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Onion Skins and Scratch

indigofunny wrote:


I used an animation site on my DS when I was extremely young. I had no idea what anything was or what it did. One thing I did understand, was onion skin. (Although I called it “oink skin” lol)I knew it was a tool to help me see my last frame.

Kids are not going to be as confused as you think they are. Here is probably how far the confusion will go:
“What does this button do?”
“I wonder why it shows me my previous costume. That's weird.”
They're not gonna be so confused that they quit Scratch and never interact with it again.

Besides, you don't know if they'll think it's part of their costume or not. This hasn't been added, and there isn't a way of knowing that. And they can turn it off.

And for the echo thing, that is worlds different. Echo can repeat loud sounds that can overstimulate or overwhelm them extremely fast. It wasn't removed because it was ‘too complicated’. Onion skin, is just opacity change in your previous sprite, then an underlay so you can draw on top of it. Besides, I'd probably like a source. There may be other reasons for it's removal.

Me understanding the feature also doesn't change how simple it is. It's just a button you hit. No one is going to quit Scratch over it. Or be so confused that they never want to make projects again.

And about the space issue, if a costume is already made, then that is the storage part. It's basically already stored, so it won't take up storage, or at least it would take up a small amount.

I'm also confused about your definition of complicated. There is so much you can do in Scratch, and quite a bit of it, is extremely complicated. Functions, would have destroyed younger me, before I even started adding code to them. It asking if I wanted a Boolean, would have made me never want to use those again. But I wanted to experiment with all the stuff I didn't understand in the costume editor because it was simple for me to figure out. A kid doesn't have to understand everything immediately. ST themselves stated that they want people to be able to climb high, which is why functions are there, despite many younger kids having trouble figuring out what a ‘boolean’ is. So, even if it was too complicated for kids (which it isn't) we already have complex things that a lot of people don't understand until they get older and do some research or test it out for a while.

Last edited by The-Sushi-Cat (Jan. 13, 2024 19:54:08)

Making a counterargument? Look here first!
An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch


Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

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| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

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Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

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500+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

Bump please i want this so bad i would kill for this (/j) it would make animating so much easier please-

Making a counterargument? Look here first!
An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

indigofunny wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

indigofunny wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

Not exactly, this option would be pretty easy to understand if they named it something that doesn't sound so much like a food.

But that's what it's called. Calling it something else would confuse people especially if they know it's actually called an onion skin.
It is also viable to add a description for it, just like the descriptions for the blocks in 2.0
And you could always just called it “show previous costume as overlay”, which is straightforward enough that it can be understood via common sense and a bit of expirementation atmost

  1. That's even longer!!! That'd confuse many kids.
  2. Most kids don't know what overlay is so it would be very confusing.
im no proffesional name giver, however, that would definitly be less confusing then “onion skins”. It can definitly be simplified further to make more sense. It being confusing isn't really a valid argument considering
([atan v] of ())
exists, which is something only covered in highschool (maybe not even covered in hs depending on your education system)

longer doesnt really mean more confusing anyways, is “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog” more clear or “fox jump dog” more clear?

“Most kids don't know what overlay is” isn't really supported by any evidence, I could also say “most kids dont know what transparency is” yet
set video transparency to () %
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch


I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
500+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

bump needs more responses


1. SpongeBob
2. SpongeBob
3. SpongeBob
4. SpongeBob
5. Mr. Clean

most recent or not quotes I find funny:

bittensboy wrote:

horizontal_shading wrote:

say [I've been here since part 6, no way it's part 8 now]
there was a part seven.
play note (you forgot. v) for (0.5) beats::pen


pikachuLuke5 wrote:

MagicCoder330 wrote:

Yeah, and we should also celebrate Annoy Squidward day on February 15th! /hj

Still, good idea. Even if it wouldn't be that big an addition, it would be a fun thing to see. I'm sure a majority of users would enjoy it, or at least not hate it.source

couldn't find anything else

100+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

Does Scratch Team even browse these forums? Like if they did then they would have seen this huge post by now and realized this is something people wanted

— Preceding unsigned comment added by littleMAHER1 talkcontribs
500+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch


Making a counterargument? Look here first!
An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’
100+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

topic go bump bump

Welcome to my signature!
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

littleMAHER1 wrote:

Does Scratch Team even browse these forums? Like if they did then they would have seen this huge post by now and realized this is something people wanted
They do, its just apparently there some things going on where they really can't do much stuff that fast. I mean, that dark mode topic legit has like 100 pages or something and thats not implemented either.

anyways just recently got into art and OH MY GOODNESS this is such a useful feature
500+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

littleMAHER1 wrote:

Does Scratch Team even browse these forums? Like if they did then they would have seen this huge post by now and realized this is something people wanted
I do not think the ST adds ideas based off of the number of supporters, but the idea itself.

I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

Workaround chart:

1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch


Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

Lukia26 wrote:

Please don't add links to browser extensions, userstyles or userscripts - that's going against this policy
Please don't add unnecessary links

Imma say no support as I don't even know what that is

Projects I want people to see:
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

starter wrote:

Does Scratch Team even browse these forums?
Yes, but they can't view all posts

Projects I want people to see:
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add unnecessary links
I think you got something confused there in your post.

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add links to browser extensions, userstyles or userscripts - that's going against this policy

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

PaperMarioFan2022 wrote:

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add unnecessary links
I think you got something confused there in your post.

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add links to browser extensions, userstyles or userscripts - that's going against this policy
I wasn't confused

Projects I want people to see:
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

LP372 wrote:


PaperMarioFan2022 wrote:

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add unnecessary links
I think you got something confused there in your post.

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add links to browser extensions, userstyles or userscripts - that's going against this policy
I wasn't confused
You said that they were posting unnecessary links. They weren't, clearly.

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

PaperMarioFan2022 wrote:

LP372 wrote:


PaperMarioFan2022 wrote:

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add unnecessary links
I think you got something confused there in your post.

LP372 wrote:

Please don't add links to browser extensions, userstyles or userscripts - that's going against this policy
I wasn't confused
You said that they were posting unnecessary links. They weren't, clearly.
Your confused read closely

Projects I want people to see:
1000+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

LP372 wrote:

Your confused read closely
I don't see said post, so I'm confused now.

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

100+ posts

Onion Skins and Scratch

LP372 wrote:

Lukia26 wrote:

Please don't add links to browser extensions, userstyles or userscripts - that's going against this policy
Please don't add unnecessary links
Imma say no support as I don't even know what that is
Wow, what an informed opinion

Anyways, Scratch should implement this exactly how the legendary TurboWarp did if Scratch EVER PLANS TO ADD ONION SKINS AHGHGHHGHGHHH THEY WILL NEVER AGGAGAHGAHAG. TurboWarp makes it so beautifully unambiguous and simple to use

Last edited by alwayspaytaxes (March 6, 2024 17:05:20)


play sound [bad to the bone riff.wav v]

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