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100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

wonderhoy indeed hehe <3
feathers work with me, though perhaps we could call it quills if you want to?

edit: also, i was wondering if we'll be doing forum signatures, sets, and a cabin guide <3

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 1, 2024 00:36:44)

1000+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

the feathers aren't showing up for me? it just shows a box <//3

signatures and banners
the banners are incredible! i love our colours aaa <33 i'll try to set it as my banner for the session month, since i have to put the leader apps as my featured project for february heheheh ^^

should we get started writing/planning this?

how do we want these, should the main character in them be our personas, or birds? should it be a customizer, or just requests? i'll sketch something up once we decide the basics!!

❝ hee hee ❞
♎︎ gnat | she / they
src host | artist
#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

RoseReef wrote:

the feathers aren't showing up for me? it just shows a box <//3 !
it does that when i'm on mobile as well

for the pfp, i prefer it to be birds because of our storyline, but whatever is easier for you works for me <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

- currency
some symbols don't like showing up on every device unfortunately </3 quills sound good too, i mean it /is/ a writing tool hehe. actually that gives me the slightest idea for the cabin intro story

- storyline
i was planning on drafting one today, maybe i'll send it when i finish <33

- cabin aesthetics
does anyone want to make forum signatures and/or sets? i'm open to do any of it, but i figured since i've sent canva links here we all have access to the graphics, colors and fonts used. one thing is that image hosting sites are blocked for me so one of you will have to do forum signatures <3 i can make the set if that's okay with both of you ^^

- cabin relationships
we have about three cabins left that don't have relationships, and we still don't have any just neutral neutrals, so maybe i'll ask for that?

- cabin guide
ooo yes- that would be amazing hehe, i'll make a canva project so we can all write and design it
(here it is <3 link)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

relationships: i think the remaining 3 could be one peaceful, one neutral, and one hostile <3

signature: i never made one before </3 i could try though! if i'm right, the size should be 690 by 155 right?

guide: if it would be possible, i would like to share this <3

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 1, 2024 00:43:09)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

- relationships
how's this?
friendly - fan-fi
neutral - fantasy
hostile - hi-fi
(didn't put much thought into it honestly, lmk if you want anything changed

- cabin guide
if nat's okay with that, i'm completely fine with that <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

oh yes, that sounds good <3 though could fantasy be friendly and fan=fi be neutral instead? /genq

also here's my wcg: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34571190


my blurb: hello there <3 i'm silky, a little individual who enjoys drawing and writing in my free time. books are my besties, they are and will always be a portal to a new world. with that being said, i'm excited for this session and to meet all of you! #epistolaryftw!!!

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 1, 2024 01:03:08)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

yup, sent the reqs ^^ going to bed now cause it's 11 pm lol (we're all est here hehe)

i'll add the blurb and everything tomorrow <33

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

fantastic hehe! <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

ookay i clearly did not expect to be forced out for almost the entirety of the weekend- so sorry about that </33

i am working towards the intro story, but clearly i wasnt able to settle on an idea (scrapped like three drafts of it cause i just wasnt happy about it), hopefully i'll finish by the end of tomorrow if possible and you can take a look + edit <3

cabin currency
our cabin currency is quills! here’s how you can earn some for yourself.
➷ reaching your initial word goal - 10
➷ sleeping before 11 p.m. - 1
➷ completing a daily - 5
➷ winning a word war - 3
➷ completing a weekly - 10
➷ doing an in-cabin activity - 3
➷ participating in cabin wars - 5 for each warring day
➷ doing a critique in the critiquitaire - 5
➷ entering the writing comp - 20

you can spend your quills in the stamp shop (name to be confirmed) in exchange for matching pfp's and other epistolary aesthetics <3
➷ profile picture - ?
➷ forum signature - ?
➷ matching banners - ?
how does this look? for the aesthetics, probably not too high but enough to get them motivated, do any of you have suggestions? ^^ and in the past some cabins chose to give some of these as prizes for finishing the weekly, and i was thinking maybe since our theme is a letter terminal, the exchange place could be the stamp shop (shop? counter? something else maybe?) and we could all make stamps as weekly prizes.

if i find i forgot anything i'll just make a new post hehe trying to get it to 100+ by the start of the session

sobbing i really have to be more active on this

Last edited by yumetopia (Feb. 5, 2024 18:40:57)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

its fine yume <3 life > swc!

i really like the cabin currency! in the past, i noticed most people spend their currency on pfp, so maybe that could be a bit high, like 20-25 quills and 1 weekly/stamp?
for signatures and banners, perhaps 15 could be fine? along with one daily of course <3
exchange shop sounds good to me!

