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Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Pulse_Frostfire wrote:

Apfellord wrote:

Entity1217 wrote:

Pulse_Frostfire wrote:

The Plaque Shaman boss is very buggy when it summons totems. Sometimes the totems will die but the game thinks they're still there and wait for them to make their move. Since the game also thinks the totems are dead, they can't make moves, therefore soft-locking the game.
yeah… I've had to abandon a lot of runs because of the plaque shaman, as well as other enemies who sometimes have the same issue. there's also the issue with some items not cycling through the discard process properly (you use the ability but the card remains on the screen, making it impossible to use any other cards) is a problem that I'm guessing comes from a similar lack of redundant process checking…


This is not a direct reply to the issue you two have, but this bit on the SRCast might interest you: Link
(Around the 34:20 minute mark)

These softlocking bugs are something that I don't like being in the preview, even though it is only a preview, but as you mentioned Entity, they are very much tied to the way the game is programmed in the preview and hard to fix completely without rescripting a lot (like I have with Taranga). If there is some way for me to tackle these, if I ever get around to that update of the preview, I would prioritise the softlocking bugs, but can't promise them dissappearing completely.

Also, this absolutely needs to be said: Y'all are the coolest for still being interested in the game and chatting about it. Thanks so much!

Another bug that I found relates to the tidal strike and ecliptic strike, when you have strength up via any source the text for tidal strike changes based on the strength, but only the damage takes the effects of the strength up. As well as with the ecliptic strike, the text displaying damage doesn't change with the strength until you use it, then it does the actual damage. I feel like keeping the tidal strike's block works by not making it scale with your strength.

And thank you for making this game, this is one of the best I've played in a while.
I think I know what bug you’re referring to. I think it’s mostly with summons, but if you defeat one of then with an area attack special effect (spiked sword/mace/bow) there’s a pretty big chance to softlock. The sprite remains, but the healthbar’s gone. I’m pretty it’s also happened with soul link(don’t ask what I was doing picking up soul link) but it can also happen with the mantis.
28 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

creeper509 wrote:

So, uh, how’s the final project going? Haven’t been on in a while but seems like a lot happened.
it's going, but not very quickly… there are things that Ap needs to do irl and Taranga is a very big project to try and make on Scratch
(but there's always https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/759756774/ if you want to hear an explanation from the man himself)

19 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

is Apfellord gonna add the april foold boss to the base game? bc I think it works well as a cave boss.
28 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

BooksBooksBooks7 wrote:

is Apfellord gonna add the april foold boss to the base game? bc I think it works well as a cave boss.
I'm not sure about the base game, but I'm pretty sure that it (or something like it) will be added to Taranga when it's released. also, it'll probably involve replacing Ocumagna (if you're playing as Flint) instead of being a second randomly available boss… I might be wrong, of course, but I don't think that it's possible to add multiple bosses to the base game without seriously remaking a few other things - how would the program determine which boss to spawn if not based on the player's character?

anyway, I do think that the addition of more characters/bosses will be great, and I'm glad that they're going to be in Taranga (if you're interested, you can always listen to Ap's Inktober commentary for a bit more information about some of the things that he's planning on adding)

6 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Hello! I'm new here, so don't hate me pls.

I have beaten the game multiple times with scores above 3K, and I'd love to share my feedback about this game (wonderfully made btw).
The strategy I used to beat it was what I call the Free Energy Drawer. Play the game as normal, without losing as much HP as possible. Level all stats to LVL 5 and take any of these cards: Cold Wave, Haste, Frost Armour, Lunar Light, Flex, Parry, Trip, Lunar Ray, Truth, Frost Weapon and Power Up. You want at least four Hastes in your deck. The earlier you get Dark Chalice, the better, as it doubles the card count when receiving cards. Focus on as many question marks as possible, as Singing Tadpole is vital to this strategy. If you can, get a good seed where you get the Life Generator before the Alien to get Ki-Blade. If possible, also obtain Galactic Claw, Broken Rune Blade, Chaos Staff, Magic Bell, Winged Boots and Angel Wings. The first two are for extra strength, the next two are for insurance, and the last two are for energy. The point here is to stack as many free-cost cards as possible. If the strategy is followed, the only cards that cost one are Slash, Block, Aqua Blast, Power Up, Lunar Light, Truth and Frost Weapon. When a battle begins, use as many Flexes and Power Ups as possible. When playing, moves that take priority (most important is left, least is right) are Flex, Power Up, Trip, Parry, Ki-Blade Move, Lunar Ray, Cold Wave, Frost Weapon, Truth, Frost Armor, Block, Aqua Burst, Slash. Two attacks. If you've played right, it should be more than enough. If you're running out of energy, either play a Ki-Blade ability that lets you pick a card from the draw pile, or use Truth for one energy. Find a Haste and use it, as it gives both block and energy. Here's where Singing Tadpole comes in. Its effect is that if you play two of the same card in a turn, draw another. Free cost cards for more free cost cards. Paired with Lunar Light and Playing Cards (Relic), you can have your fun without the enemy ever taking a turn. If done right, Cold Wave should do massive damage if the enemy has been Tripped, or has five Frost, due to your high Strength. I managed to get up to almost 4K with this strategy (got unlucky with block). That should be it. Provided you play your cards right and have a good seed, you should get up to really high scores. There are some extra cards you can add to try and improve it, but not all are great. Cold Harvest is one for extra energy in a pinch, but it removes all Frost, the main goal of your strategy. The same goes for Shatter, with big damage being traded for a lot of Frost. Deep Freeze and Avalanche are excellent cards to add, with Avalanche's only issue being the Frozen effect. Levitate is good for more, potentially, free-cost cards, but it can be situational. Illuminate, Collect Thoughts and Moonshine Blessing are good for drawing, with Moonshine being good for extra bulk. Reinvigorate is just Truth but for the Discard Pile. These can be used interchangeably, but I prefer Truth. The ones I'd absolutely recommend are Flowing Movement for the infinite energy, and Ice Wall in a pinch, if you ever need it.

