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fantasy knighthood march '24

hmm i do love the idea of an evil queen (dare i say tyrant? :eyes but i think the knights would be fighting against her rather than for her lol,, maybe the good ruler could also be a swc reference (prince smarlls ibexius xvi or smth like that hehe)
we could find a way to incorporate the ideas of procrastination and writers block and all that fun stuff into different monsters :0

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

stingray wrote:

I don't want to do pfps - I don't have the skills for a pfp creator and I'm worried I wouldn't be able to make pfps for a bunch of campers if that makes sense ^^" Crim I think your idea is awesome! I haven't seen anyone do a coat of arms before so that'd be really cool and it def fits with our theme.
I think we should all work on the cabin guide together!

criminal-intent wrote:

If I do the pfps that’d leave the thumbnails for Singray, but we could also swap.
omg yes please i love designing thumbnails!!! and i'd share the canva link with you guys so we could all have some input (I can also do banners I love graphic design sldfjkl)
So it sounds like we've got our graphics sorted out
  • Eevee - Forum Signature + Cabin Aesthetic
  • Crim - Pfp
  • Stingray - Thumbnails + Banners
  • Everyone - Cabin Guide

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 22, 2024 01:35:24)

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

stingray wrote:

hmm i do love the idea of an evil queen (dare i say tyrant? :eyes but i think the knights would be fighting against her rather than for her lol,, maybe the good ruler could also be a swc reference (prince smarlls ibexius xvi or smth like that hehe)
we could find a way to incorporate the ideas of procrastination and writers block and all that fun stuff into different monsters :0
yes ahaha <3 i think we have three options here: go with the original, with a good queen and some other evil force, evil queen and we're rebelling?, or evil queen and come up with some other reference for a good ruler <3 (or vice versa? i guess that's the same as the first then ahaha)
i love the idea of procrastination and writers block as monsters- if we could find a way to personify writers' struggles, then i think that we could make that as the evil being and keep the queen good, so the swcers be the victims of that :0

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

i love the idea of procrastination and writers block as monsters- if we could find a way to personify writers' struggles, then i think that we could make that as the evil being and keep the queen good, so the swcers be the victims of that :0

Ooh yes I love this idea!!

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

i love the idea of procrastination and writers block as monsters- if we could find a way to personify writers' struggles, then i think that we could make that as the evil being and keep the queen good, so the swcers be the victims of that :0

Yes! and maybe each thing to defeat them could be targeted against that specific struggle, like the burnout monster is defeated by 5 campers taking a 30 minute break to relax and stuff like that?

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

i love the idea of procrastination and writers block as monsters- if we could find a way to personify writers' struggles, then i think that we could make that as the evil being and keep the queen good, so the swcers be the victims of that :0

Yes! and maybe each thing to defeat them could be targeted against that specific struggle, like the burnout monster is defeated by 5 campers taking a 30 minute break to relax and stuff like that?
Yesss I love this and once I come up with other monster ideas I can share them too!

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Question for when I design the thumbnail, where does our story take place? I’m getting forest vibes from the color scheme…

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Apologies, I didn’t get notified about new posts until just now akdhjsf-
I love the idea for the burnout monster!! It’s a great balance to the ‘you need to write to succeed in SWC’ feeling.

Whirlygig wrote:

Question for when I design the thumbnail, where does our story take place? I’m getting forest vibes from the color scheme…
Honestly, good question- Forest vibes from the colors makes sense :0 Secluded forest kingdom?? Honestly, I haven’t given it much thought :>
(I’ll probably be heading to bed soon, but feel free to discuss and suggest ideas!! <3)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

forest sounds cool! i’ll probably be logging off soon too ^^

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Cabin Storyline
Atmosphere Blurb, Backstory
We need the Atmosphere Blurb by the 25th, Thursday.

  • A community-focused cabin aiming for self improvement and forming long lasting bonds. An accountable space encouraging stepping outside of your comfort zone and celebrating personal victories. (Eevee)
  • An easygoing atmosphere where friendly competition exists but is not overemphasized, but activities are available to keep the cabin active. Focus on mental health and growing writing skills. (Stringray)
  • I’d focus on hospitality and growth. I want to create a welcoming cabin atmosphere where campers can discuss shared interests. I want my campers to learn through SWC—however they learn best. (Crim)
A combination of what we all put in our apps, with a snippet of what to expect storyline-wise.

We need some sort of idea on the backstory, so that we can make intro story (under studio down below). I don't think that it'll be /too/ plot heavy, so no big need for large chunks of story progression, if that makes sense? But we do need some sort of idea ahaha.
I want to make sure that we're also thinking about the backstory and a bit of getting the atmosphere blurb done within the next few days because they are due in 3 days. I think that the common themes in all of our blurbs were: mental health, growth/learning, and interaction. Combined with what we've been discussing with the monsters and storyline, I think it'll be something along the lines of “Fantasy is a community-focused cabin with activities to encourage campers to overcome writing struggles, while growing writing skills.” It's rough, but I think it gets the general message across and it gives us something to work with.

I was trying to think of the setting and I think going with Stingray's idea about a forest could work! I think personifying writers struggles would leave the queen to be good. I can’t think of a silly punny name for the evil one, so we could toss some ideas around for that lol. We could just be in a secluded forest kingdom, perfect writing ambiance, under the rule of the queen, until all of our writing fears come true and start attacking us! I think it’ll be something like Queen Este Dubyou Cee gives us the power to turn our words/actions into this weapon as we overcome these struggles as writers.

