Discuss Scratch

25 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

daily on compliments : 269 : 3/2
you're a really big inspiration to me - @TWILIGHT_A
Ollie, my younger sibling, looked up with a smile. “Come on, Lisaaaaa, we have to be there on time!” They smiled goofily at me, tying the laces of their shoes. “This is a once in a lifetime experience! I can’t miss it!”
I was… less enthusiastic, having a history paper to write and things to do myself. It was a Friday night and I was sacrificing my precious hours, at the request of my parents, who were preoccupied. “Grab your things, let’s go,” I sighed resignedly as Ollie gathered up their notebook and sketchbook, sliding it into their canvas bag.
I put on the radio, tuning out as I drove to the city nearby. Ollie was practically vibrating with excitement about the fair, but I could tune them out with my trusty playlist. I didn’t like driving that much, having only gotten my full license a year ago, but there was no other way to get around where I lived.
I had Ollie fill the meter once I parked, and followed them to the library where the event was hosted. “I can’t wait,” they told me with an exuberant grin, rubbing their hands through their hair as they pulled me into line alongside them. My younger sibling was a good kid; I was just impatient and needed to think about someone other than myself. As Ollie bounced up to meet their favorite author in person, I overheard what they said—“You’re a really big inspiration to me.” I couldn’t help the smile from spreading across my face; I was proud of Ollie, far more than I was of myself.
500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

daily day 2 - 329 words

It was five o'clock on a Sunday, and Kacey was feeling… discontented.
Sundays are meant to be great- it's a weekend, and often you get the whole day off. Saturdays, on the other hand? Kacey's schedule was always packed with extracurriculars. There wasn't any time to relax. So Sundays were where she was meant to truly take the day off. Chill. Do nothing.
The problem was, she couldn't.
Kacey always had to be doing something. Anything. If she was taking time off watching TV, she was filling out her journal at the same time. If she was listening to music, she had to complete homework due the next day. Apart from when she was sleeping, it was a truly rare occasion to see Kacey not multitasking for potentially no reason at all.
So this Sunday, Kacey was trying to really do nothing. She had no homework. She had no looming deadlines to atone to. She spent the day enjoying herself- and honestly? It was a much-needed break from a relentless routine.
But Sundays must come to a close, and with the ending of that day looms the prospect of the next week. After a lazy day, despite having no responsibilities, Kacey felt… wasted. Like she should have done something more with her day. Like she herself was lazy and undisciplined. She needed to achieve something, or just feel good about something that she'd previously achieved. Switching tabs, Kacey logged into her socials, where she posted her art. It didn't usually get much traction, and yesterday's piece was no different. She sighed and checked the two comments.
One was from her cousin, and one from a stranger. Kacey read it, and her face lit up slowly.
“wassup crazy character chart designer supreme”
It wasn't much- just a throwaway comment from someone she might never talk to again. But it was enough. Little comments could make a difference.
It was five-oh-four on a Sunday, and Kacey was feeling slightly better.

ello ello ello
they / them

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily #2
363 words

Charlie's footsteps echo through the hallways as she heads out of the building, rolling her neck as she approaches the door. It's been a long day, working with the toddlers, and she's dying to get back home.
She steps through the doorway and her eyes drifted shut as the salt air washes over her. She loved this island. The fresh air, the breeze from the sea, the abundance of nature surrounding her-
The sound of running makes her eyes fly open, and Charlie briefly registers a blur of pink before she is soon engulfed in a hug.
“Ella- I- Need- To- Breathe!” She gasps in mock breathlessness, and the arms around her fall. “Nice to see you too, Stella.”
Stella's face lights up with a grin and she tilts her head as she stares at Charlie. “Where have you been? I've been looking for you all day! And you didn't answer my calls and-”
Charlie's smirk tightens as she fails to find an appropriate excuse. “I've been… busy. With work.”
Stella snorts. “I'm going to have a word with your boss. Nuh uh, don't look at me like that, Charlie. You're always ”busy with work.“” Her fingers in air quotes stay up as her head tilts more. “Come on, out with it. What has taken you away from your very best friend?”
“If you must know, I've taken on a surprise project that I am not allows to tell you about.”
“Yep,” Charlie sing-songs, popping the ‘p’. “Come on, I'll make it up to you. Didn't Real-Fi Restaurant just add some new stuff to their menu? Plus, you always loved their specialty lasagna.”
Stella doesn't respond, but her eyes sparkle.
“What, you have plans tomorrow or something?”
“You're free for lunch?”
“I'll pick you up at 12. You haven't moved since last week, have you?” Charlie teases, enticing a giggle out of Stella.
“Nope! And don't forget to call me tonight,” Stella directs.
“Of course,” Charlie laughs. “See you tomorrow?”
“At 12! You're the best!” Stella waves, rushing away.
Charlie pulls out her phone, punching in her passcode and her fingers slide across the screen, before clicking send.
“No, you're the best.”

14 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

daily 2 - 351 words (ack this was so rushed and yucky lol but it's smth)

Georgia’s sweet voice rang out, echoing inside her cramped apartment. Holding the last note as long as she could, she quickly pressed ‘end recording’ and sat back in her chair, catching her breath. Yet another song recorded, ready to post to her small collection of admiring fans. She grinned. Being a small artist was a lot of work, but making people happy made her insides glow with pride.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the front door, so loud that it echoed back through the kitchen and into Georgia’s bedroom. There were no following knocks, just a singular bang. Intrigued, Georgia stood up from her chair and shuffled over.

