thing making the sprite not rotate?

when green flag clicked
turn cw () degrees
100+ posts

Why is the “turn degrees” thing making the sprite not rotate?

1. please give us the link to the project. it makes it easier.
2. please elaborate. what is the situation? putting two Scratchblocks isn't helping us understand.
3. Have you tried checking if your sprite has “left-right rotation” or “don't rotate”?
2 posts

Why is the “turn degrees” thing making the sprite not rotate?

1000+ posts

Why is the “turn degrees” thing making the sprite not rotate?

You need to change the rotation style - you have it currently as don't rotate.
74 posts

Why is the “turn degrees” thing making the sprite not rotate?

deck26 wrote:

You need to change the rotation style - you have it currently as don't rotate.
yep, I agree

“It’s not a bug; it’s an undocumented feature.” ― Anonymous

when green flag clicked
change [ awesomeness] by (1)
1000+ posts

Why is the “turn degrees” thing making the sprite not rotate?

I agree with @deck26. Just add a
set rotation style [ all around v]
to your
when green flag clicked
go to x: (0) y: (0)
and you'll never have to worry about that again in that project.

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Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/

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