Well, those are my thoughts on the strategy. I have one qualm about the game, besides the obvious crashes and glitches. Ocumagna doesn't scale with the rest of the enemies, so you'll eventually have a Slime that has 500HP, while it's stuck with 200HP. It's just game design. Besides, Apfellord's already done a great job on this! Can't wait for Taranga!
(sry if this is too long)
100+ posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Careisfun wrote:

Hello! I'm new here, so don't hate me pls.

I have beaten the game multiple times with scores above 3K, and I'd love to share my feedback about this game (wonderfully made btw).
The strategy I used to beat it was what I call the Free Energy Drawer. Play the game as normal, without losing as much HP as possible. Level all stats to LVL 5 and take any of these cards: Cold Wave, Haste, Frost Armour, Lunar Light, Flex, Parry, Trip, Lunar Ray, Truth, Frost Weapon and Power Up. You want at least four Hastes in your deck. The earlier you get Dark Chalice, the better, as it doubles the card count when receiving cards. Focus on as many question marks as possible, as Singing Tadpole is vital to this strategy. If you can, get a good seed where you get the Life Generator before the Alien to get Ki-Blade. If possible, also obtain Galactic Claw, Broken Rune Blade, Chaos Staff, Magic Bell, Winged Boots and Angel Wings. The first two are for extra strength, the next two are for insurance, and the last two are for energy. The point here is to stack as many free-cost cards as possible. If the strategy is followed, the only cards that cost one are Slash, Block, Aqua Blast, Power Up, Lunar Light, Truth and Frost Weapon. When a battle begins, use as many Flexes and Power Ups as possible. When playing, moves that take priority (most important is left, least is right) are Flex, Power Up, Trip, Parry, Ki-Blade Move, Lunar Ray, Cold Wave, Frost Weapon, Truth, Frost Armor, Block, Aqua Burst, Slash. Two attacks. If you've played right, it should be more than enough. If you're running out of energy, either play a Ki-Blade ability that lets you pick a card from the draw pile, or use Truth for one energy. Find a Haste and use it, as it gives both block and energy. Here's where Singing Tadpole comes in. Its effect is that if you play two of the same card in a turn, draw another. Free cost cards for more free cost cards. Paired with Lunar Light and Playing Cards (Relic), you can have your fun without the enemy ever taking a turn. If done right, Cold Wave should do massive damage if the enemy has been Tripped, or has five Frost, due to your high Strength. I managed to get up to almost 4K with this strategy (got unlucky with block). That should be it. Provided you play your cards right and have a good seed, you should get up to really high scores. There are some extra cards you can add to try and improve it, but not all are great. Cold Harvest is one for extra energy in a pinch, but it removes all Frost, the main goal of your strategy. The same goes for Shatter, with big damage being traded for a lot of Frost. Deep Freeze and Avalanche are excellent cards to add, with Avalanche's only issue being the Frozen effect. Levitate is good for more, potentially, free-cost cards, but it can be situational. Illuminate, Collect Thoughts and Moonshine Blessing are good for drawing, with Moonshine being good for extra bulk. Reinvigorate is just Truth but for the Discard Pile. These can be used interchangeably, but I prefer Truth. The ones I'd absolutely recommend are Flowing Movement for the infinite energy, and Ice Wall in a pinch, if you ever need it.

