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The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

The Nature Federation!

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops

Our Colors
⬤ #1a5e32 Name
⬤ #173169 Directory
⬤ #52422a Directory
⬤ #bf2481 Headings
⬤ #f70d05 Warnings/Important
⬤ #0d3052Body Text


The Nature Federation is a federation where you can find shops everywhere that will fit your needs. This federation, created by shop owners, will ensure you know what you want. We accept all shops, new and old. We will send orders and give reviews for shops to put on our page. **NOTE** If you do not want the rating (out of 80) on our post, let us know! We also have BBCode, banners, and a thing called the “daily bump order” for if the shop owner were to go on a vacation or need to leave. They can use the form, and we will bump the shop daily for the time requested. Let us know if you have any preferred BBCode for bumping (Banner or slogan). See forms for more information.

1.1 Please have all posts follow the Community Guidelines
1.1.1 If your post does not follow the community guidelines, you will be reported/rejected.
1.2 Please let us know if your order is overdue(2-3 weeks or past your requested time).
1.3 Use the word flower in your order and leaves in a partnership/staff form.
1.3.1 If you do not, we will inform you, and you will have five days to edit your post.
1.3.2 There is no section in forms for a codeword. Include it secretly.
1.4 If you ordered or are involved (partnered/staff) please follow our federation
1.5 Please be respectful to staff. (Staff, be respectful to customers)
2.1 If one shop is overloaded with orders, other shops will take some of the orders.
2.2 Staff members can bump the federation
2.2.1 Don't bump unless we are on the second+ page of Requests
2.3 If a form is not filled out/not used, we can reject your order.
2.4 The daily bump order cannot be overused! Don't contact us as soon as the time is up and ask again.
2.4.1 You must wait at least a week before asking again, if you don't, all your orders will be postponed for a month
2.5 Please have fun!
2.6 Scratch ON!

Shops can put their orders in if their staff can't complete them. Please quote JUST THE ORDER and include the shop name and link if you would like to take it. Contact the shop when the order is done, not us.
None right now

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 27, 2023 16:02:23)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops

This is all our wonderful staff!
Owner: Kittygirl4ever
Is in control of the federation. Can hire/fire staff
Co-Owner: Piggygirl3838
Can hire/fire staff. Accepts shops and takes orders.
Organizer/Order Coordinator: In Hiring
Will help by informing shops/staff when orders are up.
Head Artist: In Hiring
Is in control of the art department.
Head Coder: NeonG4
Is in control of the coding department.
Artists: In Hiring
Coders In Hiring

Staff Stuff

Advertisement Posts:
Inviting Post
Only Managers and Heads of Departments can use this
[b][color=bf2481][big] Hi! The [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/719811/?page=1]Nature Federation[/url] would love for your shop to join us! You can get [i]reviews, tips,[/i] and more by joining! Joining is free and fun! Go [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/719811/?page=1]here[/url] and fill out the form!
[/b][/url][color=f70d05][small]⚠FYI: We are a small federation and you may either receive no activity or a lot of activity! Following the topic is mandatory for joining us!⚠[/color][/small]

—[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users]Username[/url] [i]Ocupation of the Nature Federation[/i]

Part One: Ordering Post
Only Managers can use this
[center][big][color=bf2481]Nature Federation Order[/color][/big[/center]
[color=0d3052] Hello! The [url=]Nature Federation[/url] is taking an order from [b]your shop![/b]
This is monthly and you can cancel any time at our forum. Let us know if you want to avoid your rating shown on our leaderboard.
Impression So Far:
Shop BBCode: X/10
Shop Banner: X/10
First Impression: X/10
This is the order:
[insert order here]

Part Two: Ordering Post
Only Managers can use this
[center][big][color=bf2481]Nature Federation Order[/color][/big[/center]
[color=0d3052] Hello! The [url=]Nature Federation[/url] is happy to give you this review for [b]your shop![/b]
Shop BBCode: X/10
Shop Banner: X/10
First Impression: X/10
Customer Service: X/10
Order Quality: X/20
Order Time: X/10
Activity Level: X/10
Total Score: X/80
Extra Notes:
[insert notes here]
Bumping (Other Shops) Post
Only Managers and Heads of Departments can use this
[insert riddle here]
[small]Supplied by [color=1a5e32]The Nature Federation![/color][/small]
What has keys but can't open locks? (Piano)
I'm not alive, but I can grow. What am I? (A candle)
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What is it? (Footsteps)
I'm a word of letters three, add two, and fewer there will be. What am I? (Few)
I'm not a planet, but I'm round, and I don't shine, but I'm often found in the night sky. What am I? (The moon)
I'm not alive, but I can die. What am I? (A battery)
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (The letter M)
I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go inside. What am I? (A keyboard)
I start in the morning, and I end at night. I'm in your hands all day, but I'm never held tight. What am I? (A watch)
I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I? (A map)

