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48 posts

SWC March -Script- --April

Weekly #3

Part 1/

- Allison was a serious, hard working kid, who would do anything for anyone. Though, of course, it had to be good things, he'd never do something bad. No. Never. But then… One day, as he prepared for a school play, (and of course, he was the main character) her realised his beloved pirate hat disappeared.

- Allison was greatly troubled by the disappearance of his hat, because it was a very important detail for his character in the play. Just as he was getting desperate, having turned the house upside down three times, he thought he saw a shadow with his pirate hat. As the day goes on, he noticed scattered foot prints, or should we say rather paw prints.

- The day of the play… Allison still didn't have his hat. Just as he prepared to adapt without it, he saw a cute little turtle wearing his hat. A turtle had stolen his pirate hat! As his outstretched hand touched the him of the hat, the cute creature turned into a horrible monster.

- Allison managed to retrieve his hat, and went to school fairly happily, ready to tell his friends about the mysterious turtle. Just then, he heard a big blast in his house, and the turtle came flying out, having turned into a deep shade of scarlet and burning with flames. It charged at Allison.

- Allison panicked, but he managed to keep calm. Using his skills as magician, he created a portal and the turtle, not noticing it, crashed into it. The turtle disappeared into another world. Allison didn't have time to check which world he had sent the turtle in, he was going to be late for school. As he sat on his chair in a classroom, he noticed he had sent the turtle monster into a digital world called “SWC”. He shrugged. All it mattered was that he had his pirate hat back.
*315 words

Part 2/

- Exposition: The main character has a friend who likes to play tricks on him. It is introduced in the form of a dialogue, Allison phoning his friend to tell him the importance of the pirate hat on the play. The friend is a little too suspicious as he agrees a little too swiftly.

- Exposition: The main character feeds his turtle after calling his friend. The turtle cage is placed in front of a shelf, where Allison's pirate hat is standing. The turtle is very cute and lovable, but today, Allison was having trouble feeding it lettuce. The turtle just didn't seem to want to open his mouth and turn his head.

- Rising action: Allison was turning his house over in search of his pirate hat. He was so concentrated and nervous and furious that he didn't notice his cute little pet disappeared. He continues searching without paying much attention to the detail. He, the model student, wouldn't want to ruin the play with a lost pirate hat.

- Rising action: The main character thought he saw a little shadow besides the house. It didn't seem that much like the shape of his pirate hat, so he didn't worry too much about the little shadow. He needed to find his hat, urgently! But that little detail he skipped… It would have saved him lots of trouble.
*224 words

Part 3/

Just like I said so, the youngsters nowadays… And you do not question the interviewer, quite the opposite actually. With that being said, on with the questions. After you went shopping at the mall for your ‘sister’s present', I assume you went straight back home? Or… were you erring around the place, wanting to give a tap on the back to your great friend the murderer?
*nostrils flaring xD* AHEMMM for dinner? I am very sorry but the crime happened at 7:34 pm, which is way too early for dinner! Excuse me for the rather completely unrelated question, but when do you eat dinner? For your information, I eat dinner at 11:59:59 pm exact! Argh, these youngsters nowadays, they don't care about tradition or culture or dinner time! *grits teeth* *calms down* Sorry for the slight off topic. Let us continue. What is your favourite meal to eat for dinner at 11:59:59 pm?
*coldly I do have my own reasons to interview you! You say you were at the mall. Did you not hear any corruption after the murder took place? AND- I remind you that Gurtlemart, the store where the murder took place, is RIGHT NEXT to SWCarget. So you better answer correctly.
Humph…. What is that ‘thing or two’ you know about the murder? I am quite interested to know.
Yes, yes. Noted. And how do you know the names's John? And I have my reason for interviewing, this is none of your business, young lady. :stern:
:stern: And why were you at the mall?
Ahem… So, I'm here to ask you a few question concerning the crime. First of all, where were you when the scene took place? :eyes:
Well then… With the information I gathered, I would like to announce that you are not a suspect.
*309 words

Part 4/

It was a dark, rainy day. There had just been a new murder stated in the newspaper. About a man called John something murdered in a shop, Gurtlemart, to be exact. The news had been all over the city. It had reached a house too, with a newspaper lying on the table, but it hadn't caused much commotion in the peaceful home.

In a quiet home of the busy city, there was a little boy called Allison. He was model student, and would do anything for everyone in the most gentleman like manner, even if he was only seven of age. He was phoning a friend, talking seriously about the school play they were both in. “That pirate hat. It's a very important accessory.” Allison says to his friend. Through the phone, the friend laughs.

Allison hangs off and turns to feed his cute little turtle some lettuce. The turtle who would normally be munching happily through the salad, was staring, or so it seemed, at Allison's desk. The boy shrugged.

