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SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Hello and Welcome to our Leaders thread! For this sessions we have three cabins, and three leaders!

Music: Krm @Krm271Krm271
Co: Skylar/Milky @Milkysplash
Art: Elegy @ Eternal-Elegy
Co: Bella @CatrecuersIRL
Writing: Chloe/Phoenix @Smartypantschlo
Co:Starry @Oh_My_Star_Clan

Memory Book, Bi-Daily, Weekly, and Hobbies Contest info will be planned soon

For memory book, each cabin needs 3-5 cabin colors, 1 cabin theme related to medieval fantasy (royalty, knight, dragon, etc.), and 1 cabin quote! The cabin quote should be a motivational quote that will be featured on your memory book page, your cabin, and any other place you deem necessary, and should embody the values of your cabin.

If y'all have any questions, ask me!

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 10, 2024 20:08:04)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Okay! ^^ I reached out to Skylar rouhgly 20 hours ago, and about 7 hours ago, she accepted my co offer. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/872203084/#comments-388797021 Skylar is going to be my co for this season! I'm super excited. I'm probably going to start talking about cabin themes with her, now!

Edit: the emojis ruined me so I had to change them. xD

Last edited by krm271krm271 (March 3, 2024 16:23:30)

❝ Every action has an equal opposite reaction. ❞

Hey, I'm Krm!
I'm a reader, a writer, and a nerd who's in too many fandoms for my own good. :]
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

krm271krm271 wrote:

Okay! ^^ I reached out to Skylar rouhgly 20 hours ago, and about 7 hours ago, she accepted my co offer. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/872203084/#comments-388797021 Skylar is going to be my co for this season! I'm super excited. I'm probably going to start talking about cabin themes with her, now!

Edit: the emojis ruined me so I had to change them. xD

Ok! Awesome!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

12 posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

I just contacted CatrecuersIRL ^^
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Eternal-Elegy wrote:

I just contacted CatrecuersIRL ^^
Ok, great! Thanks!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Camper Applications are out!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1000+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread


“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread


So we need to start thinking of Bi-Dailies, Daily Questions, and Weekies. I have a weekly idea, so I'll write it during SWC season to get words for it XD. That can be the first weekly. Start suggesting ideas here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/587770423/ and if you need examples, lmk.

For the memory book, start discussing colors, quote, and theme. I have a canvas made, and if you are interested in helping make the memory book, lmk.

I'm going to hold off planning for the hobbies contest, as I have ideas, but that would be later in the month of April.

If any of y'all need help planning your cabin, I'll help you as much as I can.

THUMBNAILS: If any of y'all want to make a thumbnail for the Main Cabin, feel free! Thats all we need rn.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

I can do the thumbnail if you want!

Heyo! I’m Bella, a teen self-taught artist, author, and cat rescuer. I’m always up to chat! Follow @smartypantschlo, @foxhearted2, @mr-skelecat and @11_umbreon! They deserve it.

Yummy revenge Bagel mmm
13 posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Hello I am starry/starr please just call me those things because I am not comfortable sharing pronouns online artist and writer
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

CatrecuersIRL wrote:

I can do the thumbnail if you want!

Ok, thanks Bella!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1000+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

I'll help with memory book!

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Do we want to do something like Cabin Wars? I feel like we could pull something off like that. If so, we could each have one sibling cabin and one rival cabin.

Also, whenever you can, could I get y'alls minute goal (minimum of 120 minutes) and your memory book preference (always, ask first, never) in my chat room?

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

smartypantschlo wrote:

Do we want to do something like Cabin Wars? I feel like we could pull something off like that. If so, we could each have one sibling cabin and one rival cabin.
Logically, I'm going to say that Art and Music would be the most similar to the two, so I might make sense for the two of them to be sibling cabings?
I'm not really sure. Is there any way we could do a three-way war— xD
Also, whenever you can, could I get y'alls minute goal (minimum of 120 minutes) and your memory book preference (always, ask first, never) in my chat room?
And yes, my minute goal is going to be 400 minutes this time! I'm hoping to completely shatter it, because in a perfect world I'll be writing for 40 or so minutes every day, but obviously there will be interruptions. :')

❝ Every action has an equal opposite reaction. ❞

Hey, I'm Krm!
I'm a reader, a writer, and a nerd who's in too many fandoms for my own good. :]
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

krm271krm271 wrote:

smartypantschlo wrote:

Do we want to do something like Cabin Wars? I feel like we could pull something off like that. If so, we could each have one sibling cabin and one rival cabin.
Logically, I'm going to say that Art and Music would be the most similar to the two, so I might make sense for the two of them to be sibling cabings?
I'm not really sure. Is there any way we could do a three-way war— xD
We could make it work XD

But thanks Krm

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

smartypantschlo wrote:

krm271krm271 wrote:

smartypantschlo wrote:

Do we want to do something like Cabin Wars? I feel like we could pull something off like that. If so, we could each have one sibling cabin and one rival cabin.
Logically, I'm going to say that Art and Music would be the most similar to the two, so I might make sense for the two of them to be sibling cabings?
I'm not really sure. Is there any way we could do a three-way war— xD
We could make it work XD
Hmm, we'll figure something out. :')

❝ Every action has an equal opposite reaction. ❞

Hey, I'm Krm!
I'm a reader, a writer, and a nerd who's in too many fandoms for my own good. :]
13 posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

My minute goal is 250 mins
12 posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

I'm still having interested participants vote on our cabin theme, but so far it's looking like either gothic vampire (so royalty) or steampunk pirate (also medeivial-like). The colors will depend on the winner, but for vampire, I'm thinking black, red, and silver. Steampunk, brown, bronze/copper, and teal.
The quote is a wip.
500+ posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

Eternal-Elegy wrote:

I'm still having interested participants vote on our cabin theme, but so far it's looking like either gothic vampire (so royalty) or steampunk pirate (also medeivial-like). The colors will depend on the winner, but for vampire, I'm thinking black, red, and silver. Steampunk, brown, bronze/copper, and teal.
The quote is a wip.

Ok, awesome!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

13 posts

SHC April 2024 Leadership Thread

I think for writing camp we’re doing royalty (sorta like 3 houses if you’ve played that )

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