Discuss Scratch

5 posts

My friend...

So, my friend @JamesTheSeaLion was banned last week, but I don't know what for!
So If you're seeing this, Scratch Team, please tell me on my profile WHY he was banned!
I've never known him to do anything bad…
500+ posts

My friend...

They can't tell you because it's an invasion of privacy.
If you know your friend in real life, tell them to contact appeals@scratch.mit.edu to appeal the ban

Making a counterargument? Look here first!
An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’
1 post

My friend...

NNoooo i was a big fan- unbannn himmm please (((

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