The following morning, and the day of the play, Allison woke up to find his pirate hat gone. He panicked, and turned the house upside down three times, unsuccessful. In the commotion, he didn't realise his pet had gone, too. Just as he began to loose hope and thought that he would somehow have to manage without the pirate hat, he saw some footprints… Or rather paw prints, on the spotlessly clean floor. Then, he saw a dark shadow immerging out of his front yard. Gurtle! He shouted out. It was his pet, with his pirate hat on top of the turtle's head. He laughed out loud and just as the tip of his finger touched the him of his pirate hat, the inoffensive turtle turned into a horrifying monster. A balrog, more precisely.

Allison knew what to do. He should have expected that. The magician who gave him the turtle warned him of the pet's powers. The magician knew only one trick to solve the problem, and taught that to Allison. The boy waved his arm, recited a few magical lines, and a portal created itself out of thin air. Gurtle ran straight at the portal, not seeing it, and he disappeared to another world, leaving the pirate hat safe and sound on the ground. Allison didn't know what world his pet got sent to, but it couldn't have mattered less to him, since he, model student, would never be late, especially on a special occasion such as this one. He carefully put his pirate hat on, ran back inside to take his school bag, stuffed a few text books inside it, and ran off to his beloved school.

Meanwhile, Gurtle the Balrog was being ejected into another world. It was a digital world, on screen, not a real one, but what mattered for the angry, flaming monster? All it wanted to do was destroy everything and anything in its way. It discovered text boxes, images of a cute turtle (wait, wasn't that him?), and many, many other destroyable things. He also ate a few links on his way to ease his hunger. It wrecked ships and sailors, flowers and constellation, it tampered with on going wars… It did all it can to destroy whatever was in it's path. The people in the digital world would have to fight hard to control the wild beast…
*567 words

Total: 1,434 words

April | Huffleclaw | she/her | bookworm / egghead / whatever-you-call-someone-who-loves-books

“Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go” -Oscar Wilde
48 posts

SWC March -Script- --April

Daily 27/03

The sky does not belong to anyone.
You will understand after trying
Hell is not under our feet
There is nothing higher than the sky.
Everything has a purpose
the right way
This is the situation.
No time to think.
It doesn't matter now
Only in special cases

The vast sky above us holds a mystery that transcends ownership. It's a reminder of the infinite beauty and wonder that surrounds us, a constant presence that we gaze upon with awe and curiosity. Those who have tried to understand its secrets know that it holds more than meets the eye, that it is a realm of endless possibilities waiting to be explored. The idea that hell is not under our feet challenges our preconceived notions of what lies beneath us; it suggests that darkness and despair are not confined to earthly realms but can extend beyond our physical existence. In contemplating this notion, we come to realize that there is nothing higher than the sky, that its expanse reaches far beyond our reach and comprehension. Everything in the universe, from the smallest insect to the mightiest mountain, has a purpose in the grand scheme of things, each piece fitting together in a delicate balance that guides the flow of life. It's a reminder that there is a right way for things to unfold, a natural order that governs the world and shapes our existence. This is the situation we find ourselves in, a world full of complexities and uncertainties where every action carries weight and consequences. In this fast-paced environment, there is often no time to think, no luxury of deliberating over our choices; we must act swiftly and decisively to navigate the challenges that come our way. Yet, in the grand scheme of the universe, the intricacies of our individual lives may seem inconsequential, like a drop in the vast ocean of existence. It's a reminder that in the grand tapestry of life, our actions only truly matter in special cases, when they have the power to shape the course of history or change the world in meaningful ways. So as we look up at the boundless sky above us, let us remember that we are but small pieces in a much larger puzzle, each with our own unique role to play in the unfolding drama of the universe. And perhaps, in that realisation, we can find comfort and purpose in the knowledge that we are part of something far greater than ourselves, connected to the vast expanse of the cosmos above us.
*375 words

April | Huffleclaw | she/her | bookworm / egghead / whatever-you-call-someone-who-loves-books

“Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go” -Oscar Wilde
48 posts

SWC March -Script- --April

Daily 30/03

What? No, no way! Why am I seeing this?

Yllona squeezed her eyes shut, trying, in vain, to block out the images circulating around and around in her head. It didn't work. Pictures of her long gone parents, smiling and grinning somewhat eerily, floated about her mind.

No, no no!

Yllona pressed her hands to her ears, as though it would help her out of the hallucinations. She didn't expect it to. From that morning, when she woke up, she was having visions of her dead parents. It was as if… she shivered at the thought. As if she developed a superpower through the night. A superpower that would… What, force you to see images of your happy parents? That might not have sounded that bad for most people, but for Yllona, it was no less than torture.

She had lost her parents at the early age of 9. She was 14 years old now, so that might have not been that early, compared to her age. She had been old enough to remember her parents clearly. What good days they were! Living with two loving parents caring for her day and night! They had even gone out hiking together, fishing by the lake…

But one tragic car accident had killed them, Death had taken them. Leaving Yllona to travel from foster family to foster family.

*226 words

Last edited by ziqing11 (March 30, 2024 13:15:14)

April | Huffleclaw | she/her | bookworm / egghead / whatever-you-call-someone-who-loves-books

“Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go” -Oscar Wilde

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