Discuss Scratch

100+ posts



We need this. NOW! But they're many workarounds, so I have to say semi-support.


Failord wrote:

I do have enough experience with Bitmap images to know that it takes a human brain to distinguish backgrounds on a picture, and that a computer won't be able to sort it out.

No, it was here before Scratch 2.0, they removed it with the new version, and it is one of the most used feature in GIMP.
When you do an image search with Google, select the “transparent” option (I think it's the same name in English, cause I don't use Google in English)
and you will see what I mean…


Alpha channel

Please suggest using a new topic. Here's a tutorial; en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Suggestions_(forum)
1000+ posts


CodeMaster_TheGreat wrote:

Use extension name
Please don’t say extention names, it violates the userscript/extension guidelines

Besides turbowarp has this you don’t need that if you can just use turbowarp

Last edited by cookieclickerer33 (Sept. 28, 2023 15:15:35)

⠀ ⠀ I beat Mario 64 yay! ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I love you ivy & may :3
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀GEOMETRY DASH

1000+ posts


cookieclickerer33 wrote:

Besides turbowarp has this you don’t need that if you can just use turbowarp
True, but usually (I still call it forbidden word) forbidden word has more options for theme customization, coding and scripts, etc that turbowarp doesn't but this goes a little off-topic.
Regardless, I think opacity is great for creating ghostly illusions as thumbs and other things like that.

CodeMaster_TheGreat wrote:

Use scratch -don't name this-
The Scratch Team forbids the use of mentioning and advertising third-party extensions in this policy. It's no longer allowed to be mentioned (but it used to be when it wasn't enforced).

Last edited by PaperMarioFan2022 (Sept. 28, 2023 15:38:02)

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

1000+ posts



Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

9 posts


I think we need Opacity because I need it for projects:/
500+ posts


OJRkoala61 wrote:

I think we need Opacity because I need it for projects:/
you didn't need to say it twice…

I am in BST (UK).
Where I am at: questions about scratch, suggestions, bugs and glitches, new scratchers, and maybe some others!
If you aren't called Zydrolic then click this: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/912512108/
Logic: 100 posts per day, so 1000 posts in 10 days, 10000 posts in 100 days and 100000 in three years. darn!
1000+ posts


You can opacify certain shapes/object by using the paint editor. (make a certain shape transparent and fade it into perhaps a very light gray)

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
1000+ posts


-Expo wrote:

You can opacify certain shapes/object by using the paint editor. (make a certain shape transparent and fade it into perhaps a very light gray)
However, that's extremely tricky, especially on mobile where accuracy is almost impossible.

Everything below the grey line right above is my signature. By the way, my signature isn't related to my post in case you didn't know.
Welcome to the world of @54387a!™
Try out my projects.
To donate an internet, go here.
Go here to check if your suggestion is rejected. To check if your topic is a duplicate, use ocular. Remember, don't post on irrelevant topics otherwise that's necroposting. By the way, if you feel like your project/studio was wrongfully taken down, tell the Scratch Team through Contact Us.
Whenever you see something that looks clearly offensive and/or something not Scratch-appropriate, report it.
Purple specimen

Creating Content since October 2022
1,000th post

Za-Chary wrote:

silly me
1000+ posts


-Expo wrote:

You can opacify certain shapes/object by using the paint editor. (make a certain shape transparent and fade it into perhaps a very light gray)
I'm confused, what do you mean by that exactly?

don't forget

why are humans so meaty?
1000+ posts


lapisi wrote:

-Expo wrote:

You can opacify certain shapes/object by using the paint editor. (make a certain shape transparent and fade it into perhaps a very light gray)
I'm confused, what do you mean by that exactly?

For sprites.

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
1000+ posts


lapisi wrote:

-Expo wrote:

You can opacify certain shapes/object by using the paint editor. (make a certain shape transparent and fade it into perhaps a very light gray)
I'm confused, what do you mean by that exactly?
They mean that you can add opacity by using the fade feature from the costume editor and then using the weird shape editing thing to make only the transparent part visible.

Everything below the grey line right above is my signature. By the way, my signature isn't related to my post in case you didn't know.
Welcome to the world of @54387a!™
Try out my projects.
To donate an internet, go here.
Go here to check if your suggestion is rejected. To check if your topic is a duplicate, use ocular. Remember, don't post on irrelevant topics otherwise that's necroposting. By the way, if you feel like your project/studio was wrongfully taken down, tell the Scratch Team through Contact Us.
Whenever you see something that looks clearly offensive and/or something not Scratch-appropriate, report it.
Purple specimen

Creating Content since October 2022
1,000th post

Za-Chary wrote:

silly me
100+ posts



when I receive [karaoke time v]
if <you like (the way [you v] look that much::operators)::sensing> then
maybe [you] should go and{
love yourself::sound

Make another song in [scratchblocks] and send it to me ;)
10 posts


Opacity will be useful… period.
1000+ posts


ThePancakeMan wrote:

hi, I think it would be nice if you had opacity (transparency) in the paint editor.
Support !
This would be a good idea for those who don't have the extension.
100+ posts


Support, I could definitely see this implementation making things way easier for Scratchers, especially me because I use a lot of gradient/transparency nonsense stuff.

Last edited by FirstPrism12 (Nov. 1, 2023 23:58:16)

my 100th post
Generation IX (9): the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Yes, I do tierlists. Don't ask me why, don't ask me how. I just do them. - FirstPrism12, Nov 16 2023

when green flag clicked
if <evil kumquat spotted ?> then
bonk x1000

This is Cresmo the Kumquat. Don't worry, he is perfectly safe and has been reformed.


Alejandro from Total Drama is C tier
1000+ posts



Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

1 post


I need this 100% it's a great idea not sure why it hasn't been added yet.
8 posts


Of course you uploaded the image right duh
100+ posts


BlueCanOfPeas wrote:

I need this 100% it's a great idea not sure why it hasn't been added yet.
Yeah support 100%

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature

BAN PI DAY!!! (joke)

100th post
500+ posts


Possible dupe

Making a counterargument? Look here first!
An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’

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