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100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

real life can be hard on us sometimes, and i'm sure that break was very well needed <3
with that being said… WELCOME BACK NAT!!!

i'll go notify alana about the subtheme in a second <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

welcome back nat! <3 take as much time as you need, life > scratch

for the wcg, maybe the storage room could be renamed to letter sorting room because storage room sounds a bit what's the word weirdish(?)

extended blurb: hello there <3 i'm silky, a little individual in the lands of est. i enjoy writing unrealistic-realistic stories, and reading a book over and over again in my free time! books are my besties, they are and will always be a portal to a new world. although i enjoy writing in the genre of epistolary, i can never spell the word right on my first try. i can guarantee that you'll have a wonderful time this month in our cabin <3 #epistolaryfrw!

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 12, 2024 22:59:39)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

sure thing <3 here are our wcg options:

reception desk
located at the front of the terminal, where people can come to get their letters sent. of course, there will be a reception desk, and beside it, a drop box so that they can still drop off letters while the terminal is closed for the night

letter sorting room
pretty obvious- where the letters get sorted, then sent off to separate ‘gates’ to be delivered by the birds. shelves and floors are lined with piles and piles of letters

bird enclosure
where the birds rest for the night when all the letters for the day have been delivered. (it's not a cage >:00) why is this desc so much shorter asdklkjhg

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

intro story progress update!
(adding on to the previous paragraph)

it wasn’t that long ago you came to drop off the letter to your future self, but even though you’ve only been here once before, the vague scent of the letter paper, the gentle flapping of feathered wings, the sunlight shining through the open windows, just makes you feel like you’ve been here forever. wait- was that a mango you just saw?

“hi!” you hear someone calling from behind you. you turn around and see three people smiling at you.
(to be continued)

bidaily activities
i can't believe i almost forgot about these ^^" we'll also need to come up with the in-cabin activities, preferably surrounding the epistolary genre.
1-2 - write a diary entry in 200 words describing your first day in the letter terminal
3-4 - write a letter to one of your original characters in 200 words
5-6 - campers vote on a theme, and write the beginning of a story in 300 words
7-8 - collab story, one person writes 50 words, then someone else continues. you can't write two consecutive parts though <3 (we'll use a comment thread since 50 words isnt a lot, and if it does fill up we'll just make a new thread)
9-10 - letter rush #1
11-12 - from the letter that you wrote to your oc, write back in their perspective, keeping in mind their character voice and how they'd write it
13-14 - make an oc write a love letter to another oc
15-16 - from the theme voting, continue your story in 400 words, include potential climactic element(?)
17-18 -
19-20 -
21-22 -
23-24 - letter rush #2 (+ mc roleplay day)
25-26 - end your story
27-28 -
29-30 -
31 -
i was thinking we could make letter rushes a thing on days that overlap cabin wars, so basically /because/ it's cabin wars people are crazy sending out letters and we have to sort them all on time ^^ a project could be shared containing a list of writing prompts to provide motivation for warring <3 i would like to share one of these, but since there would most likely be two, do any of you also want to? we could brainstorm on those prompts all together <3

oh also, if you have any ideas for these activities, just post them here and i'll add it to the list <3 we'll need to finish these by the 31st but there's still time

Last edited by yumetopia (Feb. 14, 2024 18:32:37)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

letter rushes is such a creative idea! i love it <3

storyline sounds amazing i'm so excited ee

also yipee bi-daily idea <3 : make an oc write a love letter to another oc

i'm fine creating a prompt project, but if nat wants to, she can <33

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

yumetopia wrote:

sure thing <3 here are our wcg options: (#43)
do any of you have a preference for the wcg? i don't mind either, so it's up to you <3 (if you have an idea on how to split them also share that hehe)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

could i have the letter sorting room? if nat wants it, then its fine though <3 i could have the receptionist instead

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

we'll see what nat thinks then <3

also, i wanted to ask this the other day but it didn't come to mind :,) do we want to include a camper expectation (or in less pressured words, monthly challenge)? it would help to motivate campers to do more activities and write more, but would it be a bit too much? a few other cabins are doing this so i feel like we should include it to a certain extent to stay in the competition hehe <33

