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SWC March 24 ☆ Writing Forum :D

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VA/Singer for Kokoro Beats!

16 posts

SWC March 24 ☆ Writing Forum :D

A little story :D

Once upon a time in a distant village, there was a boy named Ralph who was curious, adventurous, and fascinated by the mysteries of the forest. He loved to explore its depths, discovering new paths and hidden treasures. One day, while on his usual exploration, Ralph stumbled upon an old and abandoned cottage in the middle of the forest. As Ralph approached the cottage, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar, and a faint light was coming from inside.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he pushed the door open. The cottage was filled with cobwebs and dust, but there was something strange about it. Ralph felt a strange presence in the air, as if someone or something was watching him. Ralph saw a ghostly figure standing in front of him. At first, Ralph was scared, but then he realized that the figure was not there to harm him. The figure introduced himself as the forest spirit and told Ralph that he had been protecting the forest for centuries.

The spirit explained to Ralph that the forest was in danger and that he needed his help to save it. Ralph was amazed by the spirit's story and asked him if he could help in any way. The spirit told Ralph that the journey to find the magical flower would be long and dangerous, but he knew that Ralph had the courage and strength to succeed.

Ralph accepted the challenge and set out on a journey to find the flower. He faced many challenges along the way, but he never gave up. After many days of wandering through the forest, Ralph finally found the flower. It was a beautiful red flower that glowed in the sunlight. He carefully picked the flower and brought it back to the spirit. The spirit used its magic to save the forest from destruction.

As Ralph bid farewell to the spirit of the forest, he felt a sense of profound gratitude emanating from it. The spirit thanked Ralph for his unwavering commitment to the preservation of the forest and its inhabitants. Ralph had always felt a deep connection to the forest and all its living creatures, and his dedication to their protection knew no bounds.

Ralph's passion for nature was contagious, and it inspired many others to join him in his quest. Together, they formed a community of like-minded individuals who shared Ralph's vision of a safe and thriving forest ecosystem. They worked tirelessly day and night, planting new trees, tending to the existing ones, and protecting the animals that called the forest their home.

Over the course of many years, the once desolate and barren forest underwent a remarkable transformation, emerging into a vibrant and thriving ecosystem. The air that once hung heavy with stillness was now crisp and fragrant, carrying with it the sweet aroma of blooming flowers and healthy trees. The leaves had taken on a deep, lush green hue, and the branches were alive with the melodious chorus of birdsong. The abundance of wildlife was a testament to the forest's health and vitality, with creatures of all shapes and sizes roaming freely throughout the trees and underbrush.

This forest had become a true sanctuary, a haven of peace and harmony, all thanks to the tireless efforts of Ralph and his devoted followers. They had worked tirelessly to protect and preserve the forest's delicate balance, and their unwavering dedication and hard work had paid off in spades. Through careful management and a deep respect for the natural world, they had succeeded in their mission to safeguard the forest for future generations to enjoy.

Ralph knew that his work was far from over, and he vowed to do everything in his power to continue safeguarding this precious ecosystem so that it may thrive for many years to come. But for now, he took solace in the knowledge that his efforts had truly made a difference, and that this once-barren forest had been given a new lease on life thanks to his unwavering commitment and the tireless work of his team.

678 words total

VA/Singer for Kokoro Beats!

16 posts

SWC March 24 ☆ Writing Forum :D


Lily had a long day at work and was eager to get home. Unfortunately, the weather was not on her side, as the night was dark and stormy, with rain pouring down in sheets. As she drove down the road, she realized that she had taken a wrong turn and was now lost in the woods. Attempting to retrace her steps, she soon found herself on a very narrow and winding road.

As she drove down the road, she saw a figure standing in the middle of the road. It was too dark to make out any details, but she could tell that it was human-like in shape. She tried to swerve around it, but the figure vanished, and her car spun out of control. She crashed into a ditch and was left stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Lily got out of the car and started walking, hoping to find some help. She pushed branches and leaves out of the way as she walked, her heart pounding in her chest. After a while, she came across a large mansion that looked like it had been abandoned for years. She hesitated momentarily, but the rain was pouring down, and she needed shelter.

She felt a chill run down her spine as she entered the mansion. The place was dark and quiet, with cobwebs covering the furniture. She could hear the rain pounding against the windows, and the wind howling through the cracks in the walls. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from upstairs, and she froze in fear.

She ran towards the front door and pulled it as hard as she could, but the door wouldn't budge. She turned and ran to the back door, only to find it was boarded up. Lily's only option was to go upstairs. She carefully walked up the stairs and looked around. The upper level of the mansion was just as dark and quiet as the lower level, with cobwebs covering everything.

As she explored the upper level, she had a nauseating feeling in her stomach. She felt as if she was being watched, but every time she turned around, there was nothing there. She decided to check the attic, but there was nothing there except for boxes, dust, and cobwebs. She then decided to check the basement.

The basement was completely dark, so she took out her phone and used the flashlight on it. As she explored the basement, she saw movement from the corner of her eye. She turned with her light and took a step forward towards it. Suddenly, her phone died, and the flashlight turned off, leaving her in complete darkness. The only sound that filled the room was her screams as she realized she was now one of them.

Words: 459


I. Introduction
- Introduce the main character, Lily, and describe her long day at work.
- Set the scene of a dark and stormy night with rain pouring down in sheets.

II. The Wrong Turn
- Describe how Lily takes a wrong turn and gets lost in the woods.
- She finds herself on a narrow and winding road.

III. The Figure in the Road
- Lily sees a human-like figure standing in the middle of the road.
- She tries to swerve around it, but the figure disappears, and she crashes into a ditch.

IV. The Abandoned Mansion
- Lily gets out of the car and starts walking to find help.
- She comes across a large, abandoned mansion and enters it for shelter.

V. The Haunted Mansion
- Describe the eerie atmosphere of the mansion, with cobwebs covering everything.
- Lily hears footsteps upstairs and feels like she's being watched.

VI. Trapped in the Mansion
- Lily tries to leave the mansion but finds that both the front and back doors are blocked.
- She has no choice but to explore the upper level of the mansion.

VII. The Basement
- Lily decides to check the basement but finds it completely dark.
- She uses her phone flashlight to explore but sees movement from the corner of her eye.

VIII. The End
- Lily's phone dies, and the flashlight turns off, leaving her in complete darkness.
- She screams as she realizes she's now one of them.

Words: 238

Total of Both: 697

VA/Singer for Kokoro Beats!


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