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fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

this is so unhelpful but those are my favorites too !! maybe if i had to pick i’d go with the fifth option tho because it’s clearer? idk, does that make sense?
Yeah, that makes sense! So 5th for the main cabin symbol and second as a secondary for cabin projects and stuff?

And arrows for listing sounds like a good idea :0
➸ ➵ ➢

I think the second one looks best with the other symbols: ➵ ✥ ♞

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Color Schemes!!

Green based:

Tinted green:

Same thing, but brighterwhite/silver:

Blue based:

Tinted blue:

I think I like the second and fourth the best, but all of them are pretty similar ahaha.
I think that the white color in the second one could be a bit brighter, but not as much as the third?

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 21, 2024 00:45:56)

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

(Not quoting bc I’m on mobile)

I like the second one but with the white color from the first one instead if that makes sense; the fourth one looks good too so I think itd be down to whether we want the pallet to be more blue or more green lol

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Yeah, that makes sense! So 5th for the main cabin symbol and second as a secondary for cabin projects and stuff?

And arrows for listing sounds like a good idea :0
➸ ➵ ➢

I think the second one looks best with the other symbols: ➵ ✥ ♞
i agree that the second arrow looks good !
i like the second one as well but i think i prefer the first brown (#451COA) tho i guess thats basically just the first one lol … they’re super similar so i don't have a huge preference.

Last edited by criminal-intent (Jan. 21, 2024 03:47:01)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Okay! I’ll mix and match the colors this afternoon when I can get on the computer again.
I’ll probably make another to-do list, so we can figure some more stuff out.

Just a heads up that I won’t be as active tomorrow as I usually am on Mondays, bc the snow changed my homeschool co-op schedule, so I have two community days instead of one this week to make up for it TvT
Edit: snow’s still bad for some people, so it got cancelled for tomorrow!!

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 21, 2024 13:59:11)

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Okay! I’ll mix and match the colors this afternoon when I can get on the computer again.
I’ll probably make another to-do list, so we can figure some more stuff out.

Just a heads up that I won’t be as active tomorrow as I usually am on Mondays, bc the snow changed my homeschool co-op schedule, so I have two community days instead of one this week to make up for it TvT
Edit: snow’s still bad for some people, so it got cancelled for tomorrow!!
A to-do list would be great

Also, I wanted to say that since I’m at school from 8-3 each day I obviously won’t be active then (other than checking messages at lunch) so if something pressing comes up during that time and you two are active, feel free to make decisions without me lol

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Okay, some more color schemes!

#1 with switched blue (switching both the white and brown)

#2 with switched brown

#2 with switched white

I think I like #1 the best? But these are all /really/ similar, so-

Edit: Moonlit (Myth) offered to be allies.

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 21, 2024 19:24:27)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Btw, I don’t have very many time constraints other than one in person class on monday and wednesday (i’m taking online classes mostly). )
I like number 2 just *slightly* more, but honestly 1 and 2 are so similar lol
Yes, I’m excited to develop some other things so a longer to-do list whenever it’s convenient would be lovely, Eevee ^^ /gen /nm

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

i think i like #1 best
and allies with myth sounds great!

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I have a few time constraints from bowling (Saturdays), piano (all over the place?? um but for an hour in the evenings usually), Theater (Mondays starting in a few weeks), homeschool co-op (6:30-3:30 on Fridays-), and AAPI group every other Saturday from 6-9. Geez that looks like a lot ^^;;
My activity may or may not drop from February 11-14 because I'm going on a trip to see some family. I'll be at my aunt's place, so I'll have better wi-fi and I'll have computer access, but I'll probably be on my phone.

They are similar lol. Either works for me tbh-

And I'm working on the to-do list!! I have a few more things I have to add, after I help my parents out with groceries, and then I'll send it.

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

stingray wrote:

allies with myth sounds great!
agreed !
And I’ll also be busy on the 14th sadly. And likely the 26th.
The first palette is good; they’re super similar.
Thanks Eevee !!

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

I have a few time constraints from bowling (Saturdays), piano (all over the place?? um but for an hour in the evenings usually), Theater (Mondays starting in a few weeks), homeschool co-op (6:30-3:30 on Fridays-), and AAPI group every other Saturday from 6-9. Geez that looks like a lot ^^;;
My activity may or may not drop from February 11-14 because I'm going on a trip to see some family. I'll be at my aunt's place, so I'll have better wi-fi and I'll have computer access, but I'll probably be on my phone.