There was no person standing there for Georgia to greet. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Georgia was about to slam the door shut and crawl back to her hobbit hole of a bedroom, but a glimpse of white in the corner of her eye caused her to pause. An envelope lay on her doorstep, pearly white and begging for her attention. Bending down, Georgia plucked it from the carpeted doormat and slunk back inside.

Sliding her slender fingers under the flap, Georgia tore the envelope open. Inside resided a singular piece of paper reading the words, ‘you sang that song beautifully. You’re so creative and funny, and you seem so awesome. – totally not a stalker xxx’

Georgia narrowed her eyes, unsure of what to feel. One part of her felt cautious and wary of who this ‘totally not a stalker’ person was. Another part of her was having an internal dance party, delighted to be complimented. She decided to think nothing of it, and returned back to bed, ready for a well needed rest.

Over the next few weeks, the notes kept arriving. Every day, at the same time. Georgia decided to finally catch the culprit of these compliments in the act, once and for all. She stood silently behind the door, counting down the seconds. As soon as she heard the knock, she flung the door open, greeting her brother with a smile. She knew the handwriting looked familiar.

Last edited by quackity-camper (March 3, 2024 00:00:09)

“we live in a rainbow of chaos”
ducky / she'they / solarpunk ftw!!
New Scratcher
12 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

compliment daily
“this. new headcanon, this is why i don't have friends.” @amazaeevee
“everyone wants to be friends with you, it's just that you're so cool they're all too nervous to ask” @–asdfghjkl
no friends came on while i was writing this im crying

nobody likes me.

it's as natural as the laws of the universe. it's ingrained in every person's mind, like a code they follow. it's something i'll never be able to change.

i try so hard and yet everyone avoids me like the plague. i'm invisible, i'm see through like a pane of glass, they all look right through me. it's something i'll never be able to change.

i cried out, once, and my mother told me not to worry. she said, “everyone wants to be friends with you, it's just that you're so cool they're all too nervous to ask. i'm sure if you try harder, you'll have lots of friends!” but she was lying, they always lie.

i was 5, just a little girl filled with only love and innocence. i was 5, just a little girl who wanted friends. i was 5, just a little girl.

i cried out, once, as i watched a group of children play outside on the sidewalk through a window. they laughed and giggled and i so desperately wanted to join them.

i ran outside and i cried out, once, “can i play too?” they left, quick as the wind.

some people say they're proud to not have any friends, that they would rather spend all their time alone. they're lying, they always lie. you're alone, you're always alone and there will never be anyone there to share secrets with, to laugh, to cry.

nobody likes me.

it's something i'll never be able to change.

the time will pass anyway
cecilia - she/her - thrillerftw
12 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

dailies & weeklies

❛ ━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━ ❜


> 3/6 - 543 words

York flitted across the street, booted feet silent. The undead lurched after her, hands outstretched. She blew one a kiss before she jumped, fingers snagging the edge of a fire escape. She shimmied up and took the stairs two at a time.

When she reached the top floor, she braced a hand against the brick, got a foot up on the railing, and threw herself off. She slammed into the neighboring balcony, and her breath left in a soft whoof. York hung there for a moment, then hauled herself up. She rolled onto the narrow balcony and sighed.

The door slid open with an ear-splitting screech. A mangled silhouette descended above York; oil splashed on her face. With a loud creak, the android's mouth fell open.

“Not…dead y-y-y-y-y-ye…et?” it croaked, voice skipping like a needle on a record.

“Evidently,” York replied. It extended an oil-streaked hand slowly; she accepted it and allowed it to pull her to her feet.

“Miss Y…y-y-y—”

“Don't strain yourself,” she said, patting it on the shoulder.

“The…undead…are in th-th-the k-k-k-k-k-kitchen.”

York turned her head towards the door. Faintly, she could hear groans and shuffling. Well, it did seem that way, didn't it?

“Did you gather the supplies?” she asked. “Nod or shake your head, please.”

The android nodded. “I-it's over there.” It pointed to the corner of the room where a large rolling suitcase, a close-to-bursting backpack, and a duffel bag sat. York walked to them and set to slinging them over her shoulder or otherwise preparing to flee. The android watched her patiently, and the room was full of its clicking and whirring and the erratic drip of oil.

At the sound of pawing at the door, York righted herself. The suitcase was clunky, but she needed it more than anything else. She stepped towards the balcony - then stopped.

She turned around. The android hissed as it put on its brakes. They stared at each other, and it tilted its head. “Missss Y-y-y-york?”

The woman exhaled and gently set a hand on its head. “I'm afraid, this time, the journey is mine alone,” she said. She longed to close her eyes, but she kept them trained on the door. Long nails poked through the wood. The scratching grew louder.

“I can't allow th-that,” the android replied. “My pro…gramming forb-b-b-b-bids it.”

“You let me out all the time,” York said. The android's mouth hinge opened and shut, but no noise came out. She moved towards it and embraced it. It let out a hiss, and she moved back.

It was uncertain, now, as its cogs churned and it considered. “Miss Y-y-york,” it said.

“I'm here.”

"Th-the Grand Jupiter is…set to fall t-t-tonight,“ the android said. ”Will…y-y-y-you watch-ch it for…me?"

She promised, and with that, York stood to the rooftops again. She did not look back to see the undead break down the door, their eye cavities gawping, and the mad scramble they would succumb to as they tore the android apart. It smelled of her, after all.

