Discuss Scratch

3 posts

What I should do in my next project(s)

Hey! @jethrod90 here! This is my official feedback page! Tell me what games I should make next, or what I should put in my next games!
3 posts

What I should do in my next project(s)

I'm currently making a game called Scratch Dungeons, where you go into a dungeon and face of against horrible monsters!
Scratch Dungeons Feedback idea hooks
- a new monster with a unique ability!
- a new avatar
- a huge boss with X amount of health
- a new dungeon to battle in.
-a power up
- something else entirely!

Last edited by jethrod90 (April 1, 2023 19:07:58)

16 posts

What I should do in my next project(s)

What the… This sounds just like my game also called “Scratch Dungeons” that broke two years ago while adding bosses.

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