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87 posts

Scratch 3.1 Editor

Ok, I have never changed the editor.

This is a huge improvement.

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1000+ posts

Scratch 3.1 Editor

Stop. Making. Troll. Posts.
It isn't funny it's just disruptive.
And if somehow you are serious please consider that more gradient doe not equal better.
Oh, and actually explain the changes and reasoning behind them in the op.

Neco-Arc is my spirit animal
Leaving Scratch
Remember, religion isn't an excuse for discrimination. If you can't handle that, I suggest you seek a different platform. It's also not an excuse to purposefully misgender someone.
“There's a spider in the server room again…”

Skill Issue Caught Live

Also no this picture isn't editted I just use an extension so I can view the website without being flashbanged.


Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.1 Editor

We're technically already in 3.29.

Last edited by cheddargirl (June 2, 2023 00:37:22)

Sadly, my forum signature was eaten by an evil kumquat.

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