That night, she scaled a skyscraper, glass blown out, and sat atop its highest floor. York watched the last spaceship's engines finally die, and it plummeted through the dusk. A great plume came from its crash site, and finally - York wept.

> 3/5 - 220 words

All different shades of nausea swam through her like a swarm of fish. Kokoro curled in on herself and huddled into the couch cushions. She felt like a fish sometimes; like she'd swum in with the tide, only to stay beached when the waves retreated. She flopped around on the sand, belly exposed, and the kids passed and pointed and snickered behind their hands. Her gills fluttered futilely for air.

It was better to lie still and close her eyes. The outcome would be the same; at least this way, she would be comfortable. Kokoro didn't want it to happen, but she couldn't help it. The ocean was just as dangerous.

When her stomachache cleared, and she found her way back to the water, Kokoro would go to the School. The day would come. Everything would go so well. Kokoro would wake up and feel it in her toes: today, she would go to the School. Her mum would look at her, and her crow's feet would crinkle with happiness.

Kokoro hadn't meant to take away that happiness. She tried, she did, she promised! She wanted to go to the School for her mother. She didn't cause the stomachaches on purpose - she really didn't! - it just…happened. If she could control it, she would go. She would, she promised.

> 3/4 - 358 words

When asked, you say you haven't thought about her in a long time. You say she doesn't even cross your mind - she's just some girl you used to be friends with.

Why don't you talk any more? Well, you just got older. You outgrew her, that's all.

That's all? Really? Yes, really.

Hey, you know you can be honest with me. I'm not going to tell anyone if it's because she was a total jerk, or whatever. Oh my God, I already told you, nothing happened! We just stopped talking.

If you say so…

And you do say so. What happened is… It's your business, and hers, and no one else's. You don't think she's told anyone, and if she has, well, whatever. That's not your problem. No one's suddenly started looking at you funny or anything, and it - nothing happened. Not really.

She did nothing wrong, honestly. You realized that a while ago. You're never, ever going to talk bad about her because - well, because there's nothing to talk bad about. She was always just herself, and you were always just a loser.

You were a loser, and you lost your best friend. Whatever.

So you lie a little here and there. You think about her almost every day. You see her sometimes. You saw her more in freshman year, and, God help you, you couldn't stop staring. You still kind of thought you hated her, but you couldn't stop looking at her. You wanted to find more to hate.

You didn't. You just…stared at her. A lot. And no one noticed, somehow, which - thank God no one noticed. You don't know what you would've done if someone had.

You stare less now because 1) you know better, and 2) you don't have any classes together. That makes sophomore year suck more. You only see her in passing, and that's not often enough.

You just miss your best friend. You want her back. You want things to be normal again.

You don't know how to ask, though, so you sit across the cafeteria and try not to let your eyes stray too much. You think you succeed.

> 3/2 - 533 words

Ren didn't like crochet. It was a horrible hobby - not even a hobby, really, because how could it be a hobby when she loathed it so? She (foolishly) thought it would be easy.

It was not easy. It was the worst thing she ever decided to try her hand at, and she used to want to be a cowherder. (Her elementary school years were a treasure trove of embarrassing moments.) If Ren wasn't so completely and utterly smitten with the most beautiful person on the planet, she would've given up aaages ago.

Alas, Ren had a big, gay crush on her best friend. Ex-best friend, to be clear. As in, they were no longer friends. Ren was going through aaall this trouble for a straight girl who dumped her over a boy.

An ugly boy. Connor McIrritating (or whatever his name was) had…negative handsome-ness, or however girls found guys attractive. He had a big forehead or a big nose or big ears or something. He aggravated Ren in every possible way, even a year and a half after she and Lois split. Ren delighted in causing him troubles because he sucked! He was the reason Ren lost her best friend.

Except Ren was going to win her back. That was why Ren was suffering and crocheting this… Well, it was hard to explain. Wait, no, that wasn't true; it was easy to explain, but, ah, it was just…embarrassing. Who keeps pursuing their middle school crush?

(Lois was a bit more than that, of course. She was, like, Ren's lifelong crush. Ren had always liked her. Even though they'd fought, and Lois pretended like Ren didn't exist, and Ren tried to pretend like Lois didn't exist, Ren still liked Lois. God help her, she was head over heels for her straight best friend. Disgusting. Ren liked every single thing about her.)

“Whatcha doing?” Kay asked, sliding into the seat next to Ren.

“Suffering,” she replied.

“Mood! How so?”

Ren held up the beginnings of an extremely low-quality stuffed animal. “I took up crocheting,” she said solemnly.

"I told you not to,“ Kay said.

”I know, I know.“

”What're you making?“

”It's a pig.“

Kay looked at Ren with no small amount of judgment. Ren looked right back. ”…Who is this for again?“

Ren couldn't say Lois because Kay knew (almost) everything about their drama, and she'd only get judged even more, and honestly, Ren wasn't emotionally prepared for that. Like, yeah, Kay was right to judge, but…right in front of her salad? Yeeeah, no thanks.

”A friend,“ Ren settled on. ”It's… I'm going to make two more pigs. And a wolf. ‘Cause-“

”I know the story, girl. Is this, like, an inside joke, or…?“

”Kinda?“ Ren screwed up her face. ”It’s… Urgh.“

”Urgh,“ Kay said emphatically.