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

cabin aesthetics
➷ profile picture - 40
➷ forum signature - 25
➷ matching banners - 25
this looks like a lot but trust me it's not, getting a total 90 quills is not hard, since every day you can get at least 9 quills so if you're really dedicated it'll take only 10 days to get everything.

cabin guide
the link is on post #24, we'll each need a more detailed intro to put in there <3 i'm in the process of trying to write this and the blurb hehe

locations + names
currency exchange: stamp exchange / stamp shop
yume's wcg:
silky's wcg:
nat's wcg:
swc main cabin:

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

i think the campers might freak out a bit when they see the prices, but i think they are pretty reasonable ^^

since the cabin is the “central terminal” maybe our wcg could just be regular terminals (does that make sense?) around the galaxy.

edit: perhaps the main cabin could be earth?

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 6, 2024 23:50:23)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

im actually not efficient adfghjkl i saw your message much much earlier than this but never got to responding

storyline thing (wip)
the central terminal of all letters, delivered by the one and only feather-mail system. unorganised letters were spilling out of every shelf, and you gasp in awe at the sight of birds flying in and out the huge open windows, carrying letters in their beaks.

(insert part where we talk)

i updated the studio descriptions to add in some reminders, links and renaming some links as well. i get your idea, but my only concern is that our main cabin is the terminal so the locations would most likely be inside of that <3 so there's a stamp exchange, and i was thinking since it's the terminal, people can come to get their letters sent, which would mean there will be a reception, and probably a storage room, and where the birds responsible for the deliveries live- cage sounds too cruel, maybe enclosure? does it sound off :,)

cabin guide (also wip)
hello there, welcome to the epistolary letter terminal! whether or not you’re one of our official campers, do read up because it will help make our session run as smoothly as possible, so we can get to all the fun activities planned and get the most out of camp. we’re looking forward to camping with you this session! with that being said, let’s first introduce ourselves <3

how word adding works
we’re assuming you might already know this, either from previously participating, stalking sessions, or from camper signups, but here’s a refresher anyways ^^

you will be placed in one of three word count groups for the session- silky’s, nat’s, or mine.

silky um nat isnt responding sobbing i know she said she'll be busy but i sent her a message through her profile the other day and still no response
edit: nat, if you're here, please don't feel pressured to do everything, i know you have a lot going on so take your time, we respect your decisions <3

Last edited by yumetopia (Feb. 8, 2024 22:17:30)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

yumetopia wrote:

reception, and probably a storage room, and where the birds responsible for the deliveries live- cage sounds too cruel, maybe enclosure? does it sound off :,)
oh wait that sounds great! and yes, i have to agree, cage does sound sort of cruel

storyline and cabin guide sound great so far! i'll send my extended blurb tomorrow!

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

aaahhh this popped up in my head while trying to sleep last night- the mb theme is biomes, (not too familiar with it myself) but we need a subtheme ^^

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

yumetopia wrote:

aaahhh this popped up in my head while trying to sleep last night- the mb theme is biomes, (not too familiar with it myself) but we need a subtheme ^^

ahhhhh i'm also not that familiar with biomes as well :sob: here's a wonderful list that i copied and pasted from Wikipedia

Tropical rainforest
Tropical seasonal rainforest
Temperate giant rainforest
Montane rainforest
Temperate deciduous forest
Temperate evergreen forest
Subarctic-subalpine needle-leaved forests (taiga)
Elfin woodland
Thorn forests and woodlands
Thorn scrub
Temperate woodland
Temperate shrublands
Temperate grassland
Alpine grasslands
Tropical desert
Warm-temperate desert
Cool temperate desert scrub
Arctic-alpine desert
Tropical fresh-water swamp forest
Temperate fresh-water swamp forest
Mangrove swamp
Salt marsh

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

poppywriter wrote:

(from hobbit hole) I haven't looked into what's been taken yet, but I think either the ocean or a type of forest might work? When I think of the epistolary genre, I tend to think of someone writing letters to a loved one from a ship, but I think a coniferous forest could also work with some of the little details with your thumb and theme?? It's definitely a tricky one to place…
aaah subthemes are due in like seven hours imma go ask for an extension- we need to decide on one real quick :00

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

ahhh asdjhkj would “Temperate evergreen forest” work?

edit: Tropical fresh-water swamp forest combines both of poppy's ideas

edit2: Elfin woodland looks cool as well

Last edited by starryy-silk (Feb. 11, 2024 18:45:50)

1000+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

HIYAA <3 going to catch up on everything tomorrow! the elfin woodland sounds quite nice for our biome <3 thank you all for giving me this time aaa ^^

❝ hee hee ❞
♎︎ gnat | she / they
src host | artist
#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays

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