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100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

xXRedTheCoderXx wrote:

Don't worry guys, I'll fix this. I'll go to university, get my doctorate in Running Non-profit Organizations, become the CEO and President of the Scratch Foundation, and implement dark mode myself. Just give me like 10 years.
Don’t be bitter, the topic might get closed. In fact, we’ve pretty much got down to the bottom of why Scratch development is stagnating, so we should probably just wait for an ST response for a more detailed answer.
1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?


100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

xXRedTheCoderXx wrote:

Don't worry guys, I'll fix this. I'll go to university, get my doctorate in Running Non-profit Organizations, become the CEO and President of the Scratch Foundation, and implement dark mode myself. Just give me like 10 years.
Shouldn't be too hard since they seem to always have a new CEO/President.

I'd also like to know what they are working on. With more and more of their issues being moved to be discussed privately within their team only, it's very hard to see what they are working on. Have they been working on a new footer for 3 years? We don't know because their issues aren't tracked on their GitHub anymore.
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

I don't think there was a point in to argue whether the ST has the money to run the website: I think that wasn't the OP's intention. The intention was to ask for what the ST is working on right now.

Now, because the Offical List of Accepted Suggestions is rejected, it could be that the ST do not wish to reveal what they're working on. However, I'd like them to have a bit more transparency on their workflow, like the OP, because the fact that they seemed to have done nothing (except for the colours) that are not regular chores (eg. moderating, the front page, new studios, etc.) While Za-Chary's point that the ST doesn't have a responsiblity into developing features is vaild, I don't think this is a reason to not share what they're working on.

A signature. Me in the wiki.
1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

Maybe everyone knows this already but I barely found out about this new Scratch Labs feature today, which was updated September 2023, so, kinda recent?

100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

Also, removing mobile forums in Nov 2023? (or was it 22?)

shift+select some of the signature+down/right arrow to read full signature
:Advertisment break:
Super epic game about dodging a crazy angry mouse
my most popular project
:End of advertisment break:

idk what to put
when I am born :: events :: hat
code absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff

when I am coding absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff :: events :: hat
finger down :: pen
wait (1) secs
finger up :: pen
(btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch )
When I get this comment from 106809 [btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch)" Oh really? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943920940/ ] :: events :: hat
play sound [Dun Dun Dunn v] until done
say [:o]
why is scratch on mobile so bad ?

100th post…
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

completeness wrote:

In fact, we’ve pretty much got down to the bottom of why Scratch development is stagnating, so we should probably just wait for an ST response for a more detailed answer.
So much for that happening lol


play sound [bad to the bone riff.wav v]
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

xXRedTheCoderXx wrote:

Maybe everyone knows this already but I barely found out about this new Scratch Labs feature today, which was updated September 2023, so, kinda recent?
Vaild point! …except that it isn't even on the main site and we don't know whether it would be implmented, so maybe…

alebro6DW wrote:

Also, removing mobile forums in Nov 2023? (or was it 22?)
It was Nov 2023. Also, I don't think removing things counts as a ‘what they’re working on' .

A signature. Me in the wiki.
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

Clearly this discussion can continue.

A signature. Me in the wiki.
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

inflating gobos i think

Disclaimer: I can be extremely stupid at times
14 | Professionally soading since 1998™ | Can't view/post images | Useful forum posts | internetometer | weird notebok | 100th post | tax evasion clicker | RIP | 500th post | forum post hall of fame (#2) | 1000TH POST!! | Evolution of the Electric Guitar (essay)

get games off the music trending category!

give me song suggestions on my profile (I mostly listen to rock and metal)

highlight this text and use shift+down arrow to scroll down on my signature (or just use a browser extension)

enjoy helping on the forums? you may want to consider tfh

when tuned to [drop c v] :: hat events
repeat until <drenched in sweat? :: sensing>
blast some epic [system of a down v] riffs :: motion

100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

Xzillox wrote:

inflating gobos i think
bruh they prepping for doomsday
idk maybe they poor or they are working on features

dont just say “dont ban evade” or “wrong topic” for a question. answer it, and THEN tell them that this is the wrong topic or not to ban evade. giving just “rejected” and putting the college essay that is TOLORS is not enough. Explain! dont just use ctrl-c ctrl-v! even if it is not what some people want, explain the rejection! answer the question! the forums are not a place to repeat others, they are a place to innovate! anyway who wants to minimod?

scratchers on the forums from 10-500 posts have at most, a 7 short sentence span for replies. if you cant keep your posts in this range, then dont act suprised when someone asks for simplified version
bag randomizer for good games
experience the true chicken nuggies theft simulator : gobo | story
(Removed by Moderator - People with a TV head for a profile picture cannot discuss about the heart and soul of art) /j
OwO :: #44bd8d
^-^ :: #44bd8d
1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?


Resolved so shall i report to be closed?

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

dertermenter wrote:


Resolved so shall i report to be closed?
Not resolved at all: where is your source?

A signature. Me in the wiki.
1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

Purin2022 wrote:

dertermenter wrote:


Resolved so shall i report to be closed?
Not resolved at all: where is your source?
Here's a couple:

- Lack of public announcement
- Lack of significant commits by actual accounts

If we can't publicly see what they are working on, then we can't get the answer to the question
100+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

ajskateboarder wrote:

Purin2022 wrote:

dertermenter wrote:


Resolved so shall i report to be closed?
Not resolved at all: where is your source?
Here's a couple:

- Lack of public announcement
- Lack of significant commits by actual accounts

If we can't publicly see what they are working on, then we can't get the answer to the question
Well, then, the OP is then literally answering itself, and I don't really think that is true!

A signature. Me in the wiki.
1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

Purin2022 wrote:

ajskateboarder wrote:

Purin2022 wrote:

dertermenter wrote:


Resolved so shall i report to be closed?
Not resolved at all: where is your source?
Here's a couple:

- Lack of public announcement
- Lack of significant commits by actual accounts

If we can't publicly see what they are working on, then we can't get the answer to the question
Well, then, the OP is then literally answering itself, and I don't really think that is true!
so? they made this topic to see if anyone knew what the Scratch Team are working on since they haven't announced anything on github or on the main site - no one has gathered a source of what they are doing so we can't really answer the question. Personally, like I said I find it likely they're doing nothing. I feel we would know something if they were working on stuff.

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
1000+ posts

What is the Scratch Team working on right now?

dertermenter wrote:

Purin2022 wrote:

so? they made this topic to see if anyone knew what the Scratch Team are working on since they haven't announced anything on github or on the main site - no one has gathered a source of what they are doing so we can't really answer the question. Personally, like I said I find it likely they're doing nothing. I feel we would know something if they were working on stuff.
we can't answer the topic =/= resolved

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