”Shut up.“

”No, no, I think that's sweet!“ her friend said. ”Unbelievably sweet - and a lottt of commitment.“ Kay squinted at her. ”…You sure this person is just a friend?“

”Yes,“ Ren said, her face heating up, ”Jesus. Not everything is romantic!“

”Yeah, but this is a lot to go through for a“ - Kay wiggled their eyebrows - ”friend.“

”I'm going to st#b you with one of these needles."

❛ ━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━ ❜


> weekly #1 - xxxx words

part i: mythology
1) retelling

2) genre swap

part ii: historical fiction
1) original characters in historical times

2) if these walls could talk: the events one place has seen

part iii: fairy tales
1) using sparks from the past: retelling

part iv: folklore
1) magical realism

❛ ━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━ ❜

Last edited by seIkie- (March 6, 2024 18:54:53)

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

March 3rd, 2024:
“Hello, patriots! Today is national anthem day, so you’ll be writing national anthems! Write an anthem for your cabin and 1-3 other cabins for a maximun of four anthems - 100 points per anthem in at least 100 words each. Be sure to think about the cabin’s values, history, and ethics. If you need some inspiration, head on over to this link to find a list of national anthems for you to draw from. Happy writing, adventurers!”

Author’s Notes:
✦ once again not very proofread ,, coughs
✦ the fairy tales one is so like scattered I'm sorry

Epistolary (110 words):
Letters fall
Tumbling to the ground
But we rise
Above the mountains
We rebound
And shout:

Fly! Free!
We will win the day!
Across the cabin
We deliver letters
We’ll never estray

The central terminal we own
With letters in every shelf
Our cabin shines like a star
You can’t do it yourself

Fly! Free!
We will win the day!
Together we march
Towards success
We’ll never estray

Uniting as one
We sparkle like the sun
In this session of SWC
We will climb to the top
Just you see!

Fly! Free!
We will win the day!
Let’s make our way
Towards first place
We’ll never estray

Fantasy (140 words):
Always a cabin of
Hope and success
We bring people to
Another world
Imagination runs wild

Fantasy, fantasy
We live in a world of fantasies
In that world we will win
Climb to the top
We’ll do all that we got!

Fantasy, fantasy
We live in a world of fantasies
In that world we will rise
Climb the leaderboards
We’ll always, we’ll always score!

Queen Este Dubyou Cee
Is under attack
We shall help her
We’ll get our kingdom back
It all depends on us, you see
And our name is:

Fantasy, fantasy
We live in a world of fantasies
In that world we will win
Climb to the top
We’ll do all that we got!

Fantasy, fantasy
We live in a world of fantasies
In that world we will rise
Climb the leaderboards
We’ll always, we’ll always score!

Poetry (113 words):
Dwellers in the valley
A meadow that grows
Flowers that bloom
A beautiful rose

Despite the drought
That took all of our land
That won’t stop us
From doing the best we can
Come with me, traveller
Our glory still stands

Poetry, oh poetry
My beloved country
Poetry, oh poetry
Soon you’ll regain your dignity

We can still tend to the valley
We’ll plant a meadow that grows
Flowers will bloom up to the sky
A beautiful rose
We rose

Poetry, oh poetry
My beloved country
Poetry, oh poetry
Soon you’ll regain your dignity

Together we’ll stand
Working together
Always a valley
Of wonderlands
Come with me, traveller
Our glory still stands

Fairy Tales (108 words):
Escape we shall
From this never-ending land
The mushrooms are grand
But we’ll still stand

We work together
Together we’ll find a way
Find a way to leave, to escape
From this fairy tale

Fairy Tales is our name
Let us come as one
To soar
Soar over the mountains
Over the clouds
Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales

We work together
Together we’ll find a road
Find a road that’ll lead us
Out of this fairy tale

Fairy Tales is our name
Let us come as one
To fly
fly over the ocean
Over the lakes
Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales

Go ahead Fairy Tales!
Go ahead Fairy Tales!

✦ Word Count: 471

Last edited by PixelDucko (March 3, 2024 01:03:15)

☆ Crystie: an introverted artist with scattered interests and hobbies
☆ This is a signature! It isn't a part of my post. Instead, it comes below all of my posts.
I know me being in SWC and my low post count can be rather suspicious to regular forumers, but I'm trying to be helpful.

☆ Scratch Writing Camp
July 2022 ⌗ Hi-fi Faire w/ Sun, Goose and Star
November 2022 ⌗ Poetry Isle w/ Finch, Badowie and Viara
March 2023 ⌗ Poetry Coffeeshop w/ Stingray, Ivy and Hop
July 2023 ⌗ Folklore Woods w/ Skye, Reese and Hop
November 2023 ⌗ Fairy Tale Academy w/ Yume, Soph(ie) and Sarah
March 2024 ⌗ Epistolary Letter Terminal w/ Yume, Nat and Silky
July 2024 ⌗ Poetry Palace of Shattered Prophecies w/ Lora, Amethyst and Fi
November 2024 ⌗ Poetry {Placeholder} w/ Maia, Sarah and Crystie ;D

☆ Scratch Art Camp
October 2022 ⌗ Botanical Birdhouse w/ Cloudii and Dawn
November 2022 ⌗ Traditional Towers w/ Finch and Alex
February 2024 ⌗ Gouache Gorge w/ Maia

⌗⌗ ☆ thanks for reading !!
└─── . . . ☾ GOODBYE
70 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024


(wow 333 on day 3)



letters, pieces of a story
we are ‘epistolary’
memories made throughout the cabin
isn't it quite contrary?

long live the friendships made, the games we played, the wars we waged
take hold and seize the day, we've got a long way to go.

to and fro, we're sorting letters
we are ‘epistolary’
friendships formed, and never breaking
isn't it bright and merry

dear self, epistolary, is so very great, let there be
mangoes, goats, and arson, this is awesome, this is-

a great band of happy campers
we are ‘epistolary’
Birds, deliver us mail to find out
isn't it quite contrary?

