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100+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

sukune wrote:

I have a 3 in 1 ruby colored console from a store that shut down years ago that played NES, SNES, and N64 without issue, does anyone know what those things are called? its actually kinda small and it looked pretty simple. i dont use it anymore since i emulate the games through a modded wii but its stored up somewhere.
My brother has a red knock-off gameboy 400-in-1 that plays trashy NES and Sega Genesis (somehow loaded into it, not cartridges) games and it makes me cringe at the bad quality.
I have something similar

The Sup 400-in-1
It has a wired controller for player 2

Here's the box

Back of the box

It has Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario 14, it's just missing a few Mario games

Game list:

basically my little bro's, but “sup” instead of red.

MOVED TO @_staticcord
100+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

Yoshkid0909 wrote:

TheNothingBird wrote:

Yoshkid0909 wrote:

<img src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/dEAAAOSwm9lbkF9W/s-l400.jpg“ alt=”Rare Mario Plush Flash Sales, UP TO 56% OFF | www.ldeventos.com"/>

I think I saw this at 7/11 once lol.
non-nose mario
But for some reason this bootleg plush reminds me of the sm64 plushies (which are official!) for absolutely no reason.

the banpresto ones or the bd&a ones?
The bd&a ones for no reason.

anyways heres the chipflake sonic 3 and knuckles 12 month thing

100+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

sukune wrote:

I have a 3 in 1 ruby colored console from a store that shut down years ago that played NES, SNES, and N64 without issue, does anyone know what those things are called? its actually kinda small and it looked pretty simple. i dont use it anymore since i emulate the games through a modded wii but its stored up somewhere.
My brother has a red knock-off gameboy 400-in-1 that plays trashy NES and Sega Genesis (somehow loaded into it, not cartridges) games and it makes me cringe at the bad quality.
I have something similar

The Sup 400-in-1
It has a wired controller for player 2

Here's the box

Back of the box

It has Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario 14, it's just missing a few Mario games

Game list:

No way! I probably seen those consoles at the exact same Mexican-type flea market i got that bootleg NES. There is an red version too. speaking of that bootleg nes, i will supply images of it later.

Last edited by TheNothingBird (May 14, 2022 18:10:20)

anyways heres the chipflake sonic 3 and knuckles 12 month thing

100+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

TheNothingBird wrote:

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

sukune wrote:

I have a 3 in 1 ruby colored console from a store that shut down years ago that played NES, SNES, and N64 without issue, does anyone know what those things are called? its actually kinda small and it looked pretty simple. i dont use it anymore since i emulate the games through a modded wii but its stored up somewhere.
My brother has a red knock-off gameboy 400-in-1 that plays trashy NES and Sega Genesis (somehow loaded into it, not cartridges) games and it makes me cringe at the bad quality.
I have something similar

The Sup 400-in-1
It has a wired controller for player 2

Here's the box

Back of the box

It has Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario 14, it's just missing a few Mario games

Game list:

No way! I probably seen those consoles at the exact same Mexican-type flea market i got that bootleg NES. There is an red version too. speaking of that bootleg nes, i will supply images of it later.
I think the red one my brother has is unamed. I will name it…
Game Tomato! (It is tomato red)

MOVED TO @_staticcord
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

sukune wrote:

I have a 3 in 1 ruby colored console from a store that shut down years ago that played NES, SNES, and N64 without issue, does anyone know what those things are called? its actually kinda small and it looked pretty simple. i dont use it anymore since i emulate the games through a modded wii but its stored up somewhere.
My brother has a red knock-off gameboy 400-in-1 that plays trashy NES and Sega Genesis (somehow loaded into it, not cartridges) games and it makes me cringe at the bad quality.
I have something similar

The Sup 400-in-1
It has a wired controller for player 2

Here's the box

Back of the box

It has Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario 14, it's just missing a few Mario games

Game list:

Okay that looks kinda cool.