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 25, 2023 15:46:10)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops ]

Shop Join Form

Shop Name
Shop Link
Other Links (Optional)(Studios, etc.)
Shop Banner Link
Have You Read the Rules?
Would You Like To Receive Orders?
Shop Owner
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other)
Catchphrase (Optional)

Staff Join Form

Requested Job
Shops You've Worked At (leave blank for none)
Have You Read the Rules?
How Often Are You Active? X/7
NOTE: We do not accept new scratchers

Order Form

What You Want (Banner or BBCode)
Describe In Detail (3-5 sentences)
Due Date (at least two days)
Preferred Staff Member? (Leave Blank For None)
Have You Read the Rules?

Daily Bump Form

Shop Name and Link
Time (No More Than 1 Month)
Bump Banner/BBCode (Optional)
Have You Read the Rules?

Insert An Order Form

Shop Name and Link
Order: (Please Copy And Paste)

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 25, 2023 01:06:42)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops

Multi-Purpose Shops

This is for shops that sell more than one of the listed items.
At (OPEN) Scratch Shop!, our goal is for any customer to get studio descriptions, pfps, intros, outros, and more quickly. We are always open. We strive to satisfy our customers and encourage others. We are open to any creators and customers.
Owner: @Kittygirl4ever
Need something that’s treetop good? Hoots Shop provide products that will give you a grateful hoot! We give out free and special products that best fit your requirements from the treetop!
Owner: @about_nature

Owner: @Cotton_Scratch

Welcome to Zelnady's Amazing Shop! Code, PFPs, Art and MORE!!! Get your products at Zelnady’s Amazing Shop!

Owner: @Zelnady

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Nov. 4, 2023 20:19:25)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops

Art Shops

This is for shops that sell only art.

Welcome to Eason's Pixel Art Shop, a place to order free pixel art for your games!

Owner: @Eason_9

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 27, 2023 16:45:28)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops

Code Shops

This is for shops that sell only code.
There are no shops in this category

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 25, 2023 01:10:42)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Directory || Home || Staff || Forms || Multi-Purpose Shops || Art Shops || Code Shops || Other Shops

Other Shops

This is for shops that don't sell anything listed.
There are no shops in this category

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 25, 2023 01:11:27)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)


I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)


I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)


I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
1000+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Shop Name: Eason's Pixel Art Shop
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/710806/?page=1
Other Links (Optional)(Studios, etc.): -
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/eason_9_lol/9ddEasonsPASBannerv3.gif
Have You Read the Rules? Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders? Yes
Shop Owner: Eason_9
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other) Art
Catchphrase (Optional) Welcome to Eason's Pixel Art Shop, a place to order free pixel art for your games!
Other: I like flowers

*This is my signature, it will appear below every post of mine! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up on your forum posts with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
not really active on the forums, just chilling
working on my first game..
sneak peek..?

100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Eason_9 wrote:

Shop Name: Eason's Pixel Art Shop
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/710806/?page=1
Other Links (Optional)(Studios, etc.): -
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/eason_9_lol/9ddEasonsPASBannerv3.gif
Have You Read the Rules? Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders? Yes
Shop Owner: Eason_9
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other) Art
Catchphrase (Optional) Welcome to Eason's Pixel Art Shop, a place to order free pixel art for your games!
Other: I like flowers

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
500+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Shop Name: Sugar Shop
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/716892/
Other Links (Optional)(Studios, etc.)
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/Cotton_Uploads/UntitledProject.jpg
Have You Read the Rules?: Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders?: Yes
Shop Owner: Cotton_Scratch
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other) Art, but partly Multi-Purpose, so I guess Multi-Purpose?
Catchphrase (Optional)
Other: I might add flowers to some of the characters, maybe a mascot.

Last edited by Cotton_Scratch (Oct. 27, 2023 16:24:24)

Hello! I am Cotton, I use all pronouns. I am cupios3xual/romantic and possibly lesbian. I have recently become obsessed with space and solarballs, as well as Greek mythology as of recent. Thank you for reading, have a good day/night!