Let us sing for the Starlands.
Here in the Starlands, there is peace.
What glorious utopia
Not a single fear or disease.
Oh, the cabin will not win,
But we won’t give in, try with all your might.
All the world shall be our family.
For Utopia, run into the night.

In joy we live in the Starlands.
Here in the Starlands, perfect life.
What a lovely way of being
A happy feeling in every stride.
Oh, the cabin will not win,
But we won’t give in, try with all your might.
All the world shall be our family.
For Utopia, run into the night.

Last edited by 1lMaM (March 3, 2024 01:52:31)

4 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 3
237 of 100


In the pages of time, where stories are spun,
In the cabin of Hi-Fi, our tales have begun.
With quill and with ink, we weave history's thread,
Crafting worlds of wonder, where the past is not dead.

Oh, writers of Scratch, with creativity's flame,
In the realm of imagination, we etch our name.
Through epochs and eras, our pens shall fly,
In the Historical Fiction cabin, our spirits soar high.

From ancient empires to futures unknown,
We breathe life into characters, they're not alone.
Through battles and triumphs, we chart their course,
With words as our weapons, we ride on the source.

Oh, writers of Scratch, with creativity's flame,
In the realm of imagination, we etch our name.
Through epochs and eras, our pens shall fly,
In the Historical Fiction cabin, our spirits soar high.

So here's to the dreamers, the storytellers bold,
Whose stories are like treasures, more precious than gold.
In the Scratch Writing Club, we stand hand in hand,
Crafting worlds of wonder across the vast land.

Oh, writers of Scratch, with creativity's flame,
In the realm of imagination, we etch our name.
Through epochs and eras, our pens shall fly,
In the Historical Fiction cabin, our spirits soar high.

So let the ink flow and the keyboards clack,
In the heart of our cabin, there's no looking back.
For in each word written, a legacy's born,
In the Hi-Fi Cabin, where history's adorned.

Last edited by time_is_running_0ut (March 3, 2024 15:16:07)

44 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Churro's Dailies #3- 3/2/2024

sci-fi anthem (117 words)

sci-fi, oh sci-fi
my favorite cabin (i don't know why)
we love annihilating the ai
and mangos too, not gonna lie
we're chaotic, and we always aim high
even at times when we feel we might die
but we'll always spring back, even on the fly
a cabin that's truer than the blue sky
swifter than an arrow and my stupid Wi-Fi
a thumbnail that catches another one's eye
stronger and smarter, gravity we'll defy
we'll always be there, when an ally needs to cry
and be on edge when there's an enemy nearby
all things us sci-fi strive to abide by
and other cabins will really try
and fail to beat our beloved sci-fi

epistolary anthem (100 words)

no other than the cabin epistolary
can achieve such aesthetic thumbnails, very
the letter-sending pigeons are so very honorary
not burdened at all by the mail they carry
delivering hopes and wishes sweeter than cherries
while careening around for the mailbox airily
the words on the paper delightful like berries
the writers of them are wiser than centuries
the campers midst this cabin, oh so very legendary
for their joy-spreading isn't close to temporary
words that stay in your heart forever permanently
so let's give a few mangos, a few hoots, be merry
for the amazing cabin that is epistolary!

thriller anthem (101 words)

the bugs in the academy are such a chiller
brought to you by the thrilling cabin thriller
the butterflies, mantises, dragonfly, and the caterpillar
here to knock the chaos completely off your pillar
the campers here all so amazing quillers
the mood lively and fun, not a single mood killer
though the insect humans are strange and peculiar
they've got the energy of an boisterous middle schooler
creepy crawlies are quite a filler
whether it be wings, tails, floppy ears, or fur
and for all campers, they, him, something else, or her
they'll find a home in none other than thriller!

Last edited by CHUROS000 (March 4, 2024 13:02:32)

“ˢᵗᵃʳˢ ⁱⁿ ʰᵉʳ ᵉʸᵉˢ, ʰᵃⁿᵈᵖⁱᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵏⁱᵉˢ”

┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆
┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆
┊ ┊ ★⋆ churro x s.her x infj
┊ ◦ writer x reader x teletubby
★⋆ ┊ . ˚ obsessing over random things
16 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily #3

Epistolary Anthem - 101 words

The owls pass, a mere phase of time,
Fluttering along with the pages, everchanging.
Look up to see the stars that gleam,
Essence of the Elegance.
Fear not the mysteries, but the librarians in plain sight,
For the books, our children, are guarded, so do not trifle.
With peace comes certainty, certainty that we will win,
For we complete each chapter stronger than before, learning as our pages develop.
Admire our elegance, our essence, our eloquence,
For we are the keepers of knowledge and wisdom,
And we shall continue to shine bright,
As the owls pass, a mere phase of time.

