Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

hello, welcome to epistolary's planning forum! on a kind note, if you're not a part of the leadership team (aka yume, nat, silky) this session, it would be nice if you could leave, just so you don't spoil anything we're planning for the session. after all, things are best kept a surprise <3 we honor the swc honor system, and it means a lot to all of us if you could respect it too. thank you! <33

alright, with all formalities aside… WELCOME TO (the first-ever!?) EPISTOLARY (in swc)!!! calm down, yume, calm down… AAHHH BUT I CAN’T-

first things first! basic cabin setup has to be in the studio by feb 1st, so we’ve got to decide on the theme and everything else included <3 we want potential campers to get an idea of what our cabin would be like ^^

oh, and here’s our studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34522027

here's a list of what we can think about for now!

- external communication: canva? disc? maybe others? this is so that in the case of forums going down, we have somewhere else that can serve as backup. i will also be screenshotting all our posts and put them onto a canva doc just so we can review them when forums are down.

- overall theme and storyline: i had the idea of a feather-mail system that delivers stories, written as letters, to every corner of the universe, where our cabin is is the “central terminal”. this storyline branches into the idea of the in-cabin activities, which involve writing these story letters <3 of course, this is just a really basic summary that could be expanded on in multiple directions, and it's open to change based on our collective ideas.

- word counts: projects or studios? i'll assume this depends on if we want messages whenever someone adds words and also if we'd like word count groups- let me know what you think about that ^^

- cabin aesthetics: thumbnails, banners, signatures, etc! i think for these we should all collab on canva, i'll get a bunch of links up once i have them hehe

- cabin colors: these will most likely be colors used in the aesthetics so we'll choose some from there afterwards. i feel like a water and/or air inspired theme would look great, maybe some light browns and greyer tones as well?

- cabin relationships: i've accepted a few requests that i think work out really well, i'll put the list on the post below this one. from now on though, we could all give inputs on incoming requests, as well as request for other cabins. (update: cabin relationship list below)
cabin relationships

- poetry
(trio maybe?)



- tragedy
- thriller

Last edited by yumetopia (Jan. 22, 2024 23:15:52)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

hi there!
so excited for this session aaaaaa

-for the theme, i really like the idea of a feather-mail system. it's quite unique, and i think it could motivate the campers! maybe in the beginning of the session, the campers gets to vote on the theme of the story, then write from there?
-i'll prefer studios for the word count, but if you or nat likes projects better, then its fine as well <3
-i could use disc in case forums go down

and i'll add more later <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

ookay perhaps this isn't clear enough ahaha- i was at school when i typed that soo i was in a bit of a rush
basically, how the feather mail system this works is that anyone can write their stories, in form of letters, and send them by bird (hence the feather <3) for the in-cabin activities, i was thinking maybe bi-daily just so there's a higher chance everyone can get to it instead of updating daily (and it saves us half the work too ehehe), we could use your idea and have a theme vote for a certain day, and i did have some ideas while making my app, for instance writing letters to your original characters (and have them write back?) or diary entries in their perspective.

starryy-silk wrote:

-i could use disc in case forums go down
sure thing, i'll make a group ^^ i'm yumeverse_, what about you?

1000+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

eek haii! hi silky :eyes:

going to put my thoughts on everything here when i get some time heh <33

I have disco too heh, i'm natoriouslyyy ^^

❝ hee hee ❞
♎︎ gnat | she / they
src host | artist
#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

my user is

Last edited by starryy-silk (Jan. 29, 2024 23:39:41)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

oop i guess we're back here again <3

i'll try to get the blurb finalised asap so i can get it to moonlit ^^ as for the time being, just wanted to ask nat which symbol you like? me and silky are okay with any of these ( ོ /✉/anything else that works)

also, i kinda want to get the thumbnail up hehe, if you're all okay with that <3

edit: i found some more symbols:
⿻ ⧉ (paper maybe?)
⌇(idk why but i feel like this gives epistolary vibes)
➷ ⨳ (not entirely sure)
⸙ (it's rlly small but it's a feather!!)
⚘݄ (flower that looks kinda good with the current thumb)

aannnd i accidentally put up the thumbnail too early- oop
lmk if you want the birds animated or not, i have no idea

edit 2: link to the thumbnail proj if you need <33 the color palette is on the second slide

