Discuss Scratch

5 posts

LongFun Games

moomooCookie wrote:

-OdysseyCentral- wrote:

I feel like there’s some cleaning up needed.

So firstly, I’m deeply sorry for not being active here. I have much less free time than last school year, and, to be honest… I’ve lost part of my motivation to make games.

Secondly, after… 10? 11? Doesn’t matter. But after roughly 10-11 months Scratch Team finally let me change my username on my old account. Them not doing that was what caused me to move to this account, but now I’m moving back to my old account under the name @-YourLocalPhantom-. This also means we’re gonna need to move topics. This is a great opportunity to clean everything up, like what roles everyone has, what we’re working on, how we’re gonna work etc.. I don’t think I’ll even bother doing an activity check, since, well, if someone isn’t active then they won’t know about the new topic. For the next few days I’ll look over the applications that were made when I was inactive here, and try to contact the people that have potential to join.

Once again, I’m deeply sorry for not being active. I’ll try to be more active now. That’s all for now, I think.
Where’s the new topic gonna be? Are you sharing it here or the LongFun Games Studio?
nah my favorite quote to use is “im sorry i left it at home, and its on my dresser.” works everytime
70 posts

LongFun Games

foxy_exe707 wrote:

moomooCookie wrote:

-OdysseyCentral- wrote:

I feel like there’s some cleaning up needed.

So firstly, I’m deeply sorry for not being active here. I have much less free time than last school year, and, to be honest… I’ve lost part of my motivation to make games.

Secondly, after… 10? 11? Doesn’t matter. But after roughly 10-11 months Scratch Team finally let me change my username on my old account. Them not doing that was what caused me to move to this account, but now I’m moving back to my old account under the name @-YourLocalPhantom-. This also means we’re gonna need to move topics. This is a great opportunity to clean everything up, like what roles everyone has, what we’re working on, how we’re gonna work etc.. I don’t think I’ll even bother doing an activity check, since, well, if someone isn’t active then they won’t know about the new topic. For the next few days I’ll look over the applications that were made when I was inactive here, and try to contact the people that have potential to join.

Once again, I’m deeply sorry for not being active. I’ll try to be more active now. That’s all for now, I think.
Where’s the new topic gonna be? Are you sharing it here or the LongFun Games Studio?
nah my favorite quote to use is “im sorry i left it at home, and its on my dresser.” works everytime

-Rii (They/He)
12 posts

LongFun Games

Hi do you know a collaboration for gaming?
12 posts

LongFun Games

or know a scratcher that is good at coding
12 posts

LongFun Games

because my game is not working right hill drive
1000+ posts

LongFun Games

Allenloper wrote:

because my game is not working right hill drive
This belongs in the Help With Scripts category.

Game Is Game.

Need code? Art? Anything in between? Come to The Scratch Lab and find whatever you need! We're currently in need of new employees, so if you have any skill, whether it be art, code, music, etc. feel free to join! Click Here–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–> {Shift + Down Arrow To See The Gang}

Da Gang: (There's no order)
@-GaIaxy_cat- (spelled with capitol i and not a lowercase L)
12 posts

LongFun Games

I do not get it are you graduated
12 posts

LongFun Games

from highschool
70 posts

LongFun Games

Allenloper wrote:

from highschool
You're just posting in the wrong section of the forums. Try making a post here instead: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/7/
Just click the button that says New Topic and describe your issue. Try to be as specific as possible. I hope this helps!

-Rii (They/He)
100+ posts

LongFun Games

Yo Odyssey, can I take the position of acting leader to just create a basic project until a time period where you are going to be available to help guide us to make a larger one?
(Essentially can I get this team back together for a project?)
I have some ideas……
500+ posts

LongFun Games

kanomaster wrote:

Yo Odyssey, can I take the position of acting leader to just create a basic project until a time period where you are going to be available to help guide us to make a larger one?
(Essentially can I get this team back together for a project?)
I have some ideas……
Tbh I never had very good leadership/organization skills needed to manage a collab like this. You’ve been here for a long time + you’re a trusted member of our team, you can take the role of an acting leader for some time. I’ll try to figure out a few things during this time, so that we could actually make a successful project. Hopefully it won’t take too long.
If anyone’s confused about what this account is, I’ve made an announcement about that some time ago in this topic.

1000+ posts

LongFun Games

-YourLocalPhantom- wrote:

kanomaster wrote:

Yo Odyssey, can I take the position of acting leader to just create a basic project until a time period where you are going to be available to help guide us to make a larger one?
(Essentially can I get this team back together for a project?)
I have some ideas……
Tbh I never had very good leadership/organization skills needed to manage a collab like this. You’ve been here for a long time + you’re a trusted member of our team, you can take the role of an acting leader for some time. I’ll try to figure out a few things during this time, so that we could actually make a successful project. Hopefully it won’t take too long.
If anyone’s confused about what this account is, I’ve made an announcement about that some time ago in this topic.
I've been here, looking at the rare notifications and not being in any position to respond. I'm ready when you guys are. Also can I have a higher position as well? I belive I'm fairly trustworthy, as proven by my work in the Glow Shop. Also I've been here since your old account.

