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- » ♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @dgarcias_2010 which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!
Currently, we offer classical, melodic, soothing, videogame, TV, pop-esc and electronic music, without lyrics, original songs and sfx but this depends on the staff.
Our official studio is https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31712065/
Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
HEX #565656 - RGB 86, 86, 86
HEX #C06937 - RGB 192, 105, 55
25 May 2022 - Shop founded
2 June 2022 - First staff member enters
5 June 2022 - First staff member is promoted to the BoD
18 July 2022 - Reached 5 pages
18 July 2022 - Reached 5 employees
1 August 2022 - Reached 10 pages
23 August 2022 - Reached 20 pages
1 September 2022 - Reached 10 employees
8 December 2022 - Reached 1000 posts
❝The order had been completed within a few hours, and the music is exactly what I was looking for. I will definitely come back.❞
❝Great service! They did it fast, and in a timely manner. The music sounds great, and if you need music, just ask them!❞
❝The Piano Shop is a very fast way to get music from the internet to scratch! Kudos to them for their hard work!❞
❝Amazing free music provided by great artists❞
❝The shop's service is phenomenal! The worker warned me ahead of time that my order might be late which is a very polite thing to do, but it still got to me on time before the due date.❞
Please write a review when an order is completed for you.
25 October 2022 - 5 months anniversary!
1 - 10 December 2022 - Next BoD election
Banner by @dgarcias_2010 done in Photopea (photopea.org). Font is Bodrum by Onur Güvener downloaded from 1001freefonts.com. Image hosting done by cdn2.scratch.mit.edu
All music credits to the staff.
(Some inspiration was taken in order to create this shop from Bee's Boutique, owned by @faeriie–)
The Piano Shop, as an independent shop found in Scratch's Requests forums, reserves the right to accepting partners and taking orders. Its owner reserves the right to hire, fire and promote employees as he/she/they wish, as well as to close the shop.
Any question on the shop's work can be asked at our official studio (link found above), as well as in this thread, or contacting the owner. If any person thinks The Piano Shop or any of its employees is not following Scratch's Community Guidelines, please inform the Scratch Team at once reporting this thread or using Contact Us
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (Jan. 31, 2023 17:29:46)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
Classical music
Soothing music
Melodic music
Electronic music
Videogame music
TV music
Pop-esc music
Original songs
Piano music made with Scratch Music blocks
Music explanations/tutorials (made in projects)
Music reviews (any genre)
Uploading music from the internet to Scratch.
Please notify the music styles you can create when you become an employee, so they can be added to this page
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre):
Product specifications (describe your order):
Should be done by:
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, due to the summer holidays):
Where should we contact you:
Have you read the Terms of Service:
Product ordered:
Employee that completed your order:
Rating (1-10):
Was it done on time:
Positive points:
Negative points:
Quote for the homepage (optional, but reccommended):
Alt accounts you are going to use (optional):
Activity level (1-10):
What products can you make (please notify your music genres):
Work examples:
Are you following this thread:
Why should we pick you:
Have you read the Terms of Service:
Shop name:
Shop link:
Shop banner link:
Partnership reasons:
Are you the owner:
Does the owner allow this partnership (if you're not the owner):
Are you leaving permanently:
Why are you leaving (if not personal):
When are you leaving:
When are you returning (if you're returning):
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (Aug. 2, 2022 07:41:03)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
Owner: @dgarcias_2010
Has a complete control over the shop, Can hire, fire, and is in charge of partnerships (and bumping when there is no Secretary). Can also send activity checks.
Secretary: @qwertyderf
Is in charge of bumping the thread (no more than every 24 hours) and checking activity.
Head of Classical Music: @dgarcias_2010
Leads all the classical musicians and takes the difficulter orders related to classical music.
Leads all the rock musicians and takes the difficulter orders related to rock.
Head of Pop: VACANT
Leads all the pop musicians and takes the difficulter orders related to pop.
Head of Electronic Music: VACANT
Leads all the electronic musicians and takes the difficulter orders related to electronic music.
Head of Musical Theory: VACANT
Must have great comprehension of music (and its theory) to make tutorials and explanations.
