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[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Libbyty2 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

I remember seeing a movie on YT that was I think around 40 minutes long and was made in Toontastic 3D. It was about 4 friends, and one of them sent his 3 friends to a town filled with small toy figures that can movie around like normal people. I think it was called “Toontastic Figures Movie” or something else like that. But I can't find the movie anymore. It was made by IHEART2GAMING.
i'll try and find it for ya
I found a playlist on yt called Toontastic (2008) Full Movie. it has 42 1-2 minute long videos. I should warn you, at least 1 has swears in it. The first one has swears in it, but has a link to the clean version in the description.
edit: i dont think it is tho
it's not in it. it was 3D, and the cartoons on were made on the 2d app.

Edit: i believe the actual video title was “Toontastic Figures Movie Full Movie 1080p”

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch on!] for (2) secs
Be moist
be awesome
Above is Kobolandirosalikoraminamiorigamipaperpaperpizzaguy. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.He's also a friendly demon.
Ever wanted to meet an anti-furry? | here let me take your sad and throw it down the garbage disposal | YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS
52 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Libbyty2 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

I remember seeing a movie on YT that was I think around 40 minutes long and was made in Toontastic 3D. It was about 4 friends, and one of them sent his 3 friends to a town filled with small toy figures that can movie around like normal people. I think it was called “Toontastic Figures Movie” or something else like that. But I can't find the movie anymore. It was made by IHEART2GAMING.
i'll try and find it for ya
I found a playlist on yt called Toontastic (2008) Full Movie. it has 42 1-2 minute long videos. I should warn you, at least 1 has swears in it. The first one has swears in it, but has a link to the clean version in the description.
edit: i dont think it is tho
it's not in it. it was 3D, and the cartoons on were made on the 2d app.

Edit: i believe the actual video title was “Toontastic Figures Movie Full Movie 1080p”
No that’s not it. I think the video was deleted.

Help me look for a short YT movie I watched in 2022 - GO!
52 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Libbyty2 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Libbyty2 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

I remember seeing a movie on YT that was I think around 40 minutes long and was made in Toontastic 3D. It was about 4 friends, and one of them sent his 3 friends to a town filled with small toy figures that can movie around like normal people. I think it was called “Toontastic Figures Movie” or something else like that. But I can't find the movie anymore. It was made by IHEART2GAMING.
i'll try and find it for ya
I found a playlist on yt called Toontastic (2008) Full Movie. it has 42 1-2 minute long videos. I should warn you, at least 1 has swears in it. The first one has swears in it, but has a link to the clean version in the description.
edit: i dont think it is tho
it's not in it. it was 3D, and the cartoons on were made on the 2d app.

Edit: i believe the actual video title was “Toontastic Figures Movie Full Movie 1080p”
Yup, I checked his channel, it was deleted. So I guess this is permeantly lost media.

Help me look for a short YT movie I watched in 2022 - GO!
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Superbega429 wrote:

Yup, I checked his channel, it was deleted. So I guess this is permeantly lost media.
Do you have the URL? If the channel was popular there's a chance it's on Wayback.
(If you had liked the video then check through your liked videos playlist for deleted videos - make sure to click the little three dots and click “Show unavailable videos” first! Then you can copy the video link from there.)
Edit: I should add that Wayback is weird when it comes to YouTube, and even if it has the video page, it might not have the video itself.
The direct URL to the video, if it's preserved, would be https://web.archive.org/web/2oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/ and then after that last slash put the video's ID. (which is the gibberish in the URL that comes after the “v=” bit. make sure to delete the “&list=” and everything after that!)
Then you'll either get an error page or the video will show up. If you get a little play button with a line through it, that means the video exists but your browser can't play it. (In my experience it's always been a MP4 which pretty much anything can play, a WEBM which Chrome can play, or… an FLV, which I have no idea how to play, quite frankly. I think Flash Player if you still have a computer with that around?? Animate itself doesn't work… But that only happened on a couple of older videos, so hopefully you'll get a file you can play!! Good luck )

Last edited by Fun_Cupcake_i81 (March 23, 2024 07:13:15)

NullPointerException: myLife does not exist.
Hi! I'm Fun Cupcake and I pop onto the forums every now and then to ask questions or try and help out.
My goal is to help people out and brighten their days!
Also, I do in fact have a voice-acted series. It's a fantasy story and I'd love it if you'd check it out!
You could also check out Sprinkle Town, a town game I created inspired by Stardew Valley! (It's still in very early development stages.)
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

ithcus wrote:

abubriski wrote:

There's a project in my favorites that I have not been able to find. I know that it contains ace or asexual, and also contains either “| a pride story” or “| an asexual story” or maybe “| an ace story”. Would someone be able to help with this?

maybe this? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/852176624/

im going through every page and rn i'm up to 70 and this is the closest related thing so far
i may go back and do the rest of the pages later

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)