Crunchyroll should never be allowed to host Miku Expo ever again.
100+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

oh. my. god.
This is what I mean by oh my god.

MOVED TO @_staticcord
100+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

Yoshkid0909 wrote:

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

sukune wrote:

I have a 3 in 1 ruby colored console from a store that shut down years ago that played NES, SNES, and N64 without issue, does anyone know what those things are called? its actually kinda small and it looked pretty simple. i dont use it anymore since i emulate the games through a modded wii but its stored up somewhere.
My brother has a red knock-off gameboy 400-in-1 that plays trashy NES and Sega Genesis (somehow loaded into it, not cartridges) games and it makes me cringe at the bad quality.
I have something similar

The Sup 400-in-1
It has a wired controller for player 2

Here's the box

Back of the box

It has Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario 14, it's just missing a few Mario games

Game list:

Okay that looks kinda cool.
It may look cool, but it is awful

Hello, I am a person who likes retro games, I also like am interested in bootleg games for some reason. My favorite animals are Axolotl and Platypus.
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

Yoshkid0909 wrote:

TheCorgiGuy wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

sukune wrote:

I have a 3 in 1 ruby colored console from a store that shut down years ago that played NES, SNES, and N64 without issue, does anyone know what those things are called? its actually kinda small and it looked pretty simple. i dont use it anymore since i emulate the games through a modded wii but its stored up somewhere.
My brother has a red knock-off gameboy 400-in-1 that plays trashy NES and Sega Genesis (somehow loaded into it, not cartridges) games and it makes me cringe at the bad quality.
I have something similar

The Sup 400-in-1
It has a wired controller for player 2

Here's the box

Back of the box

It has Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario 14, it's just missing a few Mario games

Game list:

Okay that looks kinda cool.
It may look cool, but it is awful
Yeah thats what I figured

Crunchyroll should never be allowed to host Miku Expo ever again.
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

I have an arcade cabinet that runs 24000+ games (not exaggerating) and among them are a few bootlegs and ROMs
Such as the famous Mario 10 (AKA Kung Fu Mari)

There are a few others- mostly Sonic reskins that add different characters, such as this one which adds a character who cannot jump high enough to get past the first enemy of the game lol

Last edited by Polargaming64 (May 14, 2022 21:21:32)

I’m Polar! I’m an artist and designer. When I’m not drawing, I am usually playing video games (my favorite is Persona 4 Golden). I’m currently playing Yakuza Kiwami 2, The Talos Principle and Bendy and the Dark Revival.
You can find me in a few forums, but mainly the Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo ones.
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

Polargaming64 wrote:

There are a few others- mostly Sonic reskins that add different characters, such as this one which adds a character who cannot jump high enough to get past the first enemy of the game lol
that's chip from chip's challenge

1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

TheGlassPenguin wrote:

Polargaming64 wrote:

There are a few others- mostly Sonic reskins that add different characters, such as this one which adds a character who cannot jump high enough to get past the first enemy of the game lol
that's chip from chip's challenge
Yeah lol. There’s also a Kirby skin and some others

I’m Polar! I’m an artist and designer. When I’m not drawing, I am usually playing video games (my favorite is Persona 4 Golden). I’m currently playing Yakuza Kiwami 2, The Talos Principle and Bendy and the Dark Revival.
You can find me in a few forums, but mainly the Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo ones.
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

Polargaming64 wrote:

I have an arcade cabinet that runs 24000+ games (not exaggerating)
*cabinet actually contains about 200 games or less repeated with different names
that's what most bootlegs with absurd amounts of games do

《 ? | aug 9 | ravenclaw | a | shift+down for more signature》

(+-(▪_▪ :: looks)-+ :: sound)// this is kumquat eater. she eats kumquats.

70 posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

boy got that drip fr


Last edited by Anochel (May 17, 2022 14:03:40)

wow that is really cool
500+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

Yoshkid0909 wrote:

cookie_coder04 wrote:

oh. my. god.
This is what I mean by oh my god.