Well, those are my thoughts on the strategy. I have one qualm about the game, besides the obvious crashes and glitches. Ocumagna doesn't scale with the rest of the enemies, so you'll eventually have a Slime that has 500HP, while it's stuck with 200HP. It's just game design. Besides, Apfellord's already done a great job on this! Can't wait for Taranga!
(sry if this is too long)
You’re probably new, but there are definitely easier infinites and strategies than this. I’ll start with a few things. First being that by the time you can get to that point in the game, where all your stats are level 5, it’s at least near the end of the first endless loop. By that time, there are so many other, easier decks to achieve. Frost wave infinite, for example, is one that requires two cold waves and singing tadpole. Also, the cards actually required. Unless you’re actively upgrading all stats above level 5, it’s really difficult to get all of these. Even assuming you started with dark chalice, getting two copies of haste, frost armor, flex, parry, trip, and actually, most of the cards that are part of your strategy are skills, which require either a shop of upgrading dexterity to obtain. And then you rely on actually seeing these cards. Also, you mentioned having a good seed was good. That’s like saying, “I need rng for this to work.” Which is like saying “I want RNGesus to descend upon me and unleash his wrath in every way possible”, because we gamers know that getting good rng is about as possible as randomly sprouting wings and flying to Africa. But jokes aside, this is extremely reliant on rng, and that’s not a good idea. Also, this deck has a lot of room for potential bricking. You say you have so many copies of each card, but you also have so many cards. Seeing as how you had magic barrier, that means you bricked at least twice, AND with no block. As you said, the enemies get really beefy later on, and if you mess something up a single time, you’re screwed. Also, if you”re already trying to infinite turn one, why do you need setup cards like levitate and ice wall? This deck is better than some of the stuff that has been suggested *cough cough* right handed earthquake *cough cough* but this is literally just cold wave infinite with more steps. It’s pretty gimmicky and relies on specific cards and relics. Also it’s literally cold wave infinite with more steps.
100+ posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Yeah actually my only real issue with the deck is that it’s cold wave infinite with more steps
28 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Careisfun wrote:

Hello! I'm new here, so don't hate me pls.

I have beaten the game multiple times with scores above 3K, and I'd love to share my feedback about this game (wonderfully made btw).
The strategy I used to beat it was what I call the Free Energy Drawer. Play the game as normal, without losing as much HP as possible. Level all stats to LVL 5 and take any of these cards: Cold Wave, Haste, Frost Armour, Lunar Light, Flex, Parry, Trip, Lunar Ray, Truth, Frost Weapon and Power Up. You want at least four Hastes in your deck. The earlier you get Dark Chalice, the better, as it doubles the card count when receiving cards. Focus on as many question marks as possible, as Singing Tadpole is vital to this strategy. If you can, get a good seed where you get the Life Generator before the Alien to get Ki-Blade. If possible, also obtain Galactic Claw, Broken Rune Blade, Chaos Staff, Magic Bell, Winged Boots and Angel Wings. The first two are for extra strength, the next two are for insurance, and the last two are for energy. The point here is to stack as many free-cost cards as possible. If the strategy is followed, the only cards that cost one are Slash, Block, Aqua Blast, Power Up, Lunar Light, Truth and Frost Weapon. When a battle begins, use as many Flexes and Power Ups as possible. When playing, moves that take priority (most important is left, least is right) are Flex, Power Up, Trip, Parry, Ki-Blade Move, Lunar Ray, Cold Wave, Frost Weapon, Truth, Frost Armor, Block, Aqua Burst, Slash. Two attacks. If you've played right, it should be more than enough. If you're running out of energy, either play a Ki-Blade ability that lets you pick a card from the draw pile, or use Truth for one energy. Find a Haste and use it, as it gives both block and energy. Here's where Singing Tadpole comes in. Its effect is that if you play two of the same card in a turn, draw another. Free cost cards for more free cost cards. Paired with Lunar Light and Playing Cards (Relic), you can have your fun without the enemy ever taking a turn. If done right, Cold Wave should do massive damage if the enemy has been Tripped, or has five Frost, due to your high Strength. I managed to get up to almost 4K with this strategy (got unlucky with block). That should be it. Provided you play your cards right and have a good seed, you should get up to really high scores. There are some extra cards you can add to try and improve it, but not all are great. Cold Harvest is one for extra energy in a pinch, but it removes all Frost, the main goal of your strategy. The same goes for Shatter, with big damage being traded for a lot of Frost. Deep Freeze and Avalanche are excellent cards to add, with Avalanche's only issue being the Frozen effect. Levitate is good for more, potentially, free-cost cards, but it can be situational. Illuminate, Collect Thoughts and Moonshine Blessing are good for drawing, with Moonshine being good for extra bulk. Reinvigorate is just Truth but for the Discard Pile. These can be used interchangeably, but I prefer Truth. The ones I'd absolutely recommend are Flowing Movement for the infinite energy, and Ice Wall in a pinch, if you ever need it.