100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

I don't understand where the song in HERE this project came from…does anyone know cod zombies? It might be that…

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)


52 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Yup, I checked his channel, it was deleted. So I guess this is permeantly lost media.
Do you have the URL? If the channel was popular there's a chance it's on Wayback.
(If you had liked the video then check through your liked videos playlist for deleted videos - make sure to click the little three dots and click “Show unavailable videos” first! Then you can copy the video link from there.)
Edit: I should add that Wayback is weird when it comes to YouTube, and even if it has the video page, it might not have the video itself.
The direct URL to the video, if it's preserved, would be https://web.archive.org/web/2oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/ and then after that last slash put the video's ID. (which is the gibberish in the URL that comes after the “v=” bit. make sure to delete the “&list=” and everything after that!)
Then you'll either get an error page or the video will show up. If you get a little play button with a line through it, that means the video exists but your browser can't play it. (In my experience it's always been a MP4 which pretty much anything can play, a WEBM which Chrome can play, or… an FLV, which I have no idea how to play, quite frankly. I think Flash Player if you still have a computer with that around?? Animate itself doesn't work… But that only happened on a couple of older videos, so hopefully you'll get a file you can play!! Good luck )
No I don’t, sadly.

Help me look for a short YT movie I watched in 2022 - GO!
52 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

Yup, I checked his channel, it was deleted. So I guess this is permeantly lost media.
Do you have the URL? If the channel was popular there's a chance it's on Wayback.
(If you had liked the video then check through your liked videos playlist for deleted videos - make sure to click the little three dots and click “Show unavailable videos” first! Then you can copy the video link from there.)
Edit: I should add that Wayback is weird when it comes to YouTube, and even if it has the video page, it might not have the video itself.
The direct URL to the video, if it's preserved, would be https://web.archive.org/web/2oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/ and then after that last slash put the video's ID. (which is the gibberish in the URL that comes after the “v=” bit. make sure to delete the “&list=” and everything after that!)
Then you'll either get an error page or the video will show up. If you get a little play button with a line through it, that means the video exists but your browser can't play it. (In my experience it's always been a MP4 which pretty much anything can play, a WEBM which Chrome can play, or… an FLV, which I have no idea how to play, quite frankly. I think Flash Player if you still have a computer with that around?? Animate itself doesn't work… But that only happened on a couple of older videos, so hopefully you'll get a file you can play!! Good luck )
I actually do have Flash Player on my computer. I downloaded it for something else though.

Help me look for a short YT movie I watched in 2022 - GO!
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

abubriski wrote:

I don't understand where the song in HERE this project came from…does anyone know cod zombies? It might be that…
It's the song that comes up a few seconds after the weird glitchy sounds.

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)


100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Here's a story.
One time I saw this movie. I didn't watch it until about a few months later, but I knew it existed. It was about these girls having to fight off an alien invasion. I knew the basic idea but I totally forgot the title. Can you guess what it is?

Last edited by Libbyty2 (March 23, 2024 21:29:50)

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch on!] for (2) secs
Be moist
be awesome
Above is Kobolandirosalikoraminamiorigamipaperpaperpizzaguy. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.He's also a friendly demon.
Ever wanted to meet an anti-furry? | here let me take your sad and throw it down the garbage disposal | YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Superbega429 wrote:

No I don’t, sadly.
Hmm… Okay that makes it a bit trickier but if you were signed into YouTube when you watched it then you should still be able to find it via your watch history… Now there's probably gonna be a lot of deleted videos in there, so try putting each video's URL into quiteaplaylist.com which will identify the video's title if it can.

NullPointerException: myLife does not exist.
Hi! I'm Fun Cupcake and I pop onto the forums every now and then to ask questions or try and help out.
My goal is to help people out and brighten their days!
Also, I do in fact have a voice-acted series. It's a fantasy story and I'd love it if you'd check it out!
You could also check out Sprinkle Town, a town game I created inspired by Stardew Valley! (It's still in very early development stages.)
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

abubriski wrote:

abubriski wrote:

I don't understand where the song in HERE this project came from…does anyone know cod zombies? It might be that…
It's the song that comes up a few seconds after the weird glitchy sounds.
It may be from a game called COD: Zombies

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)


100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

I remember an old game, I think, where you went around the screen and collected stuff. It's probably cookies.io, but I think you picked up dust, and anyway, there's not much of a point as this could be almost any .iO gAmE.

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)


52 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

No I don’t, sadly.
Hmm… Okay that makes it a bit trickier but if you were signed into YouTube when you watched it then you should still be able to find it via your watch history… Now there's probably gonna be a lot of deleted videos in there, so try putting each video's URL into quiteaplaylist.com which will identify the video's title if it can.
At the time I watched it, I didn’t have an account. Which makes this even more trickier.