Edit: also, enemies with sci-fi has been confirmed!

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 22, 2024 21:12:14)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

I want to make sure that we're also thinking about the backstory and a bit of getting the atmosphere blurb done within the next few days because they are due in 3 days. I think that the common themes in all of our blurbs were: mental health, growth/learning, and interaction. Combined with what we've been discussing with the monsters and storyline, I think it'll be something along the lines of “Fantasy is a community-focused cabin with activities to encourage campers to overcome writing struggles, while growing writing skills.” It's rough, but I think it gets the general message across and it gives us something to work with.

I was trying to think of the setting and I think going with Stingray's idea about a forest could work! I think personifying writers struggles would leave the queen to be good. I can’t think of a silly punny name for the evil one, so we could toss some ideas around for that lol. We could just be in a secluded forest kingdom, perfect writing ambiance, under the rule of the queen, until all of our writing fears come true and start attacking us! I think it’ll be something like Queen Este Dubyou Cee gives us the power to turn our words/actions into this weapon as we overcome these struggles as writers.

Edit: also, enemies with sci-fi has been confirmed!

What about: “Fantasy will focus on community and personal writing growth with activities encouraging campers to work together to overcome common writing struggles.” (With it worded slightly differently, I feel like this flows slightly smoother?)

Honestly, with this format I’m not totally sure we need an evil queen/king/etc, simply because in this instance the story is kind of hinging on the idea of “being your own worst enemy” as a writer. However, an evil ruler works too if we want it to feel a bit more physical of a struggle. However, i think monsters are “real” enough threats that it works fine.

I love the idea of the Queen’s magic allowing us to turn words into weapons!

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

crim wrote:

What about: “Fantasy will focus on community and personal writing growth with activities encouraging campers to work together to overcome common writing struggles.” (With it worded slightly differently, I feel like this flows slightly smoother?)

Honestly, with this format I’m not totally sure we need an evil queen/king/etc, simply because in this instance the story is kind of hinging on the idea of “being your own worst enemy” as a writer. However, an evil ruler works too if we want it to feel a bit more physical of a struggle. However, i think monsters are “real” enough threats that it works fine.

I love the idea of the Queen’s magic allowing us to turn words into weapons!
That sounds better :>

And you have a great point! We don’t need the monsters to come from a sole external source. Having just the monsters and the “being your worst enemy” is probably a more real way to represent the internal struggle rather than having them put on you as an external struggle :0

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I had a swim meet, catching up on the forums now ^^”

Anyway I’m loving all of this!! Especially the being your own worst enemy as a writer, because that’s usually how it is lol
I agree that an evil ruler might not be necessary

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

My mom has planned some stuff for me and my siblings this afternoon, so I'll be less active ^^ I should be done by 3PM EST, but I honestly don't know. (Edit: we’re running behind schedule, but I’ll have my phone on me, so I can pop in.)

If there are no objections/edits to the blurb that Crim wrote, then we can send it to Moonlit with our symbol. And then I guess we'll focus on making writing struggles monsters!
TCTWNW is having different cabin relations this session, so I thought it would be fun to be enemies with them bwaha- Thoughts?
Available Times, Check-Ins
We've already kind of gone over our available times and I'll try to compile something, so we can see everything better.
Check-ins to make sure that everyone is on the same page, as well as updates and stuff, would be nice. Saturday won't work for Crim, and Fridays are pretty busy for me, so Sundays or Mondays? I'd rather not have it midweek :>
Check-ins might work best on Sundays because Stingray has school on Mondays. I was also thinking that on Fridays, we could have some icebreaker questions on the backup profile (to keep it all in one place that isn't clogging up our own profiles/projects/etc) and we could switch who chooses the questions weekly? It's more of a fun thing, so I don't mind that being on my busier day.

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 23, 2024 18:39:20)

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

  • Enemies would be fun!
  • I’m good with Crim’s blurb
  • And Icebreakers/checkins sounds great

Was thinking about word adding - since there are less campers now than there used to be, one word adding studio might work best and it would prevent one wcg’s words getting really piled up or having big discrepancies between the word counts of different wcgs. If we do one word adding studio we can switch hosts every week or smth and take turns adding words and updating the description, or we could have one person be in charge of word adding and either not switch studio hosts or do word counts on a project (so the word adder gets notifications). Thoughts?

Last edited by Whirlygig (Jan. 23, 2024 21:19:13)

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Yeah, I’m not quite sure what to do for word counting… I’ve mostly been in cabins where word counts were split into groups and everyone does their own thing for it, but that was before the cabin number increased. I’ve also had one wc studio for the cabin, but idk how they did it behind the scenes. I feel like a spreadsheet for everyone would be easiest, but safety and stuff Though I do know that some people have made accs specifically for SWC. I think one studio and switching would be the good in between. I think it’s a bit much for one person to do, and I would prefer to have it split between us in some way.
If there are any other methods you have tried, I would love to hear!

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Yeah, I’m not comfortable doing a spreadsheet - there are ways to do it anonymously but I don’t know them
I’ve only ever tried the three word count groups (back when there were more people in swc), and when I led I did one word count studio but hosted and added the whole month which was… a lot of work akdhfhsh. If everyone’s ok with the switching hosts thing I think that’d be best

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I’m on board with switching hosts.

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

The icebreaker/checkins sound great to me
Also, I’m down to switch hosts, that’s what we did last session i co-led.

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

i made a draft of our studio thumbnail!
i'd like feedback on whether it's readable, if the font is okay, and if it needs to be more complex/incorporate symbols :0

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!

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