Game Is Game.

Need code? Art? Anything in between? Come to The Scratch Lab and find whatever you need! We're currently in need of new employees, so if you have any skill, whether it be art, code, music, etc. feel free to join! Click Here–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–> {Shift + Down Arrow To See The Gang}

Da Gang: (There's no order)
@-GaIaxy_cat- (spelled with capitol i and not a lowercase L)
70 posts

LongFun Games

ItBeJC wrote:

-YourLocalPhantom- wrote:

kanomaster wrote:

Yo Odyssey, can I take the position of acting leader to just create a basic project until a time period where you are going to be available to help guide us to make a larger one?
(Essentially can I get this team back together for a project?)
I have some ideas……
Tbh I never had very good leadership/organization skills needed to manage a collab like this. You’ve been here for a long time + you’re a trusted member of our team, you can take the role of an acting leader for some time. I’ll try to figure out a few things during this time, so that we could actually make a successful project. Hopefully it won’t take too long.
If anyone’s confused about what this account is, I’ve made an announcement about that some time ago in this topic.
I've been here, looking at the rare notifications and not being in any position to respond. I'm ready when you guys are. Also can I have a higher position as well? I belive I'm fairly trustworthy, as proven by my work in the Glow Shop. Also I've been here since your old account.
I'm also ready for whatever we end up starting, looking forward to @kanomaster's ideas

-Rii (They/He)
62 posts

LongFun Games

I’m quite quaint and very neat at coding! I shall promote your games and I will make very GOOD glances for YALL

rat in the home

Pronouns: rat/muskrat
I identify as a rat muskrat beaver and mouse and rat and beaver and rat
100+ posts

LongFun Games

There are numerous games that we can create but I propose that we first start with something relatively simple.
Here are some ideas that I have:

Nonograms: Simple Puzzle Game (similar to sudoku in a way) I have created two iterations of this project. But my lack of artistic and musical skills doesn't look very well…

Wave Game: Essentially a game where you are the player fighting against hordes of zombies (or monsters, enemies, and small children) Rather simple, but as a team we could get a little creative and make some nice details.

Platformer: Yes, I know impossibly easy, but as with the games above I suggested, we could add special details to the game, or other functions, such as moving platforms. But to separate our game from others on scratch, we need to come up with a unique story.

Clicker Game: You click, you get points, your upgrade, you click more. Pretty self-explanatory, but needs something unique to separate our project from others.

Mix!: Out of the games I listed we could combine two of these genre's together to create a unique game. For example, we could create a wave game where every click counts as an attack. You'll need to upgrade your fighter in order to keep up with the increasing difficulty of the enemies. You lose when your fighter is unable to defend off the enemies (your clicks aren't powerful enough).

These are some relatively simple ideas that we can turn into a great project. Please vote for what idea you like the best. (Or suggest your own!)
70 posts

LongFun Games

kanomaster wrote:

There are numerous games that we can create but I propose that we first start with something relatively simple.
Here are some ideas that I have:

Nonograms: Simple Puzzle Game (similar to sudoku in a way) I have created two iterations of this project. But my lack of artistic and musical skills doesn't look very well…

Wave Game: Essentially a game where you are the player fighting against hordes of zombies (or monsters, enemies, and small children) Rather simple, but as a team we could get a little creative and make some nice details.

Platformer: Yes, I know impossibly easy, but as with the games above I suggested, we could add special details to the game, or other functions, such as moving platforms. But to separate our game from others on scratch, we need to come up with a unique story.

Clicker Game: You click, you get points, your upgrade, you click more. Pretty self-explanatory, but needs something unique to separate our project from others.

Mix!: Out of the games I listed we could combine two of these genre's together to create a unique game. For example, we could create a wave game where every click counts as an attack. You'll need to upgrade your fighter in order to keep up with the increasing difficulty of the enemies. You lose when your fighter is unable to defend off the enemies (your clicks aren't powerful enough).

These are some relatively simple ideas that we can turn into a great project. Please vote for what idea you like the best. (Or suggest your own!)

I could put together some art and music for a nonogram game pretty quickly (would just need a more specific list of what is needed) and could probably also come up with a nice storyline for a platformer (or clicker, because i've been playing some idle games with good casual storytelling lately. a clicker story will also probably be easier to come up with.)

I'm gonna vote nonogram just for the sake of getting something together soon, but these ideas reminded me of a game i've been wanting to make for awhile (and thus have almost completely written the plot for already) and coincidentally happens to be a platformer. It's just a bigger idea than what we're currently trying to do, but I thought I'd just go ahead and share anyways just in case you're interested.

So I actually started working on a story-based platformer series full of traditional watercolor marker art (I actually did a little test thing with a platformer engine just to animate the player sprite here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/687093461/ ) and have A LOT of the art already done, but ended up losing motivation since I couldn't code it. The initial concept for the story is in the aforementioned project, I have the full plot planned out in a lengthy document off-site. It really is just a platformer for the most part, but I wanted the player to be able to make choices leading to different potential endings + release the game in different parts for size reasons so. save codes. I also wanted there to be bossfights, but have been indecisive on what kind of fighting style I want the game to have for years.
Obviously I can't say I have ALL the art done, but I have a fairly large amount, and already bought the necessary equipment for making a game using traditionally drawn art and animation back when I first had this idea in 2022. There's also some rewriting I have to do (what I have written in that project makes me cringe) but it's got a lot of potential and already work put in.