Head of Musical Programming: @dgarcias_2010
Must be able to program fluidly with the Scratch Music blocks, in order to create some melodies. Leads all the programmers.
Head of Musical Reviews: @dgarcias_2010
Must be impartial when listening to music, to review impartially the difficultest songs.
@dgarcias_2010/@dgarcias10 Classical music, musical reviews and programming
@OVERSWAPPAPYRUS Videogame and electronic music, original songs
@-_-GetGood* Videogame and TV music, other music styles
@qwertyderf Gaming music and sfx
@Loca_the_Cool Electronic music
@jboys846/@kidtabbyElectronic, TV and videogame music, sfx
* = Strike
^ = On leavePlease apply to work in this shop if you want to offer your musical skills. We're looking for staff!
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (Dec. 7, 2022 17:40:54)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
The United Shops of Scratch · Owned by @78ch3
Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation · Owned by @78ch3
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (Oct. 22, 2022 08:33:26)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
- Please be respectful and kind to anybody you find in this thread (other customers, employees…) Specially, employees, who are using some of their time to complete your orders.
- Follow at all times Scratch's Community Guidelines
- Music takes time to be done. Please give at least 1 week to employees when ordering a product. Also, please state clearly your order, as to not confuse the employees.
- Please do not spam the thread of this shop. if you do, you will be reported to the Scratch Team.
- When using a product ordered here, credit the user who made it and this shop, please.
- If you see someone not following this Terms of Service, please inform @dgarcias_2010
- Please stay respectful and polite with everyone at all times. If you don't, you'll receive 1 strike.
- NEVER disrespect or underdetermine anyone because of personal features (looks, pfp, gender, race, age, sexuality, looks…) If you do so, you will receive three strikes, be fired from the shop, and not be welcomed again.
- Please fill a leave form when leaving temporarily, unless it's something abrupt (injury, accident…) and you can't know before. Try to be exact when specifying the return date. If you do not, you will receive 1 strike, unless it's been something abrupt or it's lasting less than 3 days.
- Do not bump the thread unless you're the secretary (or owner, if the secretary is away). Spamming is not permitted. Blockspam isn't, as well. If you do so, you'll receive 1 strike.
- Try to respond to activity checks in less than 3 days. If you don't, you will receive 1 strike.
- Please accept the curator invitation to the official studio when you become an employee. If you don't, you will receive 1 strike.
- If you receive 1 strike, it will be marked with an asterisk (*) on the staff page, so as to be aware, and you will be removed from the manager post in the official studio, if you are one.
- If you receive 2 strikes, you will be removed from any Board of Directors position you have.
- If you receive 3 strikes, you will be fired from the shop and be asked to leave for 3 weeks. After that, you can reapply (but you have less posibilities of being admitted).
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (Oct. 26, 2022 16:08:18)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
Official studio link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31712065/
Our banner link:BUMP banner link:[img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/696487974_2000x1600.png[/img]Employee notice banner link:[img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/697819476_2000x1600.png[/img]Our shop description:[img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/704710866_480x360.png[/img][color=#565656]At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/dgarcias_2010/][color=#565656][u]@dgarcias_2010[/u][/color][/url] which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!
Our banner link:Our shop description:[img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/696487974_2000x1600.png[/img][color=#565656]At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/dgarcias_2010/][color=#565656][u]@dgarcias_2010[/u][/color][/url] which focuses on music. We provide music, musical programming, musical reviews and music tutorials/explanations.
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (June 13, 2022 17:38:15)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC
· UNTAKEN ORDERS ·If an order is untaken and a member of staff sees it, he/she/they should claim it, if they can do it.
· UNCOMPLETED ORDERS ·Post #506 - Taken by Loca_the_Cool and amazingscratchcoder (half completed)
Username: AnemoneIsAwesome
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): 4 Pieces, any length. They can be either Soothing or Melodic, or two of each.
Product specifications (describe your order): They should give a relaxing, happy vibe, since they will be used for a game I am making, which is a simple, relaxing rpg.