Help with my roblox game!
Myrai is a large open world, full of unique and alien creatures. The world is ruled by the Cresp, the gods of Myrai. Currently it is in it’s planning stages, with little to no info on it, though creatures are already being developed, with Loomie being the second (non-cresp) creature.

Join my collab!
Horizon 24/7
Horizon 24/7 is a brand new analog horror series, which may get developed into and ARG later on in development. It takes place within Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Can't speak of it's purpose unfortunately, not till you are apart of the dev team!

Collabs/Projects I'm apart of:
Kokoro Beats
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Cotton_Scratch wrote:

Shop Name: Sugar Shop
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/716892/
Other Links (Optional)(Studios, etc.)
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/Cotton_Uploads/UntitledProject.jpg
Have You Read the Rules?: Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders?: Yes
Shop Owner: Cotton_Scratch
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other) Art, but partly Multi-Purpose, so I guess Multi-Purpose?
Catchphrase (Optional)
Other: Nope
Hello! It seems you didn't read the rules thoroughly. (Hint: there's a codeword hidden in there!). Please edit/repost you partnership form correctly and it will be added! Thanks!

Last edited by Kittygirl4ever (Oct. 27, 2023 15:25:12)

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
500+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Kittygirl4ever wrote:

Cotton_Scratch wrote:

Shop Name: Sugar Shop
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/716892/
Other Links (Optional)(Studios, etc.)
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/Cotton_Uploads/UntitledProject.jpg
Have You Read the Rules?: Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders?: Yes
Shop Owner: Cotton_Scratch
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other) Art, but partly Multi-Purpose, so I guess Multi-Purpose?
Catchphrase (Optional)
Other: Nope
Hello! It seems you didn't read the rules thoroughly. (Hint: there's a codeword hidden in there!). Please edit/repost you partnership form correctly and it will be added! Thanks!
Oops, I completely forgot, I filled out the form a day after I had read the rules.

Hello! I am Cotton, I use all pronouns. I am cupios3xual/romantic and possibly lesbian. I have recently become obsessed with space and solarballs, as well as Greek mythology as of recent. Thank you for reading, have a good day/night!

Help with my roblox game!
Myrai is a large open world, full of unique and alien creatures. The world is ruled by the Cresp, the gods of Myrai. Currently it is in it’s planning stages, with little to no info on it, though creatures are already being developed, with Loomie being the second (non-cresp) creature.

Join my collab!
Horizon 24/7
Horizon 24/7 is a brand new analog horror series, which may get developed into and ARG later on in development. It takes place within Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Can't speak of it's purpose unfortunately, not till you are apart of the dev team!

Collabs/Projects I'm apart of:
Kokoro Beats
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Shop Name: Zelnady's Amazing Shop!
Shop Link: Shop Name
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/704578/?page=1
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/boopyboop/e03Untitled.jpg
Have You Read the Rules?: Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders?: Yes (exept for when the shop is closed)
Shop Owner: Me (@Zelnady)
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other): Multi Purpose
Catchphrase (Optional): Welcome to Zelnady's Amazing Shop! Code, PFPs, Art and MORE!!! Get your products at Zelnady’s Amazing Shop!
Leaves i guess

Last edited by Zelnady (Nov. 4, 2023 13:38:28)

psst highlight +shift + down

^▽^ :: #ff00ff boolean // This is Scrunchie! She protects my siggy. 
And also, Check out this!

100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Zelnady wrote:

Shop Name: Zelnady's Amazing Shop!
Shop Link: Shop Name
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/704578/?page=1
Shop Banner Link: https://u.cubeupload.com/boopyboop/e03Untitled.jpg
Have You Read the Rules?: Yes
Would You Like To Receive Orders?: Yes (exept for when the shop is closed)
Shop Owner: Me (@Zelnady)
Type Of Shop (Multi-Purpose, Art, Code, Other): Multi Purpose
Catchphrase (Optional): Welcome to Zelnady's Amazing Shop! Code, PFPs, Art and MORE!!! Get your products at Zelnady’s Amazing Shop!
Leaves i guess

I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)

Bu-da-bu-da-da, bump dum! (Harry Potter Bumping Theme.)

What do you call a platypus in a bus?
{A platy-bus!}
That was terrible.

My excuse for being too lazy to make a signature: it was the evil kumquats, we must all hide!
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)


My excuse for being too lazy to make a signature: it was the evil kumquats, we must all hide!
100+ posts

The Nature Federation! (Reposted)


I've run out of signature ideas . . .
Ah! Evil kumquats! Ruuuuuun!
(Did I do good?)

A siggy button

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