They are similar lol. Either works for me tbh-

And I'm working on the to-do list!! I have a few more things I have to add, after I help my parents out with groceries, and then I'll send it.
good to know

i have a few days in february i know i'll be less active/possibly inactive (they weren't in my leader app because i didn't know they were happening when i made it) and as soon as i find out exactly what the dates are i'll tell you guys ^^

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

To Do

Cabin Atmosphere Blurb + Cabin Symbol sent to Moonlit by the 25th.
(must dos are underlined)

Cabin Graphics
Color Scheme (sent in the mbc suggestion forum), Cabin Thumbnail(s?), Cabin Guide, Pfps, Aesthetic, Forum Signatures, Banner
We're all graphic artists, so we could probably split it up. We don't have to do everything, but these are the options. If there's anything you want to go for and try, let me know! Also, does everyone have Canva? We could work on a cabin guide there, or partly here and there?
And for pfp, we could do vector outlines, humans, symbols, etc?
I'd be up for doing the aesthetic and forum signatures!

Cabin Storyline
Atmosphere Blurb, Backstory
We need the Atmosphere Blurb by the 25th, Thursday.

  • A community-focused cabin aiming for self improvement and forming long lasting bonds. An accountable space encouraging stepping outside of your comfort zone and celebrating personal victories. (Eevee)
  • An easygoing atmosphere where friendly competition exists but is not overemphasized, but activities are available to keep the cabin active. Focus on mental health and growing writing skills. (Stringray)
  • I’d focus on hospitality and growth. I want to create a welcoming cabin atmosphere where campers can discuss shared interests. I want my campers to learn through SWC—however they learn best. (Crim)
A combination of what we all put in our apps, with a snippet of what to expect storyline-wise.

We need some sort of idea on the backstory, so that we can make intro story (under studio down below). I don't think that it'll be /too/ plot heavy, so no big need for large chunks of story progression, if that makes sense? But we do need some sort of idea ahaha.

Cabin Activities
Monsters, Bonding Activities, Rankings?
For monsters, we need monsters, requirements, and maybe time limits? I'm worried that the time limits will make it feel too strict and could make things go downhill depending on how active the campers are, but we could also test it out and see what works. I thought that a rough limit of 3-5 days would be good and make the requirements fit that as needed. Requirements will range from words, main cabin activities, camper activities, etc. And for monsters, I thought it would be fun to have some well known monsters like cyclops, dragons, hydras, etc, but also some SWC related ones like flaming goats?

Bonding activities could be weekly and perhaps some partnering? I also want some bonding activities for us, outside of just SWC <3

Camper ranks are fun, but I have no idea what to name them :> I was thinking that we could base it off of the percentage that they've completed for their word goal, but also edit, depending on how quickly they're reaching it. (so, if a new camper sets their goal as 5k, but reaches that within the first week, we won't give them their percentage ranking, the highest one, but lower it based on new goal/average?) It's something extra, but not needed.

Cabin Relationships
Allies, Neutrals, Enemies
Sibling Duo with Fan-Fi is confirmed, as well as allies with Myth, and we're waiting on one Sci-Fi co before confirming enemies.
And if you have any cabins you want to be enemies/allies with, lmk

Intro Story, Credits, Links, etc WC studios?, Sibling Hangout?
Again, back to the backstory and storyline, figure out a bit more than just a overthrown kingdom and Queen Este Dubyou Cee.
The other necessary stuff is pretty standard. And should we do WC studios? I think that everyone having their own and updating it with their own spreadsheet/system is the most efficient, but then it also limits which campers you're regularly talking with? I've been in cabins like this that led me to be more familiar with one specific leader, but also ones, where I was still familiar with all of them, so-

Available Times, Check-Ins
We've already kind of gone over our available times and I'll try to compile something, so we can see everything better.
Check-ins to make sure that everyone is on the same page, as well as updates and stuff, would be nice. Saturday won't work for Crim, and Fridays are pretty busy for me, so Sundays or Mondays? I'd rather not have it midweek :>

Okay, I think that's everything? At least the big things. Let me know if there's anything I forgot- And everything that has been confirmed so far (symbols, colors, relations, etc.) is on the first post of the forum!

