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The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

I couldn't find an existing topic related to the current Star Wars on Disney+ so I decided to make my own thread.

Here you can discuss any of the past, current or upcoming Star Wars shows on Disney+, such as rumors, speculation, or just overall opinions about the the shows or the franchise as a whole. Discussion about films, comic books, novels and video games are also welcome.

Spoiler policy:
You are free to discuss spoilers here. If you haven't seen the latest episodes and want to avoid spoilers, simply do not read any further past this post until you have watched the episodes.

Opinion respectage policy:
There are many differing opinions about these shows and Star Wars in general. Obviously we aren't going to all agree on everything. General rule of thumb is to be respectful of differing opinions, follow the community guidelines and don't cause any flame wars.

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1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

My ranking of the shows I've seen:

1. Andor

5. The Mandalorian

40. The Book of Boba Fett

100+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

HexagonWorld wrote:

My ranking of the shows I've seen:

1. Andor

5. The Mandalorian

40. The Book of Boba Fett
I too found BOBF disappointing.

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1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Is it just me, or is Season 3 of Mando aimless and character development-less?

100+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

HexagonWorld wrote:

Is it just me, or is Season 3 of Mando aimless and character development-less?
alright so while I do agree that the story is moving a lot slower this season but I do appreciate the world building that took place in the most recent episode. I'll wait for the final two episodes to come out before I form my overall opinion of the season but I understand the concern people have with it so far.

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1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

2024! I can't wait that long for Andor!

1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Wh- what meets Kill Bill? Did I read that right?

1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

There’s already a Star Wars forum..

Hi there! I’m a Marvel and DC fan who loves creating comics in the AMU, my own Marvel comic universe! Some of my other hobbies include eating pizza, obsessing over corgis, and listening to music!
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

There’s already a Star Wars forum..
You know what, whatever.

Hi there! I’m a Marvel and DC fan who loves creating comics in the AMU, my own Marvel comic universe! Some of my other hobbies include eating pizza, obsessing over corgis, and listening to music!
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here



Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash

Hi there! I’m a Marvel and DC fan who loves creating comics in the AMU, my own Marvel comic universe! Some of my other hobbies include eating pizza, obsessing over corgis, and listening to music!
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
FR it was so bad bro


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Codey9 wrote:

Looks okay but oddly low budget

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Codey9 wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
FR it was so bad bro
YES FINALLY someone who understands

Hi there! I’m a Marvel and DC fan who loves creating comics in the AMU, my own Marvel comic universe! Some of my other hobbies include eating pizza, obsessing over corgis, and listening to music!
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
FR it was so bad bro
YES FINALLY someone who understands
It was cold trash, the Kenobi and Vader stuff was just perfect

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
FR it was so bad bro
YES FINALLY someone who understands
It was cold trash, the Kenobi and Vader stuff was just perfect
I even hated most of the Kenobi and Vader stuff. Just a few things that bothered me SO much:

How was a Star Destroyer chasing that small ship for like an hour and couldn't even damage it?? What?? And where were the Tie Fighters?

Second, they made Vader literally stupid. He literally made the entire Star Destroyer follow Kenobi's ship, just to GET INTO HIS OWN SHIP to land on the planet… like what? Oh and then he made the Star Destroyer just sit there in orbit and let the fugitives escape because plot armor.

Third, what a coincidence Obi-Wan cut half of Vader's mask off the exact same way Ahsoka did a month later… it just makes that Rebels scene so much less powerful.

The only thing I liked was Vader displaying emotion and anger towards Obi-Wan. I'm not even joking, that's like the only thing.


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

100+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

There’s already a Star Wars forum..
I couldn't find it.

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
I agree. I don't hate it as much as a lot of the fandom does but I was disappointed and underwhelmed with it.

Codey9 wrote:

This is the show I've been most hyped about, and now I'm even more hyped from the trailer. Huge Rebels fan over here btw, a continuation for those characters is long overdue.

click to see what homelander is watching
100+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

Codey9 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
FR it was so bad bro
YES FINALLY someone who understands
It was cold trash, the Kenobi and Vader stuff was just perfect
I even hated most of the Kenobi and Vader stuff. Just a few things that bothered me SO much:

How was a Star Destroyer chasing that small ship for like an hour and couldn't even damage it?? What?? And where were the Tie Fighters?

Second, they made Vader literally stupid. He literally made the entire Star Destroyer follow Kenobi's ship, just to GET INTO HIS OWN SHIP to land on the planet… like what? Oh and then he made the Star Destroyer just sit there in orbit and let the fugitives escape because plot armor.

Third, what a coincidence Obi-Wan cut half of Vader's mask off the exact same way Ahsoka did a month later… it just makes that Rebels scene so much less powerful.

The only thing I liked was Vader displaying emotion and anger towards Obi-Wan. I'm not even joking, that's like the only thing.
Also the part where Vader rips apart the ship, only for there to be another ship behind it. And Vader does nothing to stop it. Everything about the show was sloppy.

click to see what homelander is watching
1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

LuigiFan5204 wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

AwesomeUser23 wrote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi was hot trash
FR it was so bad bro
YES FINALLY someone who understands
It was cold trash, the Kenobi and Vader stuff was just perfect
I even hated most of the Kenobi and Vader stuff. Just a few things that bothered me SO much:

How was a Star Destroyer chasing that small ship for like an hour and couldn't even damage it?? What?? And where were the Tie Fighters?

Second, they made Vader literally stupid. He literally made the entire Star Destroyer follow Kenobi's ship, just to GET INTO HIS OWN SHIP to land on the planet… like what? Oh and then he made the Star Destroyer just sit there in orbit and let the fugitives escape because plot armor.

Third, what a coincidence Obi-Wan cut half of Vader's mask off the exact same way Ahsoka did a month later… it just makes that Rebels scene so much less powerful.

The only thing I liked was Vader displaying emotion and anger towards Obi-Wan. I'm not even joking, that's like the only thing.
Also the part where Vader rips apart the ship, only for there to be another ship behind it. And Vader does nothing to stop it. Everything about the show was sloppy.


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

1000+ posts

The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Andor, Ahsoka, etc - Discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+ here

You know what people don't talk about enough? The fact that Luke is completely out of character in TBOBF. He redeemed Vader because of love. And then what does he go and say to Grogu? No attachments.

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