Sorry for the lengthy ramble, but let me know what you think!

-Rii (They/He)
1000+ posts

LongFun Games

Is it possible for us to make something involving math?
I recently just got into trigonometry and I really want to use it in Scratch

Game Is Game.

Need code? Art? Anything in between? Come to The Scratch Lab and find whatever you need! We're currently in need of new employees, so if you have any skill, whether it be art, code, music, etc. feel free to join! Click Here–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–> {Shift + Down Arrow To See The Gang}

Da Gang: (There's no order)
@-GaIaxy_cat- (spelled with capitol i and not a lowercase L)
100+ posts

LongFun Games

ItBeJC wrote:

Is it possible for us to make something involving math?
I recently just got into trigonometry and I really want to use it in Scratch
I know some too, and it would be cool to introduce that into a complex project, but maybe not for this first one. (We've never actually published a game before, and I think we should create something simple first)

Riiviir wrote:

I could put together some art and music for a nonogram game pretty quickly (would just need a more specific list of what is needed) and could probably also come up with a nice storyline for a platformer (or clicker, because i've been playing some idle games with good casual storytelling lately. a clicker story will also probably be easier to come up with.)

I'm gonna vote nonogram just for the sake of getting something together soon, but these ideas reminded me of a game i've been wanting to make for awhile (and thus have almost completely written the plot for already) and coincidentally happens to be a platformer. It's just a bigger idea than what we're currently trying to do, but I thought I'd just go ahead and share anyways just in case you're interested.

So I actually started working on a story-based platformer series full of traditional watercolor marker art (I actually did a little test thing with a platformer engine just to animate the player sprite here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/687093461/ ) and have A LOT of the art already done, but ended up losing motivation since I couldn't code it. The initial concept for the story is in the aforementioned project, I have the full plot planned out in a lengthy document off-site. It really is just a platformer for the most part, but I wanted the player to be able to make choices leading to different potential endings + release the game in different parts for size reasons so. save codes. I also wanted there to be bossfights, but have been indecisive on what kind of fighting style I want the game to have for years.
Obviously I can't say I have ALL the art done, but I have a fairly large amount, and already bought the necessary equipment for making a game using traditionally drawn art and animation back when I first had this idea in 2022. There's also some rewriting I have to do (what I have written in that project makes me cringe) but it's got a lot of potential and already work put in.

Sorry for the lengthy ramble, but let me know what you think!
Alright! I love the idea of a story-based platformer, and I think it would be a great second project. (maybe even include some of @ItBeJC's trigonometry)

For the first project tho, we will create a Nonogram Puzzle Project!

If you don't know what a Nonogram is, then play my crappy version here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/731019661/

My Project (as shown above) is a fairly good base project but the art in the game is really really terrible.
Things we need to get done

-Text Based Engine (I already made one for LongFun Games, but idk if that's the best font for a puzzle)
-Start Menu (background, start button, credits button, title)
-Level Menu (some level blocks (1,2,3,4,5……), a create your own nonogram button, A load nonogram button, and a title)
-Smooth Transitions (Fade it, out, highlighting of buttons/grid tiles when mouse is hovering over, etc)
-The Engine for the Game (already created, can tweak it some tho)
-A Number Bar Function for Determining what and where the numbers go along the side and above the puzzle (going to be a little tedious but not too hard, probably alot of aligning needs text engine to work)
-Other things that you can think of! (my brain is broken rn soooo I'm probably forgetting some things)

@Riiviir I'd recommend you start with the art (buttons backgrounds etc)
@ItBeJC, figure out how you want the smoothness of the game to work (example: do you want the tiles to just spawn in? or fly in, or fade in? etc etc)
@Kanomaster (das me) I'll work on the Number Bar Function

Keep in mind the tasks I've given for specific people are just suggestions, if you want to do something else, you are not bound to the suggestions I've given, but we do need to people to do the tasks. I'll check back in later!

Last edited by kanomaster (March 6, 2024 17:35:17)

1000+ posts

LongFun Games

Ok, I'll put out some transitions in a project. Also just FYI everybody here can call me JC
Its just shorter and my preferred name.

Game Is Game.

Need code? Art? Anything in between? Come to The Scratch Lab and find whatever you need! We're currently in need of new employees, so if you have any skill, whether it be art, code, music, etc. feel free to join! Click Here–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–> {Shift + Down Arrow To See The Gang}

Da Gang: (There's no order)
@-GaIaxy_cat- (spelled with capitol i and not a lowercase L)
100+ posts

LongFun Games

ItBeJC wrote:

Ok, I'll put out some transitions in a project. Also just FYI everybody here can call me JC
Its just shorter and my preferred name.
Alright, Can you put the project in the LongFun Games Studio (you're a manager btw)

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