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

yes, i think it might encourage the campers a bit hehe <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

does two weeklies and 15 dailies sound a bit too much?
we can discuss more when nat gets back on ^^ for now, probably finish the intro story first ahaha- i do need to get that done sobbing

do you want to help writing the cabin guide? it's a little much lol

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

maybe 10 dailies and 1 weekly instead?

yes of course! i'll add on to it tomorrow <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

here's how the current cabin guide looks like for now, i feel like writing it all out then pasting onto canva would be easier to edit <3
hello there, welcome to the epistolary letter terminal! whether or not you’re one of our official campers, do read up because it will help make our session run as smoothly as possible, so we can get to all the fun activities planned and get the most out of camp. we’re looking forward to camping with you this session! with that being said, let’s first introduce ourselves <3

(yume intro)

hello there <3 i'm silky, a little individual in the lands of est. i enjoy writing unrealistic-realistic stories, and reading a book over and over again in my free time! books are my besties, they are and will always be a portal to a new world. although i enjoy writing in the genre of epistolary, i can never spell the word right on my first try. i can guarantee that you'll have a wonderful time this month in our cabin <3 #epistolaryftw!

(nat intro)

how word adding works
we’re assuming you might already know this, either from previously participating, stalking sessions, or from camper signups, but here’s a refresher anyways ^^

you will be placed in one of three word count groups for the session- silky’s, nat’s, or mine.

insert more categories here
i think the daily amounts sound good <3 we should also probably throw in some word wars and a critiquaire (is that how you spell it? ^^"), and ofc the in-cabin bidailies hehe

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

ooh yes critiquarie hehe <3 (i don't know how to sob it either :sob:
perhaps 1 critiquarie, and participate in 3 cabin wars, and 2 word wars? along with 5 bi-dailies?

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

that sounds pretty good to me <3

also one question, i know nat is quite busy and i don't want to rush or anything asdfghjkl but we do need to make pfps perhaps soon :,)
natatat are you still open to making these? <33

and signatures as well sobbing we have a lot to catch up on dont we

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

skadhk i could do the signatures <3 just give me a few minutes (unless you or nat wants to)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

would these work?

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

starryy-silk wrote:

would these work?]
aahh that looks amazing <3 definitely!!
hope this isn't too much to ask, but can you get those over to a scratch approved image hosting site and send us the links? ^^ that would be really helpful <33

also- i'll make a draft for the pfps in case nat hasn't done so yet. to nat: take your time, you know what's right for yourself and we won't force you to do anything until you decide to <33

we can do this! #epistolaryftw!!

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

https://u.cubeupload.com/akane/signatures1.gif (yume)
https://u.cubeupload.com/akane/signatures2.gif (silky)
https://u.cubeupload.com/akane/signatures3.gif (nat)

i just chose a random user hehe

edit: why is the y cut off :(

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 20, 2024 17:56:51)

1000+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24


page count groups:
i'm fine with whatever pcg!! you both can pick whichever you'd like and i'll take the leftover one <33

these things ) do we all want to be a specific bird, a dove maybe? or we can all be different birds (ravens, owls, hawks, eagles, swifts, etc) <33 pretty sure i can still make them, i just need refs now hehe. going to use our cabin colours for the background too, i'll share the wip soon!

set mine! they look incredible, silky :0

hello!! I'm nat, one of your co-leaders this session <3 I adore anything reading, art, & writing related, and I have a huge love for my hobbies - volleyball, baking, trying smoothies, and scratch camping! more than excited to sidekick along with silky and yume, i can't wait to camp swc with you all this session. scratch on ;]

❝ hee hee ❞
♎︎ gnat | she / they
src host | artist
#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

starryy-silk wrote:

edit: why is the y cut off :(
ah i think it's the animation issue eee setting mine now they're so pretty :00
edit: oof my y is cut off too aah- is there another animation that could perhaps work better?

rosereef wrote:

do we all want to be a specific bird, a dove maybe? or we can all be different birds (ravens, owls, hawks, eagles, swifts, etc) <33 pretty sure i can still make them, i just need refs now hehe. going to use our cabin colours for the background too, i'll share the wip soon!
that would be amazing, thank you so much <33 i'll get back to you on the birds, but just keep them within our color scheme and it'll be all good

Last edited by yumetopia (Feb. 20, 2024 19:19:45)

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