Yes, but it's nowhere near this masterpiece https://www.google.com/search?q=bootleg+spongebob&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=A1H276JZhTfT0M%252CUXJ-VRBLrfWTmM%252C_%253BkhD7Nuflni4R7M%252CrTmnyb3ikTYnJM%252C_%253BGWTI4-WVLHkZaM%252Cq_mDTwmX2K74jM%252C_%253B2ojN5vftzc0sTM%252C5nAZoOgyDaQbRM%252C_%253BiqU9j1ul3JMxHM%252CYwGeWcuP-k_NmM%252C_%253Bd11Zg14bI6hSbM%252CcaO_4-VZktC4yM%252C_%253BGJPAwT4ynYV65M%252CpRV-WMw8C1AdIM%252C_%253B65JjYUlgpYRlFM%252C1MQji3rHmpMWGM%252C_%253BliTz-8xob5HHJM%252C6r1ErsrOPNhZBM%252C_%253BrQ3FXKtyMvLw0M%252CsbWGs1QEJotEiM%252C_%253BZ5RdF5VEt1QZkM%252CzpyEndd0T3rTDM%252C_%253BrMhWN2haXyzMiM%252C8ZgG9HBzvjE4LM%252C_%253BR2UBcTZ18I-B7M%252CdS-F0e_y4h_8EM%252C_%253Bx7xcLm5xKoreaM%252CnoTWDObmnd4ysM%252C_%253BiQYSFEjI_YEvWM%252Cohh1GExNnLsG9M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSdA5RkyKjJLlkBXseZsOCofTelAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLnbGZ7t_3AhVdJjQIHd98DTUQ9QF6BAgoEAE&biw=1470&bih=750&dpr=0.9&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=GWTI4-WVLHkZaM
Why. Just why.

Best griffpatch parodies
Got hooked on alcohol when I was a kid, now I'm drunk and nothing's changed! My day job involves drinking. In my spare time I love making games, being drunk & dancing in church.

- kat-coder
Got hooked on griffpatch when I was a kid, now I'm a griffpatch and nothing's changed! My day job involves griffpatch. In my spare time I love making griffpatch, griffpatch & griffpatch.

- unknown
Best of griffpatch
“Oh no.”
“You've just lost a lot of progress.”
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Join date: Wed, Oct 24, 2012
Possible browser: Chrome 101
Possible OS: Windows 10
Follower count (as of May 23, 2022): 376,971 (live)
All stats from scratchstats.com.
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I thought politics was a bunch of old guys yelling at each other's whether or not we should kill babies and let random people have murder machines (aka guns).
Wait… If old people yelling isn't a part of politics then why was Trump on the news so often?
i wish i joined scratch years ago but i forgot about it.
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

-gge wrote:

Polargaming64 wrote:

I have an arcade cabinet that runs 24000+ games (not exaggerating)
*cabinet actually contains about 200 games or less repeated with different names
that's what most bootlegs with absurd amounts of games do
Surprisingly no, it’s all unique games. Basically every game up to the PSP somehow

I’m Polar! I’m an artist and designer. When I’m not drawing, I am usually playing video games (my favorite is Persona 4 Golden). I’m currently playing Yakuza Kiwami 2, The Talos Principle and Bendy and the Dark Revival.
You can find me in a few forums, but mainly the Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo ones.
1000+ posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

Polargaming64 wrote:

-gge wrote:

Polargaming64 wrote:

I have an arcade cabinet that runs 24000+ games (not exaggerating)
*cabinet actually contains about 200 games or less repeated with different names
that's what most bootlegs with absurd amounts of games do
Surprisingly no, it’s all unique games. Basically every game up to the PSP somehow

what consoles does it emulate

Crunchyroll should never be allowed to host Miku Expo ever again.
70 posts

The New Bootlegs, Knockoffs, and Parodies Thread

sanic on steriods
the cursed sonk himself

wow that is really cool

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