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15 posts

Animation reloads tab after 205 frames.

So i'm making an animation, but whenever i play it, it reloads the page after around 205 frames (i counted it with the costume number variable). Does anyone know why this is happening? This only happens when i try on mobile (which is what i'm animating it on).
1000+ posts

Animation reloads tab after 205 frames.

In my experience, this issue is practically inevitable when trying to run long frame-by-frame animations on mobile devices, probably due to mobile devices not having the best processors.

If you’d like to avoid this issue, try to work on this animation on a computer. Normally computers don’t crash when playing back animations, even crappy school ones.

psst! Hit ctrl + shift + down to see the rest!

Anyways hi, I'm SK

I've been on this site since I was 10 years old. I am currently 16

I have a major addiction to sweet tea and draw a crap ton of stuff in my free time (not all of which is scratch appropriate). I post whatever I want to on the main site and mostly manage the collaborations directory and answer questions in QaS on the forums

I have over 2000 posts lol, a huge chunk of them being from when I was 11-12 during the height of COVID

If by any chance the post you''re reading is from early 2021 or before, please forget that post exists since it is cringey

This is Kimikat.
She protecc my siggy, and has been since 2020

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