Last edited by yumetopia (Jan. 28, 2024 21:42:15)

1000+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

yeah i don't believe i had that canva skjdfhjksd sorry about that </33 thumbnail looks great, and so do cabin colours!

i really like the mail symbol, ✉! i feel like it represents us best <33

for the blurb, i'm really fine with whatever you two choose!! moonlit is a bit impatient right now, so definitely try to get it to her as soon as possible hah <3

also, just letting y'all know, i'll just be a tiny bit busy for the next couple days for src, we have to get leader applications out, so i'll try to respond to everything as son as i can, but it might not be right away unless i have free time heh :p

❝ hee hee ❞
♎︎ gnat | she / they
src host | artist
#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

sure thing, i'll get the blurb done soon <33
mail symbol will be delivered to moonlit as well <3

and of course, have fun in src~ hope everything goes smoothly and i might consider camping if i have time too hehe ^^

edit: how does everyone think about hostile neutrals with script? also, currently asking dystopian which type of neutrals we'd be, since we both don't have any yet-

Last edited by yumetopia (Jan. 29, 2024 15:54:03)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

hostile neutrals sounds fine to me <3 also, should we start deciding cabin colours? again, i think pale brown + white could work <3
nat, wish you luck for src <3 just like yume, i might camp as a camper if i have time!

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

starryy-silk wrote:

also, should we start deciding cabin colours? again, i think pale brown + white could work <3

yumetopia wrote:

edit 2: link to the thumbnail proj if you need <33 the color palette is on the second slide

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

oh sorry haha <3 i must've missed it

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

what do we all think about the leader section of the desc? is the capitalisation strange, should it be all no caps for the aesthetic or capitalise everything, or just for names? <3 ehehe i seriously do not know-

⌇ leaders

➷ intro <3

➷ intro <3

➷ intro <3

also, it would be great if we could all finish our little intro blurbs soon as well <33

Last edited by yumetopia (Jan. 29, 2024 22:16:27)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

i prefer it all lowercase, but if you or nat think of something else, its fine aswell <3
── ୨ ⸙ ୧ ── would this be a good border?

Last edited by starryy-silk (Jan. 29, 2024 23:40:08)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

it does look better when all lowercase :00

btw, i slightly edited the border, i think this fits the vibe pretty well <3
(edit: see the studio for the border, the brackets make it invisible asdfghjkl)

also, fairy tales asked to be hostile neutrals <3 we do already have script as hostile, so what do you think? personally, i think we do need other types of neutrals as well, hehe.

and word counts aaaahhh how do we do this :sob: i feel like since there's less cabins there might be more campers in each, does word count groups sound okay to everyone? and nat, just wanted to confirm if you're making a the pfps? thank you <33

edit 2: how's this for the blurb?
the terminal of the feather-mail system, where lifelong friendships and memories are made. we provide a space for you to improve your writing, achieve your goals, all with fun and rivalry in the mix.
(199 characters, took waay too long to shorten it ^^")

Last edited by yumetopia (Jan. 30, 2024 17:14:58)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

i would prefer if fairy tales was friendly neutrals hehe <3
word count groups and the blurb sounds good to me!

edit: could myth be our allies? i have a feeling that they will be very powerful during the session lol

Last edited by starryy-silk (Jan. 30, 2024 20:31:01)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

haha yes the hosties cabin lol- as for cabin relationships, i don't actually see anyone asking at all so i left moonlit a message regarding that <3

as for word count groups, we do need to decide on names but for now let's all just make a studio first?

OH and banners are here! feel free to edit, add or change anything as long as it still fits the theme and color palette <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

oh the banners are really cute <3 i'll edit mine later <3
alrighty <3 i'll make my studio

edit: just curious, did you submit cabin colors?

Last edited by starryy-silk (Jan. 30, 2024 23:50:30)

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

eep thanks for reminding me, i don't think i've submitted them yet- lemme just do so once i finish this post hehe

btw, my parents blocked disc on my chromebook :sob: ig i can't use that now then…
do you mind giving nat a ping to check this forum? <33

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

oh no </3
and of course, i'll go ping nat on disc rn <3

100+ posts

epistolary ~ swc march '24

aahh thank you <33

gasp gasp i wonder what this is :00

btw, are we planning on a cabin currency? i think feathers (⸙) would work, any other suggestions?

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