Should be done by: Any worker, I'm fine with whoever!! But preferably @amazingscratchcoder1 or @Unity_and_Cq
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, due to the summer holidays): 8 Weeks
Where should we contact you: On my profile
Have you read the Terms of Service: yep!!
I'm so excited to see what you create!! <3Post #545 - Taken by amazingscratchcoder (looking for someone to do it)
Username: 78ch3
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): electronic music
Product specifications (describe your order): The overall theme is something fast paced, motivating and distinctly electronic, with a mix of drums, synth, guitar and a bit of electric piano. It starts off with low intensity, then slowly begins ramping up and stays high intensity for a bit, then quickly dipping to low and ramping up to high before ending. Any reasonable length is acceptable.
Should be done by: any worker, as long as they do not take both orders.
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, due to the summer holidays): none
Where should we contact you: profile and here
Have you read the Terms of Service: yes
Other:Post #545 - Taken by -_-GetGood
Username: 78ch3
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): chill Lo-Fi music
Product specifications (describe your order): A slow paced, relaxing and low intensity song with soft drums, saxophone, synth and guitar, nothing crazy and you can do it however you want.
Should be done by: same as above
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, due to the summer holidays): none
Where should we contact you: profile and here
Have you read the Terms of Service: yes
Other:These are orders that have been taken, but have not been finished and are not overdue.
We currently have no overdue orders. These orders' deadlines have passed, and so, need to be completed quickly. If a member of staff sees an uncompleted order where he/she/they can help, they should offer to help with it to the employee that took it at our official studio.
Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (Oct. 29, 2022 10:18:54)
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫
Reserved for future use
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫
Reserved for future use
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫
Reserved for future use
- faeriie--
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: faeriie–
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): Piano music
Product specifications (describe your order): The music will be for an interactive coffee shop game I am making. The music should sound just like classical piano, kind of relaxing.
Should be done by: I don't mind.
Due date (minimum 1 week): 7th June, or ASAP.
Where should we contact you: My studio, found on my profile.
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes.
Other: Thank you!
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): Piano music
Product specifications (describe your order): The music will be for an interactive coffee shop game I am making. The music should sound just like classical piano, kind of relaxing.
Should be done by: I don't mind.
Due date (minimum 1 week): 7th June, or ASAP.
Where should we contact you: My studio, found on my profile.
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes.
Other: Thank you!
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: faeriie–
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): Piano music
Product specifications (describe your order): The music will be for an interactive coffee shop game I am making. The music should sound just like classical piano, kind of relaxing.
Should be done by: I don't mind.
Due date (minimum 1 week): 7th June, or ASAP.
Where should we contact you: My studio, found on my profile.
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes.
Other: Thank you!
- dgarcias10
6 posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: faeriie–
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): Piano music
Product specifications (describe your order): The music will be for an interactive coffee shop game I am making. The music should sound just like classical piano, kind of relaxing.
Should be done by: I don't mind.
Due date (minimum 1 week): 7th June, or ASAP.
Where should we contact you: My studio, found on my profile.
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes.
Other: Thank you!
Look at The Piano Shop orders to see your order completed. Your order code is cm1.
Note: I'm @dgarcias_2010's alt account (used for orders).
- faeriie--
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: faeriie–
Product ordered: Piano music
Employee that completed your order: dgarcias_2010
Rating (1-10): 10/10
Was it done on time: Yes, in fact it was a lot faster than I expected.
Positive points: The music is just what I was looking for, it fits the description exactly.
Negative points: It could have been better if it was a little longer, but this does not really matter that much.
Quote for the homepage (optional, but recommended): The order had been completed within a few hours, and the music is exactly what I was looking for. I will definitely come back.
Product ordered: Piano music
Employee that completed your order: dgarcias_2010
Rating (1-10): 10/10
Was it done on time: Yes, in fact it was a lot faster than I expected.
Positive points: The music is just what I was looking for, it fits the description exactly.
Negative points: It could have been better if it was a little longer, but this does not really matter that much.
Quote for the homepage (optional, but recommended): The order had been completed within a few hours, and the music is exactly what I was looking for. I will definitely come back.