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Jan. 21, 2024 21:06:30)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Tysm Eevee !!
Gonna reply to each section when I have time so sorry if this is a little sporadic~~

eevee wrote:

We're all graphic artists, so we could probably split it up. We don't have to do everything, but these are the options. If there's anything you want to go for and try, let me know! Also, does everyone have Canva? We could work on a cabin guide there, or partly here and there?
And for pfp, we could do vector outlines, humans, symbols, etc?
I'd be up for doing the aesthetic and forum signatures!
I have a Canva Doing a cabin guide over there sounds good to me!

Yep, I’d love if you could do those two things! since i have 0 thoughts about them and have never made them before :sob: XD

Something that could be cool for the pfps is a coat of arms? Outlines or silhouettes would be cool too tho. Maybe helmets? I’d be down to do those if Stingray’s ok with it. The coat of arms is probably my favorite of the ideas though.

If I do the pfps that’d leave the thumbnails for Singray, but we could also swap.

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

eevee wrote:

Expanding upon that, I was thinking that the monsters have different needs to be defeated. So some could be x amount of dailies/weeklies, word wars, words, cabin activty, etc! And thoughts on Queen Este Dubyou Cee?
I like this idea! and having an evil queen is very fantasy of us so I’m here for it. it could be cool if the monsters reflected different things about her or are very connected in some way (i’m thinking horcruxes or smth) ?? just a random thought because i realized i don’t think i gave my input on the storyline at all.

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

I have a Canva Doing a cabin guide over there sounds good to me!

Yep, I’d love if you could do those two things! since i have 0 thoughts about them and have never made them before :sob: XD

Something that could be cool for the pfps is a coat of arms? Outlines or silhouettes would be cool too tho. Maybe helmets? I’d be down to do those if Stingray’s ok with it. The coat of arms is probably my favorite of the ideas though.

If I do the pfps that’d leave the thumbnails for Singray, but we could also swap.
A coat of arms would be so cool :00 It's so Knighthood-y (xD) and I also feel like doing a bunch of humans is a bit much for pfps :sob: It looks great, but it also takes up a lot of time. It would be easier for customization/personalization than helmets too imo.
I don't think we have everything we need to set up/start on the cabin guide yet, but good to know that you have Canva! I believe Stingray does too, so we'll plan to have that done there.

criminal-intent wrote:

I like this idea! and having an evil queen is very fantasy of us so I’m here for it. it could be cool if the monsters reflected different things about her or are very connected in some way (i’m thinking horcruxes or smth) ?? just a random thought because i realized i don’t think i gave my input on the storyline at all.
Honestly, the queen was supposed to enlist the knights and be nice /nm but her being evil would make more sense if we wanted SWC related monsters ahaha- I think either way, it would work! And having them all connected in some way sounds cool too. Maybe related themes or smth? (Like for example, if we're going full on swc, then mangoes, and fire/flames, etc etc.)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

OMG i completely misread the thing ????? bruh i’m sorry XD but yes an evil queen is cool too. we could also have an evil and a good queen haha
the evil queen was definitely giving me sleeping beauty, which we could either lean into or just. avoid. (ik i’m so good at stating the obvious haha)
mango monsters is so fun. i love that!

Last edited by criminal-intent (Jan. 21, 2024 22:04:25)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

no no no that's fine <33 it happens! /gen
evil queen opens up more possibilities to rebellions and stuff :0 plus, i had no idea why we're getting attacked, but an evil queen gives a reason xD

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I’ll need to come back when Im on a computer and can quote/use forum commands effectively, but I do have canva

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

We're all graphic artists, so we could probably split it up. We don't have to do everything, but these are the options. If there's anything you want to go for and try, let me know! Also, does everyone have Canva? We could work on a cabin guide there, or partly here and there?
And for pfp, we could do vector outlines, humans, symbols, etc?
I'd be up for doing the aesthetic and forum signatures!
I don't want to do pfps - I don't have the skills for a pfp creator and I'm worried I wouldn't be able to make pfps for a bunch of campers if that makes sense ^^" Crim I think your idea is awesome! I haven't seen anyone do a coat of arms before so that'd be really cool and it def fits with our theme.
I think we should all work on the cabin guide together!

criminal-intent wrote:

If I do the pfps that’d leave the thumbnails for Singray, but we could also swap.
omg yes please i love designing thumbnails!!! and i'd share the canva link with you guys so we could all have some input (I can also do banners I love graphic design sldfjkl)

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!

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