Well, those are my thoughts on the strategy. I have one qualm about the game, besides the obvious crashes and glitches. Ocumagna doesn't scale with the rest of the enemies, so you'll eventually have a Slime that has 500HP, while it's stuck with 200HP. It's just game design. Besides, Apfellord's already done a great job on this! Can't wait for Taranga!
(sry if this is too long)
that sounds like a pretty good strategy to me! usually I just play overflow and focus on getting low-cost cards, but there are definitely some card sets that are better than others :]
also yes dexterity (plus multiplicative effects) best

1000+ posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Entity1217 wrote:

BooksBooksBooks7 wrote:

is Apfellord gonna add the april foold boss to the base game? bc I think it works well as a cave boss.
I'm not sure about the base game, but I'm pretty sure that it (or something like it) will be added to Taranga when it's released. also, it'll probably involve replacing Ocumagna (if you're playing as Flint) instead of being a second randomly available boss… I might be wrong, of course, but I don't think that it's possible to add multiple bosses to the base game without seriously remaking a few other things - how would the program determine which boss to spawn if not based on the player's character?
the final game will have a more developed map system.

trouble with clones? view my clone id toolbox! I also have built the bases of a tower defense game link here.
If someone on help with scripts is saying that something can't be done, they should be suspected of being a team limit grunt.
Wanna be the very best? Here's your chance!
28 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Catscratcher07 wrote:

Entity1217 wrote:

BooksBooksBooks7 wrote:

is Apfellord gonna add the april foold boss to the base game? bc I think it works well as a cave boss.
I'm not sure about the base game, but I'm pretty sure that it (or something like it) will be added to Taranga when it's released. also, it'll probably involve replacing Ocumagna (if you're playing as Flint) instead of being a second randomly available boss… I might be wrong, of course, but I don't think that it's possible to add multiple bosses to the base game without seriously remaking a few other things - how would the program determine which boss to spawn if not based on the player's character?
the final game will have a more developed map system.
nice! I've seen a bit of unfinished content in the preview's editor (like the costumes for a Town area) but I'm sure there's a lot more that I haven't seen yet. looking forward (as usual) to the full game!

100+ posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Apfellord wrote:

(Gif isn't looking too nice, sorry for that)
21 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

everyone raging about the difficulty of monster world: me after beating monster world 36749 times and then still raging at the basil rush from omori:
100+ posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Apfellord wrote:

Apfellord wrote:

(Gif isn't looking too nice, sorry for that)
I am, once again, asking for spoilers
1 post

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

The map is almost exactly like slay the spire now
100+ posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

mommyhelpmeplz wrote:

The map is almost exactly like slay the spire now
Not really. I’m assuming you can go to any connected space to the right, while in slay the spire there’s a slightly more complicated map system. I’m fairly sure it would be pretty difficult to replicate that in scratch. Also, other than seeing what is ahead of you more than the next node, I’m assuming this is basically exactly the same map as the normal monster world map right now.
66 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Entity1217 wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

Entity1217 wrote:

BooksBooksBooks7 wrote:

is Apfellord gonna add the april foold boss to the base game? bc I think it works well as a cave boss.
I'm not sure about the base game, but I'm pretty sure that it (or something like it) will be added to Taranga when it's released. also, it'll probably involve replacing Ocumagna (if you're playing as Flint) instead of being a second randomly available boss… I might be wrong, of course, but I don't think that it's possible to add multiple bosses to the base game without seriously remaking a few other things - how would the program determine which boss to spawn if not based on the player's character?
the final game will have a more developed map system.
nice! I've seen a bit of unfinished content in the preview's editor (like the costumes for a Town area) but I'm sure there's a lot more that I haven't seen yet. looking forward (as usual) to the full game!
1 post

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

I like to get health up nice and high, and then work on attack and intellect.
4 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

using ice as main theme is very o.p.
11 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

hecollier34 wrote:

I like to get health up nice and high, and then work on attack and intellect.
no you should work on dexterity, it gives you extra energy, health, and you get the op treasure chest skill

Hi there! Here's some sketches I made! Could you tell me how to draw better?
11 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Dexterity is the most op skill in the game and should therefore be your main skill. Health is useless after you beat the game because each time your health resets, so it is best to work on cards. If you can, get the treasure chest. The treasure chest gives you three new cards. You should also get the jewel stone and moonlight blessing to fill up your hand. Also, if you check the bottom drawer from the haunted drawer once or twice in a row, then you get the playing cards.

Hi there! Here's some sketches I made! Could you tell me how to draw better?

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