Help me look for a short YT movie I watched in 2022 - GO!
52 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

No I don’t, sadly.
Hmm… Okay that makes it a bit trickier but if you were signed into YouTube when you watched it then you should still be able to find it via your watch history… Now there's probably gonna be a lot of deleted videos in there, so try putting each video's URL into quiteaplaylist.com which will identify the video's title if it can.
Also, I have tried that website before but it looks like it only works for URLs. Not titles.

Help me look for a short YT movie I watched in 2022 - GO!
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Superbega429 wrote:

At the time I watched it, I didn’t have an account. Which makes this even more trickier.
Oh… then I'm afraid you're out of luck, unless you haven't cleared your browser history between now and when you watched it??
Either way, at least there's still some chance that the video is out there and may resurface - which is better than nothing

Superbega429 wrote:

Also, I have tried that website before but it looks like it only works for URLs. Not titles.
Yes, the purpose of that website is to figure out a video's title if you only have the URL. Although an engine that works that way in reverse would be very cool, I'm not sure if it's feasible? Idk.

NullPointerException: myLife does not exist.
Hi! I'm Fun Cupcake and I pop onto the forums every now and then to ask questions or try and help out.
My goal is to help people out and brighten their days!
Also, I do in fact have a voice-acted series. It's a fantasy story and I'd love it if you'd check it out!
You could also check out Sprinkle Town, a town game I created inspired by Stardew Valley! (It's still in very early development stages.)
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

i asked this a few years ago before i went inactive, but i'm going to ask it again since plenty of new people are posting on this topic.

there exists an iphone game i really loved years ago, and i can't seem to figure out what it was called. i also don't see it anywhere in my download history, so i'm out of luck with that.

to be specific, the game in question involved a family of aliens whose spaceship had been destroyed by a meteor, and in order to repair their ship they needed various items. the player is tasked with locating these items in the real world, with the aliens giving vague descriptions like “take a picture of something you wear to stay dry.” the player finds these items in the real world around their home, then takes a picture of it using their phone's camera. this cycle is repeated like two more times until three pictures have been taken. once the three pictures have been taken, the player is told to pass the phone to an adult. the adult is shown the three pictures the player took, and they have to manually input whether or not the pictures match up with the vague descriptions. if the player did it correctly, then the aliens successfully repair their ship, and continue their journey through space. if i recall correctly, the in-game narrator makes some kind of joke about sandwiches upon this happening, and that concludes the game.

regardless of whether you know what this is or not, thanks for taking the time to read this. i can't figure out what this game is called and it's been driving me nuts for years.

i'd plug my socials but… you know how scratch is. :P
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

i asked this a few years ago before i went inactive, but i'm going to ask it again since plenty of new people are posting on this topic.

there exists an iphone game i really loved years ago, and i can't seem to figure out what it was called. i also don't see it anywhere in my download history, so i'm out of luck with that.

to be specific, the game in question involved a family of aliens whose spaceship had been destroyed by a meteor, and in order to repair their ship they needed various items. the player is tasked with locating these items in the real world, with the aliens giving vague descriptions like “take a picture of something you wear to stay dry.” the player finds these items in the real world around their home, then takes a picture of it using their phone's camera. this cycle is repeated like two more times until three pictures have been taken. once the three pictures have been taken, the player is told to pass the phone to an adult. the adult is shown the three pictures the player took, and they have to manually input whether or not the pictures match up with the vague descriptions. if the player did it correctly, then the aliens successfully repair their ship, and continue their journey through space. if i recall correctly, the in-game narrator makes some kind of joke about sandwiches upon this happening, and that concludes the game.

regardless of whether you know what this is or not, thanks for taking the time to read this. i can't figure out what this game is called and it's been driving me nuts for years.
sounds like something i'd play on my mom's phone as a little kid
for context my mom had a samsung galaxy S9+ that she has since handed down to me

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch on!] for (2) secs
Be moist
be awesome
Above is Kobolandirosalikoraminamiorigamipaperpaperpizzaguy. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.He's also a friendly demon.
Ever wanted to meet an anti-furry? | here let me take your sad and throw it down the garbage disposal | YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

At the time I watched it, I didn’t have an account. Which makes this even more trickier.
Oh… then I'm afraid you're out of luck, unless you haven't cleared your browser history between now and when you watched it??
Either way, at least there's still some chance that the video is out there and may resurface - which is better than nothing
hmm… depending on how much time has passed since OP watched it, they may have gotten a whole new system.

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch on!] for (2) secs
Be moist
be awesome
Above is Kobolandirosalikoraminamiorigamipaperpaperpizzaguy. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.He's also a friendly demon.
Ever wanted to meet an anti-furry? | here let me take your sad and throw it down the garbage disposal | YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

abubriski wrote:

abubriski wrote:

abubriski wrote:

I don't understand where the song in HERE this project came from…does anyone know cod zombies? It might be that…
It's the song that comes up a few seconds after the weird glitchy sounds.
It may be from a game called COD: Zombies
I don't think it is stock music, though

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)



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