Sci-Fi Anthem - 108 words
Together, we fight,
A family, a team, whole and united,
Unbeatable, determined, and persevering.
We are the masterminds,
Play us at chess and we will beat you at life.
We are unbeatable champions,
Science and logic on our side,
We alter the code of reality,
The odds non-terminating in our favor.
Think before you provoke us,
Think carefully.
You never know when we may scheme,
You never know when we may strike,
We're ones to be allied with,
And if not, prepare for the impending eclipse.
So walk through our world,
A basement of numbers.
For when you play us at chess, we will beat you at life.

Poetry Anthem - 156 words
In this field of roses fair,
We breathe the sweet and fragrant air,
All around us beauty thrives,
But within it, danger lies.
So be mindful of what you do,
For every action has a consequence too,
Like the flowers, we all bloom,
Awaiting our time to shine and consume.
Each rose so delicate and bright,
Their beauty a true delight,
But their thorns hold a hidden power,
A darker side to this floral tower.
For just like the roses, we too,
Have our moments to break through,
We may shrink and wrinkle with age,
But we still hold a mighty rage.
For within this garden, mushrooms grow,
And with them, a deadly spore,
So we must tread with care and grace,
And cherish every life in this place.
So be mindful of what you do,
For every action has a consequence too,
Like the flowers, we all bloom,
Awaiting our time to shine and consume.

Utopian Anthem - 145 words
Starry-eyed euphoria,
A land of magic and wonder,
Welcome to fields of allure,
Welcome to harmony.
You'll never be more peaceful,
And it is an honor to have you,
Because we know we are your salvation,
And this is now your home.
Welcome to paradise,
A hotel with no price,
We will not take your life,
We are not cold as ice.
Everything's perfect here,
And you did not see a star smother and fade away,
Flicker and blink,
Struggle to think.
This land of industrial love is for you now,
Thank you for your stay,
But if you want to get back to Earth again,
There is no way.
You wished upon a star,
Wished to be where you now are,
You'll be happier here,
So wipe your little tears.
And welcome yourself to paradise,
A hotel with no price.


“Criticism, like a mirror to the soul, reflects the flaws we often wish to conceal. Embrace its reflection, for in the crucible of honest critique, character is forged, and excellence finds its true form.”
1 post

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

1# daily but 3rd daily in the month >!

Fairytales : 113 words

You and I wander these tales
We are always amazed
O' escape these folk tales
otherwise, the fables will not be saved.

Once upon a dream.
A tale you've never perceived
secluding the people of light
Free us all from this might!

Together as we work,
We all try to be kind
show me the translucent line
of fairy tales and of time!

The marketplace of jewels,
The goat haven of no fools
The wanderer’s helpful handbook
The codex that will be understood

We’re all in this together I believe
From tale after tale together we flee
I hereby declare my loyalty to those three
Happy ever after..will there ever be?

Mythology : 119 words

We are mythology
Full of myths and colonies
3 main goddesses
And a few demigods..

We are the heroes,
Quests are going to happen
So we pray to the trio
Because how will we win?

The Odyssey is soon to be
It’ll come true in the count of three
How many adventures will we have
It’s up to them to decide!

Auras, curiosity, and regret!
You’ll soon find out what happens next!
It’s going to be a fun ride
And you don’t know what’s to come!

Have you heard of Zeus, Hera, or Hades?
Maybe you know more about the Roman gods!
But if you don’t you should ask us!
Quests are happening so just wait for us to finish them!

Historical-fiction : 100 words

Once our quill’s ink runs on the page
It’s as if we can never stop the past fixing into place
We can make the past into the present
These stories can be ever so pleasant

Empires and dragons, kings knights
We know how use these characters in a fair fight
Even if these stories are fake
They’re are enjoyable to write and to make

Sometimes the novels we write are about war and country
But sometimes it’s peaceful like running free
And the past is free to be fictionally styled
So have a look at the cabin of historical fiction
1 post

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Over the hills and far away…

Where the skies touch the ground,
Where the stars gleam

I feel myself,
Drowning into a place I never
I clepe them who have fallen far
behind me, binded by limitation.

I proclaim to thou ,
that I hast or ever hadst nothing
in my hands it is indeed blemished
from birth and why shan't thou
attempt the same ?

To all maidens and men,

Listen with your eyes
as well as your ears!

Thou hast you ever ponder?
How much this world hides from our gaze
just by a thin case of mirror.

A world never imagined but real,

A place inhabitated by men but other

‘They are longer than any of us’
‘They are way sturdy than any of us’
‘Their skin is darker than any of us’

Thou hast you ever ponder?

Thou could you be so kind to hazard a
guess ‘what wanders around the deep
abyss of the ocean?’

I admit,

I was afraid
to love her,

Thou do you not perpend to think of her?

For in my mark,
she is too cryptic for anyones utterance

She lays still in the abyssal depth
of her mother ocean.

She carries things inside her,
that no one has yet understand and I,

I was afraid,
to fail,
like the others

even the brave hath proven unworthy
to her solemn self.

it who managed to summon her gorgeous
Shall receive the call of the ocean.
‘It would hear the wave whisper,
Water would sweep to its feet alluring ’it'
to be cocieved under the spell.

“the earth has music
for those who listen”

Last edited by _BellaxX_ (March 3, 2024 12:18:56)

25 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

songwriting daily on anthems : 403 : 3/3
Sci-fi anthem : 100

Enter sci-fi’s amazing database
Servers and tech lined high on the wall
Marvel at all the raw info
Sci-fi will never fall

Their world corrupted by the sinister and dark AI
Sci-fi will have to fight
Although it will be quite challenging
The cabin has tremendous might

Glitches will be set into order
Those computer bugs scuttled away
Piece by piece their home rebuilt and reunited
So the database will live another day

Bursts of bright neon colors
Flickering text as well as zeroes and ones
Banish the AI at last, take back your rightful home
Sci-fi shall never succumb!

