Discuss Scratch

4 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I don't mind being a curator. I can pick the best of the best!
7 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I want to be curator please

Last edited by samuraisaj (March 24, 2024 07:26:19)

A amateur
88 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hii!! I am interested in joining the PPTBF studio! I love to help out in the community; and ocassionally drop in the SDS and answer comments and I am also in the FPCAH studio. It would be nice if you chose me as a curator as I'm looking forward to be one and to help out! Scratch On! ^-^ Have a nice day!

I'm choclateparrot, a writer + book-lover
I love scratch <3
when green flag clicked
broadcast [Write the book you want to read v]
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can I join please? I will do my best to be helpful
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

when green flag clicked
if <[ curator list] contains [Juneying6] ?> then
I will do my best to help

Last edited by Juneying6 (March 24, 2024 10:01:10)

0 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi, can I curate please? I am active on scratch and will be very helpful.
when green flag clicked
if <I can be a curator> then
I will help
when I receive [ you can be a curator]
say [thank you soooo much]
I will be helpful
broadcast [ start working!]

when I receive [ start working!]
repeat (two month)
recive projects
if <project follow rules> then
add it
report it

Last edited by hongkiat (March 24, 2024 13:37:49)

73 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'm wanna, to curate this again! I will be happy do this! I'm curated it already, but I'm beginning happy to curate this again!

Hi! I am liked to collab!
I'm friendly scratcher!
64 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Sure! I would love to help people achieve their dreams!

Thouse1234 | SDS Helper x8 | Major Community Studio Helper | SES Curator x6 | FF Studio Curator | FPCAH Help Studio Curator | PPTBF Curator x4 | MTS Curator
Ready to serve for the greatness of Scratch!
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I really want to be a curator, but I'm not mature enough to use the reply button.

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

NateCoder2021 wrote:

I really want to be a curator, but I'm not mature enough to use the reply button.

Wait, do you have to use the reply button?

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
4 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I want to help be a curator, I'll make sure I'll put projects that follow the guidelines on.
when this sprite clicked
if <username = ceebee> then
say hooray!!! for 10 seconds

say hey, you're not ceebee!
when I receive [curator]
if <project follows guidelines> then 
go to x: (project box) y: (project box)

glide (1) secs to x: (report box) y: (report box)

pls try this game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/986517563

Last edited by CandieCreations (March 24, 2024 18:10:43)

10 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi! I'd love to be a curator! It would be a wonderful experience! I'd love to not only help underrated scratchers, but find them!! There are so many exceptional projects out there, and sometimes I look at that studio just to find some! I would really love to be a curator, if that's alright!

idk what to say here. I felt like I needed to say smth bc everyone has a signature.
26 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Wait this was open?

Okay whatever I'd like to curate again

when green flag clicked
ask [Can I curate PPTBF?] and wait
if <(answer) = [yes]> then
broadcast [celebrate! v]
initiate [self destruct v]
stop [hammer time v]

Last edited by BrilliantGamer6 (March 26, 2024 20:37:46)

I don't really use the forums, so I don't really need to make a signature, but uhh…

Here's a link to one of my best projects!

(seriously it's amazing)

Don't click this link though.

stop [hammer time v]
14 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hello @ceebee! I would like to curate! I want to be helpful member of the community and will be active. I also have curated teh April Fools Studio Somewhere in Time and have experience so I can be useful for you. I'll make sure the projects are not made by the scratcher itself, the proposer is not a new scratcher and the project follows the community guidelines. Thanks!

when green flag clicked
Destroy (Minecraft)
Destroy (Apple)
Get (Microsoft)
7 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

22jpaintaylor wrote:

when green flag clicked

if <<[Curator] = [No]>> then

say [Can I JOIN TOO???] for (1,000,000) nanoseconds



Bro if a fly loses its wings is it called a walk?
If you give a pig bacon is it being a cannibal??? IF YOU ARE 99 POUNDS AND THEN U EAT ONE POUND OF CAKE R U NOW 1% CAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Mom tell Glitch To Go To Sleep And Stop Making Me Insane
6 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I would LOVE to be a member, I have never done it before, it would be new to me!
when green flag clicked
if <curator = y e s> then
go to [Outer Space]

'Life is like a boat. It can be “smooth sailing”, but can be like the Titanic when it crashed into an iceberg. You just have to persevere. It will pay off.'
I made that quote.
30 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi, I would love to curate and help out again :-)
19 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Here is a loud band

Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/983790674/

Hi, I am here

1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

PLEASE I want to be a curator!!!

The only times I've broken the guidelines is:

  • I tried to comment a link to a Google Doc for a friend's project we were working on together : 5 minute ban from comments
  • I made a cloud chat : project removed

I really want to be part of something bigger than my own little “company”
I'm beg of the mods to please let me be a curator
1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ceebee wrote:

The Propose Projects to Be Featured studio is looking for curators for the next term, April 2, 2024 - June 3, 2024.

The Proposed Projects to Be Featured studio is one place the Scratch Team looks to find projects to feature on the homepage. All Scratchers can propose projects. The curators help by adding those projects to the studio.

If you become a curator, you will:
  • Look at the studio comments for projects that Scratchers would like to add
  • Check that the person proposing the project is…
    - A Scratcher
    - Not the person who made the project
  • Check that the project…
    - Doesn’t obviously break the community guidelines (if it does, report it instead!)
  • If all those things are true, add it!
  • Respond to the comment to let them know you added it

We are looking for curators who are Scratchers, and who are friendly and helpful in the community. You can serve as many terms as you would like; if you have already been a curator and would like to continue helping, just ask again.

If you’re interested, respond to this thread!

Many thanks to the PPTBF Curators who helped the last two months! Thank you, I do want to become a curator.

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