- a_full_time_weirdo
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: @a_full_time_weirdo
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): I don't have a preference as long as there are no lyrics.
Product specifications (describe your order): I need something to go along with my project here. Probably something dark, grunge…just something that will fit the vibe. As long as there are no lyrics, it fits the vibe, and it's a job well-done I will give y'all a 10/10.
Should be done by: a week from now, I guess.
Due date (minimum 1 week): A week from now should be June 6, 2022.
Where should we contact you: Here, I'll follow the thread
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes, but you're freaking me out since there is no codeword.
Other: n/a
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): I don't have a preference as long as there are no lyrics.
Product specifications (describe your order): I need something to go along with my project here. Probably something dark, grunge…just something that will fit the vibe. As long as there are no lyrics, it fits the vibe, and it's a job well-done I will give y'all a 10/10.
Should be done by: a week from now, I guess.
Due date (minimum 1 week): A week from now should be June 6, 2022.
Where should we contact you: Here, I'll follow the thread
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes, but you're freaking me out since there is no codeword.
Other: n/a
- Codingcomputers8000
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: Codingcomputers8000
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): In the hall of the mountain king
Product specifications (describe your order): In the hall of the mountain king in a scratch project for me to use in my game
Should be done by: I don’t mind, as long as it’s done
Due date (minimum 1 week): July 1 (I’m in no rush)
Where should we contact you: In this shop
Have you read the Terms of Service: yes, of course
Other: none, thank you!
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): In the hall of the mountain king
Product specifications (describe your order): In the hall of the mountain king in a scratch project for me to use in my game
Should be done by: I don’t mind, as long as it’s done
Due date (minimum 1 week): July 1 (I’m in no rush)
Where should we contact you: In this shop
Have you read the Terms of Service: yes, of course
Other: none, thank you!
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: @a_full_time_weirdo
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): I don't have a preference as long as there are no lyrics.
Product specifications (describe your order): I need something to go along with my project here. Probably something dark, grunge…just something that will fit the vibe. As long as there are no lyrics, it fits the vibe, and it's a job well-done I will give y'all a 10/10.
Should be done by: a week from now, I guess.
Due date (minimum 1 week): A week from now should be June 6, 2022.
Where should we contact you: Here, I'll follow the thread
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes, but you're freaking me out since there is no codeword.
Other: n/a
I'll try my best!
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: Codingcomputers8000
Product you would like to order (if music, please specify the genre): In the hall of the mountain king
Product specifications (describe your order): In the hall of the mountain king in a scratch project for me to use in my game
Should be done by: I don’t mind, as long as it’s done
Due date (minimum 1 week): July 1 (I’m in no rush)
Where should we contact you: In this shop
Have you read the Terms of Service: yes, of course
Other: none, thank you!
Sorry, could you specify better your order?
I have some questions you should anwer to get your order done perfectly:
- Should it be just the original song, or an arrangement?
- Should it have lyrics, or just the music (for a background music)?
- Can it be copied just from Internet, or does it have to be made byme (because I don't know that song much)?
If you don't answer this, I'm afraid I will not be able to do your order. Sorry!
- dgarcias_2010
100+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫

- Dragon_TheAssasin
1000+ posts
♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Accepting orders and staff! ♫♫ Moving threads soon! ♫♫
Username: Dragon_TheAssasin
Alt accounts you are going to use (optional): nope, none! one is on my profile but thats for refs and i dont communicate there!
Activity level (1-10): 8
What products can you make (please notify your music genres): electronic
Work examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/560803803/
Are you following this thread: yup
Why should we pick you: i am improving at music and would like to help others find music they love!
Have you read the Terms of Service: mhm!
Other: amogus
Alt accounts you are going to use (optional): nope, none! one is on my profile but thats for refs and i dont communicate there!
Activity level (1-10): 8
What products can you make (please notify your music genres): electronic
Work examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/560803803/
Are you following this thread: yup
Why should we pick you: i am improving at music and would like to help others find music they love!
Have you read the Terms of Service: mhm!
Other: amogus