Dystopian anthem : 103

When you’re lost and can’t find your way through the jungle
Look for a crumpling temple and an elaborate frieze
Amidst the destroyed world
Can you see the runes peeking out over the trees?

The Medic, Mapmaker, and Scientist
Will all keep an eye on the respective teams
While the Historian shall check on the records
Carefully preserving many reams

The Runaways will stick close together
And avoid dangers galore
Crumpling pathways, hidden traps, and triggers
This dystopian team will soar

Even though much has been ruined
The Runaways will stay strong
Fighting against mysterious dangers
And singing along to this anthem song!

Epistolary anthem : 100

The letter terminal holds secrets
From the past and from long, long ago
Parchment etched with love or with wistfulness
Tied with string or a bow

Some letters are written in fading pencil
Some inscribed with dark ink from a quill
Signed “yours truly” or “best wishes”
Sending sympathy, indifference, or good will

Each stamped with approval of official design
The terminal is always precise
Birds carry their packages in their beaks
No missing letter shall suffice

Owls and doves carry love-letters
The smell of parchment all throughout the air
Grand notices fly by peregrine falcons
The epistolary terminal beware!

Tragedy anthem : 100

When you have been chosen for the Taking
And all hope is lost
You’ve been rescued by three mysterious people
The forest they have crossed

Don’t doubt if your trust is misplaced
Since it’s the only hope you have got
Jump at the opportunity
And join the enigmatic lot

Where to in the woods? you ask them
Follow us, they say
Keep your eyes on the road ahead
Believe you will live another day

You’ve been saved from one fate
But will you truly survive?
In a tragedy such as this one
Who knows if you’ll make it out alive
1000+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

daily! 4 anthems, 532 words

Fanfiction March 2024 — agents

Valiant Agents of the Fanfiction Variance Authority, you who unceasingly uphold order and justice, stand and honour the work of your compatriots

Long ago, beyond imagination
There was a time few can recall anymore
A time of reckless chaos
A time of uncontrollable disorder
Then we emerged.

We, the FVA, tamed this harsh and evil world
We, the FVA, brought order to all
We, the FVA, grew a civilization out of dust
We, the FVA, work tirelessly to preserve our work.

And if the chaos should come back,
And if the unruly ones put up a fight,
We will defend our peace.
We, the FVA, will not be defeated

Fanfiction March 2024 — rebels

We will not stand it anymore!
We will not stand it anymore!

We will not comply anymore!
We will not comply anymore!

We will not be controlled anymore!
We will not be controlled anymore!

We will be free again!
We will be free again!

We will create again!
We will create again!

And if they knock is down
And if they knock us down

We will rise up again!
We will rise up again!

We will rebel!
We will rebel!

We will fight back!
We will fight back!

Again and again,
Again and again.

We will all be free again.

Script July 2023 (rewrite of come alive from the greatest showman)

Join our camp, Join our camp
Go and write all your dailies and weeklies, let them be read by all of camp
Reach new friends with your stories
And before long you realize, SWC is your whole life
And then cabin wars comes along
And you're up later than you’ve ever been
'Cause to write you need your eyes wide open
Now that you’re here you can’t go back again
To that SWC-less world you once lived in
'Cause you're writing, and your mind is wide open
So join camp again!

I see it in your comments
You believe that lie that your writing isn’t good enough to be shared
Afraid people won’t like it
So you keep it to yourself, but don't let it stay that way

Join our camp, Join our camp
Go and write all your dailies and weeklies, let them be read by all of camp
Reach new friends with your stories
And before long you realize, SWC is your whole life
And then cabin wars comes along
And you're up later than you’ve ever been
'Cause to write you need your eyes wide open
Now that you’re here you can’t go back again
To that SWC-less world you once lived in
'Cause you're writing, and your mind is wide open
So join camp again!

Thriller November 2021 (rewrite of thriller by michael jackson)

It's close to the end of camp
And an evil conspirator is still lurking in the shadows
In the disguise of an ally
This betrayer is going to overthrow the agency
You try to find out who
But you disagree amongst yourself
You run out of time
And you realize the clues were right in front of you all long
You're in shock
'Cause this is thriller cabin, the thriller detective agency
And no one can save you when your leader is the villain
You know it's thriller cabin, the thriller detective agency
You're fighting to regain control of the thriller cabin tonight

Last edited by Rey_venclaw (March 3, 2024 17:57:41)

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
6 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily #3, 215 words (I went a little crazy oops)

On a walk by the woods in your town, something on the ground catches your eye. You pick up a curious piece of paper, half legible and half ripped off. You begin to read it…

Stars shine brightly now,
Alas, we cannot reach them
The tragic cabin, alone anyhow.

Time runs off as we find who to trust,
These woods we were thrust
Now our only love

The next part seems to be deliberately covered in dirt and you can’t make out any words. You read on, intrigued on where this came from and why you found it.

The’ A blotch of dirt seeped down to block this word ‘follow us
Fighting with our words, our hearts bled across the page
Longing just for once
To escape this wary cage

You look up to the trees in front of you and seem to watch a figure run across the horizon. You stumble back, terrified, and try to quickly skim the rest of the paper,

To be us is to fear them,
The horrid other realm.
Disperse before they put you in their pen,
This life of tragedy we relive again.

You drop the paper and look back to the trees. You whisper an apology and run off, thoughts wandering with what that could have meant.

Last edited by a_sloth_who_draws (March 3, 2024 18:05:11)

75 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Random writing…

This was supposed to be a secret. And now? Everyone is talking about it. It isn't a small thing. This is big. How could Amaya do this to me?
My face burns red hot when I enter the classroom, which is actually more of an outdoor field with tables, a few teachers, students (like me), and a lot of chaos.
Everything goes silent. Everyone watches as I walk toward my desk with my head held high, though I stumbled more than once. Calm down I told myself, but I just can't.
I sit, and talk starts to babble out again.
I look across the table at my best friend, whom I thought could be trusted.
“Sorry,” she says in an almost whisper. She gives a little shrug. “It slipped to Kylie, and then-”
"Sorry won't to justice.“ I snapped. I was angered by her calm voice, her careless shrug. ”You've got nothing to loose, but now everyone knows I'm going to- going to-“
”You are super fun, and we all love- I mean, uh, loved you, but…“ Amaya says with a sigh.
”You don't even care.“ I shot back. ”But just because the prophecy said I was going to become the evilest witch of ‘ever’, doesn't mean it's true. It's just a prediction.“ I say aggressively.
”Keep that temper and you will, Nora.“ Amaya says, alarmed. ”I'm proud of everything you've done, okay? Just don't use your powers on me.“
If I was my normal self right now, I would have said ”As long as you don't use yours on me!“ in my old, joking way. Every witch is born with a power and… mine seems to be anger. Okay, fine. It's really Mind Reading. Amaya's is Invisibility… I'd trade any day. My Mind Reading doesn't work when I'm feeling strong emotions… like anger.
”We're supposed to be practicing the Vanish Enchantment.“ I snarl, and we get to work.
The next day is Saturday, so luckily we don't have school. Learning to be a witch is tiring, especially if everyone is staring at you and whispering.
Amaya comes over to my house. Mother lets her in, gives her a cookie, then goes into her office. She doesn't know something's wrong.
”What?“ I ask before she can say anything.
”I just wanted to know…“ Amaya trails off.
”What?“ I ask again, annoyed. I wanted no part of her.
”How are you?“ she asked.
I roll my eyes. ”It was great seeing you." I slammed the door.
(to be continued…)

Last edited by dolphin786 (March 3, 2024 18:26:53)

☾ ʜɪ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ! ɪ'ᴍ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇᴛ! ☽
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❝тнσѕє ωнσ ᴅση'т вєℓιєvє ιη мαɢι¢ ωιℓℓ ηєvєя fιηᴅ ιт.❞
- Rσαℓᴅ Dαнℓ
☤ ꜱᴄɪ-ꜰɪ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴ! (ꜱᴡᴄ ᴊᴜʟʏ 2024)
17 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

(Sorry Theyr'll both the same rhyming style, my brain was having enough trouble coming up with all these rhymes T^T)
Here in the ruins we have learned what's just,
Here in the ruins we must trust.
Our bonds are most stable and secure,
So come join dystopia's allure.
Here we will start again,
In this futuristic gen.
We rebels are strong,
and we stand against what's wrong.
Out of the city we still have butterfly,
Out here you have a chance to not yet die.
We here stand against the tides,
In order to to save others lives.
Here we will start again,
Even in this futuristic gen.
Yes, we may live in a messed up society,
but we will not suffer quietly.

Here we drop off letters
Using our creatures covered in feathers
Far they will fly
Making their ways all through the skies
Mango splotches on our paper
As we prepare our letter's takers
All the letters gather here
Covered in ink smears
In the birds beaks
Are all the heaps and heaps
We ourselves carry our messenger bags
Filled with paper and mango jams
We are all postpeople and we all guide our pigeons flights,
Although canines still find us nice
We seal with our candle wax
In red's, blue's and black's
because the ink we own
it will help us win, you know?
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 003: 200 words, Cabin Anthems

Fan-fi the wonderful,
Sure to win first place.
We’ll eat the mangoes all the way,
We walk around wearing sunglasses all day.
Our storyline can’t be beat,
With Voldemort, Elmo, and Grover with the goat feet.
They’re going on a trip to the underworld
Faced by danger unparalleled.
We make up the coolest stuff
And of course it’s all literary gems,
Not fluff.
Fan-Fi has logic, rebels, and fun
We’ll laugh as much at the end
As we did when we begun.
All the campers are amazing, guys,
We’re awesome; we fry french fries
With one glance of our eyes.

Fairytales, oh fairytales,
Cause for concern? We aren’t quite sure.
The war’s in a state of decline.
The ever-valiant heroes
Not content with cheerios,
Consumed quantities of poison(?) apples
And afterwards claimed they felt fine.
(We don’t quite know what to think.)
Surely they’ve saved their reputation
From toppling over the brink.
We all love a war, after all.
They have a great aesthetic
And campers
(Their stranger-danger senses, however,
Leave something to be desired.)
It’s a good thing they tired
Of goats
Because goats are goats.
(It’s better to eat toads.)
And now Chuey is running
Out of things.

(back to table of contents: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/744314/?page=1#post-7831826 )

Last edited by ChueyTheCat (March 3, 2024 20:44:23)

26 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

pup's thread (boy am i late :skull: )


Last edited by -lxve-bug- (March 3, 2024 20:49:51)

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